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� <br /> 25�� <br /> The Chief inforned the Board that he �rould liY.e to purchase t�roneta <br /> . cars for the Police Department and trade in tero old ones and the Clerl: of <br /> the Board �aas directed to advertise for said cars oaith �ids to be return- <br /> able on December 13� 19�+8. <br /> LEGAL DEPARTP�'P1T: A letter wa� received fro:� Irving J. �ith� Attorney� <br /> notifying the Board that he ��as representing Flora and Henry Kappes. Flora <br /> Kappes incurred injuries on the sidewalk in front of 114 South t�aple Street <br /> on October 3� 1°48 and a clain �rill be �:ade against the City. <br /> A letter ��ras received froM rirs. Ray Homine informin� the Board that <br /> 'she sustained injuries when she fell on the cross�aalk of 4Tashinbton and <br /> r":ichigan Streets on Pdovember 15� 1948. <br /> ELECTRICAL DFPARiT��I�T: i.r. �7illiam Qualls� Superintender.t� tras present <br /> and Matters pertaining to his department taere discu�sed. <br /> A petition for a street li^ht on Idorth Pfeade Street Bettreen Lincoln <br /> I�Jay i:'est and Bonds .Lvenue was referred to :1r, Qualls for investigation <br /> and report. <br /> P.r, Rualls recor:r:ended the insta.11ation of a street li;ht on Parry <br /> Street a,nd Plorth Side Eoulevard and also a light at Sherrill and Chapin <br /> Streets. The Boar3 approved said installations and directed 2ir, �ualls <br /> to order the li^nts installed. <br /> r:r. Qualls inforr.;ed thc Eoard that lights ordcred in at -ilapoleon <br /> and Eddy Street s and Good Place and Riverside Drive had been co�pleted <br /> and were no��r in service. <br /> There being no further business to co^�e before the Boc:rd� the meeting <br /> was adjourned at 11 :45 A.,'�. <br /> ATTEST: -�j <br /> '/! <br /> airMan <br /> C erk <br /> Idovenber 2g� 1948 <br /> 11 regular r�eetino of the Board of Public 3aicty iaas held on Ilonday� <br /> November 29� 19�+8 at 10:00 A,?1. All mer.:Uers :�ere present. 2linutes of the <br /> last r�eeting :tere read and approved. Claims of thc £olloiaing suppliers <br /> in the amount of Y2�d-F5,3� tiaere approved and orlered paid: <br /> Associated Rescarch � 18.59 Cecil I:cHenry � i 15.00 <br /> Ben Bajdek 10.00 L. [1. IicICinley �+2,50 <br /> Bodyguard ;:f�. Co, 15.00 i�or. Ind. Pub. Ser, Co, 1.00 <br /> Business Syste*�s 1.'J6 Radio Distributing Co, 6� 5� <br /> Business S�*steMS 35.�8 '_tecre�tion Lquipr.:ent Co, 16. 50 <br /> City :7ater i:'orl;s 22,66 ;-Jillia:� ;othe 2.25 <br /> City ?�;ater ;�Iorlrs 10,48 Let�is C. Rouri;e �+,?_8 <br /> H�rry T. Everett 19.�+0 Sheehan iire Service 157.70 <br /> 1he Ga�et�ell Ccrpany 3. 53 Sheehan Tire 3ervice 60,29 <br /> Ben Feferman P-:otor S:les 3. 55 Sheehan Tirc �ervice 3. 50 <br /> L. 0. Gates 25,00 Sheehan iire Service 115.00 <br /> Hux�.rich Iron CoMpany 50.00 Sheehan Tire Service 62,60 <br /> Indiana Eel.l Telephone 97.13 Sheehan Tire Service 35.11 <br /> ;Ir�. Lodyga P; Son 172.30 Sheehan Tire Service 51, 52 <br /> LJr:, Lodyga & Son 195.00 S.^..000r Lu.-�ber Co, 120,40 <br /> t:ar Fharnacy 3.00 South Ecnd X-Ray Laboratory 18.00 <br /> A. G. P-!eier & Co, 210.95 Standasd Oil Company 12.84 <br /> L'ecCaffery Conpany 5.88 E, H. Tepe Co. 13.55 <br /> DlcClave Frinting Co, ']5.00 J. E. ?,,'alz Garage 228.55 <br /> I�.cClavePrinting Co, 43. 50 Y.ii,C.A. 60.00 <br /> r^I?�E DEPARTifEIIT: Chief Pndrze�etirsvi taas present and natters pertainin� to <br /> his depart:^ent ��ere discus�ed. <br /> Jo�eph J. ��'egen?;a t;as appointed as a prob�tionary �:ember of the Fire <br /> Departrent for a period of six r�onths� durin� ,•rhich ti:�e he shall receive <br /> the compensation of ren on a probationary basis� effective Decenber 1� 1948. <br />