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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> in South Bend. James mentioned the microloan program we are working on. We are also making <br /> headway with the impending launch of the West Side Businesses Resource Center, which you <br /> should be getting an invite to the Grand Opening next Wednesday. We created this in collaboration <br /> with SOAR and other partners. Behind this is the constant hum of continuous improvement on our <br /> desire to provide exceptional customer service to the buildings and developers that we interact <br /> with.I get to come in and show you gorgeous renderings of new office buildings or spec buildings, <br /> but behind that are hundreds of hours and weeks and months of hard work and working externally <br /> with companies and internally with Engineering and Public Works to make sure this comes <br /> together and creates great outcomes for the City. We are always willing to help our customers <br /> navigate City services, provide constant and consistent support of business and economic <br /> development resources that attract, retain and expand local businesses, with the goal of adding <br /> jobs, raising wages and increasing investment here in the City. <br /> Alkeyna Aldridge, Director of Engagement and Economic Empowerment for the Department of <br /> Community Investment with offices on the 14th floor of the County-City Building,stated,As James <br /> mentioned, we're a new team that is only eight (8) months old. Sonia has only been here since <br /> March, so we're really proud of the fact that we've been able to leverage our salaries by over a <br /> ratio of one(1)to one (1). For 2019,we're looking forward to utilizing the additional capacity that <br /> the AmeriCorps members will bring to us for the Love Your Block program, as well as United <br /> Way AmeriCorps members that we'll be welcoming to our team as well. We want to leverage the <br /> capacity there to get out into neighborhoods directly. There is no silver bullet, the only way to <br /> build relationships and really understand what the folks need is to get out and talk to them. <br /> Specifically, we're talking about populations that are most in need and are the hardest to reach. <br /> They're not coming to City Hall,we have to go to them. With the position proposal,we're hoping <br /> they can also help to leverage the capacity of those additional staff members that are coming in to <br /> us through external resources. Secondly, we want to identify more City programs that are good <br /> candidates for rigorous evaluations. We're quantifying the benefits and collecting data that can be <br /> leveraged for additional external funds. Some examples of that is what we've done with our City <br /> VG reform this year and the partnership we have with MIT and their Poverty Action Lab, so we <br /> want to continue that. We're also excited about the relationships we're building with the regional <br /> banks around the work they're doing with the low to moderate income population and figuring out <br /> how we can unlock additional capital and resources. Specifically,how it relates to homeownership <br /> and business ownership. As we know, those are really the only two (2) ways to move that needle <br /> with relation to economic mobility and the race gap. <br /> Pam Meyer, Director of Neighborhood Development for the Department of Community <br /> Investment with offices on the le floor of the County-City Building stated, I have a team of five <br /> (5) people and their time is spent doing direct service to residents in our community in a variety <br /> of programs. In a broader sense, neighborhood development in 2019 has a large role in advancing <br /> the neighborhood and housing development program that James had spoken about. In fact, we <br /> were an advance team by having a lot of work that we'd done previously on the 1000 homes in <br /> 1000 days and demolishing and readying vacant properties for this opportunity. We're looking to <br /> help partner with Planning and our other team members to address issues related to strategies in <br /> terms of the use of vacant land, development opportunities, and financing. Secondly, I am going <br /> to say that we will be celebrating the opening of the Gateway Center for coordinated entry and <br /> weather amnesty services. That is a big piece of our role in terms of working with agencies locally <br /> and providing the resources for that service. The third (3rd) is assuming a successful federal <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.92211f574.235.9173 I TTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 10 <br />