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Community and Economic Development Committee <br />January 28, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />Following discussion, Council Member Puzzello made a motion, seconded by Council <br />Member White that Bill No. 05-08 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion <br />passed. <br />Bill No. 07-08: Appropriation Request of $100,000 Within UDAG Fund, Fund # 410 <br />of the Department of Community and Economic Development <br />Council Member Dieter called for a formal presentation on Bill No. 07-08 which would <br />appropriate $100,000 within the UDAG Fund, Fund # 410 of the Department of <br />Community and Economic Development for the purpose of providing predevelopment <br />costs for potential development projects within the City of South Bend. <br />Elizabeth Leonard, Director of Financial & Program Management for Community & <br />Economic Development made the formal presentation. She noted that the <br />predevelopment costs would include such items as market studies, appraisals, <br />preliminary site plans, surveys, title work, environmental students, etc. which would be <br />necessary to determine the feasibility of a project in determining whether it should or <br />could proceed ahead. Ms. Leonard noted that past expenditures were as follows: <br />$11,000 in 2007 $51,000 in 2004 <br />$ -0- in 2006 $82,000 in 2003 <br />$24,000 in 2005 <br />She noted that the amounts fluctuate based on the types of projects. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Dieter, Ms. Leonard stated that the <br />BDC payment is also included and that the following amounts have been spent: <br />$1 million for the KROC Center <br />$1 million for Potawatomi Zoo <br />$2 million remaining <br />In response to a question from Council Member Henry Davis, Ms. Leonard stated that <br />they never know what will come up and that the timing and the situations vary. <br />Don Inks, Director of the Division of Economic Development, stated that this year they <br />know better than previous years since expenditures for right-of-way purchase, economic <br />impact analysis for Eddy Street Commons will go forward this year. They may need to <br />come back for additional funds if necessary. <br />Council Member Henry Davis requested a copy of what plans they plan to do this <br />calendar year. <br />