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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Special Meeting — January 18, 2012 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. South Bend Central Development Area <br />(5) continued... <br />responded that the range has been presented <br />as 16,000 to 24,000. Mr. John Earnest has <br />not settled completely with the Veterans <br />Administration on exactly how much square <br />footage it will take. ACS will start out with <br />perhaps 18,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. initially. The <br />building, with the upstairs and downstairs is <br />a total of about 64,000 sq. ft. so that as <br />ACS'S services expand in the future, it will <br />expand in that building for at least the next <br />five -year period. <br />Mr. Varner asked if the lease would reflect <br />that the remainder of the 64,000 sft would be <br />held for ACS, or could it be rented to another <br />tenant. Mr. Inks responded that the unused <br />space will be the city's to hold or lease out. <br />Mr. Varner asked if the VA clinic will <br />provide rehab work or primary care at this <br />location. Mr. John Earnest responded this <br />facility will provide primary care, lab, x -ray, <br />psychiatric, and a pretty large cadre of <br />services there. The intent is to bring to South <br />Bend the services currently offered in Fort <br />Wayne and Marian. ACS serves a 14 county <br />area and has over 8,000 veterans enrolled in <br />its clinic. It's one of the largest contracted <br />clinics the VA has. <br />Mr. Downes questioned if there was any data <br />in about the economic impact of the current <br />VA clinic on the restaurants and retail <br />establishments around the clinic. Though <br />there isn't any hard data, Mr. Rich Earnest <br />offered anecdotal data from Goshen and <br />15 <br />