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� <br /> 24J <br /> The Chief o£ Police presented his report for the month of Septenber� <br /> 19�+8. . <br /> The Clerk of the Board 1�ras authorized to advertise for a three-:aheel <br /> motorcycle for the Police Depart�:ent� with bids to be returnable on Pdovember <br /> . 15, 19'+8. , <br /> ELFCTRICAL DEP.ARTi�P1T: Mr, l�;illiar.i Oualls� Superintendent� ��ras present and <br /> matters pertaining to his department t�rere discussed. <br /> A petition for the instllation of a street light at the intersection of <br /> Parallel and Grant Strects was referred to tir, Qualls for investiggtion and <br /> ' report. <br /> A petition for a street light at Hartzer Strect bet�aeen I'eade Street and <br /> Eclipse place ti�ras referred to P�ir, 9ualls for investigation and report: <br /> i4r, Qualls recor,.rnended the installation of street lights at the inter- <br /> section of Arthur and Sorin Streets� on Olive Street at. the dead end of <br /> Calhoun Street, at the intersection of Bertrand and Johnson Streets, Olive <br /> and Vassar Streets� and eight lights in °elle Villa�;e as £ollows: . Sau.ple <br /> and Kenmore, Dunham and �Cenmore, ldellington and Dunham, :�Jellington and Bella <br /> Vista� �:lellington and Sanple� Illinois and Eelle Vista� Illinois and Dunhari <br /> �nd Illinois and Sample Streets. These t•rere approved by the Board and P-'.r. <br /> Qualls o�as directed to order them installed. <br /> There being no further business to come before the �oard� the meeting <br /> was adjourned at 11:45 A,i:. <br /> ATTEST: <br /> ,p Cha' r.1ari <br /> ! _Q . <br /> Clerk <br /> ' Piovenber 1� 19�+8 <br /> A regular meeting of the Board of Public Safety iaas held on I•.onday� <br /> November 1� 19�+8 at 10:00 A.Pi. All nenbers �tere present. l�iinutes of the <br /> last meeting orere read and approved, . Salary claiMS in the amount of <br /> ,`�a�+3�710.23 �•rere approved and ordered paid, Claims of the follotiring suppliers <br /> in the amount of �;586�51 orere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Alex Andrze�ez�rs�:i � 1.17 Railtray Express Agency a 1.43 <br /> Hugh Leo Burns . 2'7.00 Schilling' s Inc. 51.60 <br /> Lusiness Systems . . , 2.65 Sheehan Tire Service 57.25 <br /> Business Systems 1.06 Sheehan Tire Service 130.05 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone �,88 Si�pn Brothers 55.5o <br /> Indiana � i_ich. Elec. Co. 83.60 Supreme Sponge Cor:pany. 120.00 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 10. 58 Radio Distributi�g Co. , 13.80 <br /> b�cCaffery Co. �,84 [lesner' s Har�ey Davidson 11.60 <br /> T7or. . Ind, t�'holesale Groc. 3.50 , <br /> FIRE� DEPARTh�IdT: . Chief Andrzelcctrslti e;as present and matters pertaining to <br /> his departn:ent ��rere discussed, . <br /> Joseph Svatos� probationary member of the Fire Departnent� oras directed <br /> to appear before Dr. H. H. Slominski for a physical exarnination. <br /> T::e Fire Chief informed the Board tha.t Dr, H. H. Slominski has not been <br /> �:aking house calls i•rhenever members of the Fire Depart�ent orere reported ill. <br /> The Chief �ras instructed to call another poctor for £uture house calls for <br /> members of the Fire Depart..TMent and instruct hin to bill the Fire Department <br /> for charges, <br /> A letter �ras received froM Carson E. Cauff�aan� Trustee of t;arren Township� <br /> indicating that he no longer tirishcd the• City of South Bcnd to send fire fight- <br /> ing equipment to i�7arren 1Ok71SY11�. The Chief �ras =nstructed to so notify the <br /> Fire �11arr� Station, <br />