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locations shown on plans and specifications heretofore adopted by <br /> the Board of Public �orks and Safety of said City on May 31� 1949. <br /> 3. All material furnished bq the Contractor shall remain <br /> the property of the Contractor and may be removed at the termination <br /> of this agreement, if the Contractor so desires. <br /> L�. Contractor shall keep each and every lamp contracted <br /> for in operation during the time provided and the City map make <br /> deduction for failure to operate any one or more of said lamps in <br /> the Pollowing manner: <br /> For all outages which shall be reported dailp in writing <br /> to the Contractor by the proper officers vf the City, the City may <br /> deduct Prom the total monthly amount which would have been paid £or <br /> a�y lamp had no outage occurred a sum bearing the ratio to such <br /> total as the period of outage bears to the total time the lamps <br /> should have been lighted in any month; pronided, however, that <br /> should the lighting of any lamp or lamps be stopped by unavoidable <br /> accident� the Contractor shall be allowed tvPenty-four hours after <br /> notice by the C1ty of the outage in which to again light such lamp <br /> or lamps without being liable to deduction as above provided. <br /> 5. It is further agreed that lamps, after having been <br /> installed in accordance with said plans and specifications, shall <br /> be moved by the Contr2ctor to such new locations as the proper <br /> officer of the City may by writing direct, sub3ect, howener, to the <br /> folloe�ing conditions: <br /> Such moving of lamps shall be completed within ten days <br /> after receipt by the Contractor of written notice fron the proper <br /> officer of the Citq (Sundays, legal holidays, and stormy days not <br /> to be counted) , provided that the number of such removals shall not <br /> exceed one per day and provided, further that such removals of such <br /> -3- <br />