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�50 � <br /> � <br /> FOLICE DEPAR^1P,'ETdT: Chief Everett tras present and matters pertaining to � <br /> his department were discussed. • � <br /> Chief �.verett informed the Board� by written report� that Officer <br /> Peter i:arko had been strucY, by a car� at the intersection of Colfax and <br /> LaFayette Boulevard� �ahile on traffic duty. His injuries vrere not serious, <br /> The Eoard approved the appointment of Helen Eleanor pobecY.i as an <br /> Auxiliary Policetaomam ef£ective Novex�ber 9� 19�-8. <br /> ELECTRICAL DEP�IRTP�i�.NT: i�ir. ��dilliam Qualls� 5uperintendent, t•�as present <br /> and matters pertaining to his departnent were discussed. <br /> A petition £or a str'eet light at Tlorth Side Boulevard and 36th ' <br /> Street and was referred to rSr, Qualls for investigation and report. <br /> A petition asl;ing for the installation of z street light at Portage <br /> and YuY.on and �^loodtirard and Yukon ti�ras referred to Mr. Qualls for investi- <br /> g�ation and report. <br /> t•ir. Qualls informed the Boax3 that the follotiain� lights� previously <br /> ordered in� had been installed and �aere no�r in service; 32nd Street and <br /> the Grand Trunk Railroad� Brookfield and Ewing Avenue� 36th and Hastings <br /> , Streets; Ellsworth Place and l:ashington Street; On Cher^y Strcet at the <br /> al].ey South o£ �::ashin;ton Street; on Hill Street in front of the St. Joseph�s <br /> School� Fello�as and Bol,rman Streets and LaPorte and Blaine Avenues. <br /> There being no further business to co�e before the Board� the meeting <br /> taas ad�ourned at 11:50 A.P1. <br /> ATTEST: ,� / <br /> �' 9. �'�-�.� � <br /> Chairman <br /> Clerk <br /> Pdovember 8� 19�+8 <br /> A regular meeting of the Board of Public Safety ��tas held on t,onday� <br /> 'tdover�ber 8, 19�8 at 10:00 A.24. All members tia.ere present. 2.inutes of the <br /> last r:eeting t�ere read and approved. Claims of the follor�ing suppliers <br /> in the amount of �1�790.18 tiaere approved and ordered paid� . <br /> Sam Berman � 99.90 A. G. i�ieicr G Co. vh 15.50 <br /> . City tJater 'vlorl:s 385.13 P-Iidwest Fire & Safety 130.00 <br /> - City t•:ater 4Jorks • �+1.32 Products Co, 190.75 <br /> . Gerber ldfg. Co. 2�+8.25 P1or.. Ind. Pub. Ser. Co, 53.62 <br /> • John Hite 180.00 Reish-Motion Picture Co, 9.02 <br /> • John Hite 180.00 Royal Typet�riter Co, 2.50 <br /> - Ind, � P.ich. Elec, Co, 1.96 Scherman-Schaus-Freeman 16.�+0 <br /> Ind. & i•'!ich. • Elec. Co. 31.28 0. J. Shoemaker 65.60 <br /> � Ind, & P�Iich. Elec. Co. 5.48 Refining Co, . 6.00 <br /> Indian IIotorcycle Sales 7.3� Elmer Sokol . � 70.?+9 <br /> Janesville Apparel Co, 21.07 E. H. Tepe .75 <br /> Journal of Criminal Lata 3.75 l^lestern Union Tel Co. 10.16 <br /> A. G. Neier 13.95 � <br /> FIRE DEPARTt��i�dT: An application for the Fire Departmenttaas approved and <br /> ordered filed for Louis L. Horvath. <br /> Joseph J, Glegenka iaas appointed to thc Fire Departnent sub�ect to ' <br /> ' his flbility to pass physical exa:. inations given by the City Doctor and <br /> the Doctor appointed b� the Firer�en' s Pension Fund irustees, <br /> Russell Hoffr;an� Frank Aftotrski� Lloyd Robinson and Bert� DTowinski� <br /> representing the Firenen' s rension ��d� appeared before the Boar3 to <br /> discuss the case of Joseph Svatos. The Board discussed the r.?atter and <br /> exar�ined the reports of the Docto:s� submitted by the Clerl:� on hir. <br /> Svatos ' physical condition. After a ful]. discussion of the Case� it <br /> was the decision of the �oard to terminate I-Ir. Svatos employ�tent �aith the <br /> Fire Department because of his physical condition and because he is still <br /> o�ithin the probationary period of his appointment. <br />