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259 � <br /> Dccember 2�� 1>4n <br /> A regular �eeting of the Board of Fublic Safety ��as held on ;Conday� <br /> December 2�� 1°L8 at 10:00 A.;:. Al1 meTM�ers �aere pre�ent. P:inutes of thc <br /> last meetin�; �rere re�d and approvec?, Clair.:s of the follo�aing suppliers <br /> in the amount of a1�190.71i- �rere. approved and ordered : <br /> l�od�rgu�rd i:fg. Co, `� 2'].']3 Plor. Ind. Pub. �er, Co, u 52,0£3 <br /> Bodyguard h'f�, Co. 2'7.63 Peltz-I:aufer Co. �-.84 <br /> City �later �;;orLs '7.16 i oyal Typetirriter Co, 121.13 <br /> Engle�aood �lec. Supply Co. �+,84 Sheehan Tire Service 19&'.1F6 <br /> General Sheet I:etal Co, 3,15 Sheehan Tire Service 186,01t <br /> ' �ohn B, Iiite 120,00 Sheehan Tire Service 10�.20 <br /> John B, Hite 120,00 Sheehan iire :�ervice 160.�+0 <br /> i:cCo;�b Battery Co, 1E3,8�F South �3end Sup�-,lf Co, 5,24 <br /> PTF,t, D�PAP.Ttrr:IdT: ChieP Andrzejc`rsl;i tras present ar.d matters pertainin; <br /> to his d.epartrent ti:ere discussed. <br /> tililliar� Frederick t!yers� a r;e:�bcr of the �ire De,:artroent, presented <br /> his resignation fror said depart!�ent aft�r havin;; _erved t��renty-five years, <br /> The Foard accepted nis resi�nation� �rhich is to becomc efrective Pebruary 1� <br /> 111F9. <br /> Applications for the Fire Departr�ent tirere ap,r.roved and ordered filed <br /> for Leo �ufe:^i and t:;illian i!arshall �isher, <br /> POLICF D�P[1HT2"EiiT: Chief iverett ��as presert ar.d r.,at�ers pertaining to i�is <br /> depastrent ���ere discus�ed, <br /> ^tne Chief presented his report for the nonth of i,over.�Uer� 19�+$. <br /> � Special police corr.?issions bonds �rere approved and ordered filed °or <br /> Rocl: i:c::anus� John J. B:eit� ilinor rreidline� Joseph t:i. ?'cltstein� T;orr:an <br /> �J, Diet°ich� ':lalter �uzzard� Clarence Lngel, �r�ery Badics and t7illia_�: <br /> Pdichols. . <br /> EL�C:RTCAL D�P��Rii'.?ii=: I!r. �:lilliar! Qualls� Superintendent� �:�as pre�ent <br /> and r^_atters pertainirg to l:is depart:~ent :rcre discus^ed. <br /> There �einr no further bu�iness to core before the Bnard� the neetin� <br /> �ras adjourned at 11:30 :.ii. <br /> ATTESi: �� <br /> �.Q-�.,��.c�i° C?�a man <br /> � Clcr}; . <br /> Dece^ber 30� 19�8 <br /> A special rneeting of the �;o�rd of Puolic Safct�� tiras held on Tliursday� <br /> Dece^:ber 30� 1°48 at 10:00 A.�:. All mer:bers �;erc pre�ent. The follotiring <br /> cl'ims of suppliers in tne ar. ount of ,a1t�615.11 �::cre approved and ordered <br /> paid: <br /> Ace Floor Covering Shop a175.00 Ind, � I_ich. �lec. Co. � 9�+.20 <br /> Bearine� Service Co, 3.25 II. J. F:o114r 8,C0 <br /> T�elleville Lu^�ber Co. 7.65 A, G, i'.eier L` Co, 54,00 <br /> Business SSrster.:s 154.84 A. G. 2'eier � Co. . 1��.20 <br /> Eusiness �;;stc^s .9£3 7,79 <br /> Fsusincss �;�ster:s 17.E7 �heeliun Tire Service 113.15 <br /> ' City ':?ater ':lor':s � 68�,9� Sr:o�or Lv��er Co. 2.00 <br /> City [later `:ior:;s 69.08 �outh �end Sup;1;* Co. 11.2� <br /> City !;later i;orks 1+3,83 South Ler_d Suppl,r Co. 25,09 <br /> City ':Jater 'rlorl:s 818. 56 Star.dard Aatonotivc Supply 14,']B <br /> Continental Oil Co, E0. 53 . Stand�rd Gutor..otive Suppl;,r �.�8 <br /> Continental Oil Co, 665.60 Stephenson Corporation 22,22 <br /> Gerber i:anufacturi�a� Co. 175.50 Tatich �:;eldin; Co, 13.50 <br /> Gcrber I_anufacturino Co, 1&1.00 ?-Ie�ner II�rley-Dnvidson 938,60 <br /> GerUcr i"anu£a�turino �o, 110,00 Indiana ?ell Telenhone 7.88 <br /> Ind. � I:ich, c,lec. Co, lb. j2 Ind. �: 2.ich. Elec, Co. 2.28 <br /> Ind, � I`ich. ilec. Co. 30.C8 <br />