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��� <br /> Alex Andrze�ewski 1.55 A, G, bleier Co 4.10 <br /> � Amer. LaFrance Foanite Co 12.69 A. G. Meier Co 58.9� <br /> Charles J. Burns 17�+.90 A. G, t�eier Co 1.00 <br /> Business Systems� Inc �.94 Midwest Fire & Safety Co 3.5� <br /> Elkhart Brass Mfg. Co 79.9$ riidwest Fire & Safety Co 60�.00 <br /> FiweY Brothers 3d+.00 Northern Indiana Pub. Ser. 59.63 <br /> Fiwek Brothers 170.00 Nor. Ind. Wholesale Grocery 16,�5 <br /> Gerber Hanufcaturing �0 93.25 Sheehan Tire Company 22.�+9 <br /> Hurwich Iron Co �+.00 Ed�aard S, Shelley� 2•7D 9.00 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone Co 7.88 0. J. Shoer�aker 23.85 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone Co 7.13 W. L. Welch 6.6�+ <br /> A, G. Meier Co 82.20 Wesners Harley Davidson 68.50 <br /> � A. G, Meier Co 199. 50 Weisberger Brothers 13.61 <br /> A, G. Meier Co 58•90 Gerber b4anufacturing Co 360.50 <br /> FIRE DEPARTN,ENT: Chief Andrzejewski was present and matters pertaining to his <br /> department were discussed, <br /> Application to the Fire Department were received and ordered £iled for <br /> ILoseph Leonard Janowski, Chester Michael GJegenka and John Joseph Peszkowski. <br /> POLICE DEPARTI�NT: _ Chief Trevey was present and matters pertaining to his <br /> department were discussed. <br /> The application to the Police Department of Leo Casimer Kwasneski was <br /> received and ordered filed. <br /> A Special Police Bond renewal was approved and ordered filed for Edward <br /> J, Luther. <br /> Rev. Sumrall appeared before the Board to ask permission to erect a tent <br /> at A;ichigan and Haney Streets for the purpose of holding religious meetings. <br /> Permission was granted for the monthos of Julp and August� 19�+9. <br /> Chapter #6 of the Disabled American Veterans asked permission to sell <br /> £lowers on the City Streets on August 26th and 2�th. Per�ission was granted. <br /> ' ELECTRICAL DEPARTi-�PdT: Nir. 14illiam Qualls� Superintendent� was present and <br /> matters pertaining to his departraent were discussed. <br /> A petition t•ras received asking for street lights to be installed on <br /> Sheridan Avenue fron Huron to Ford Streets� also on Sheridan Avenue fron <br /> 4lestern Avenue to Sariple Streets and on Dunhan Street fron 4lestern Avenue <br /> to Sample Street. These were referred to Mr. Qualls for investigation and <br /> report. <br /> Mr. Qualls informed the Board that the follvwing lightsat Pleasant Street <br /> and 31st Street and on Cherry and Napier Street and at the intersection o£ <br /> 0'Brien and Bulla Streets have been installed and are now in service. <br />