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� <br /> �48 � <br /> n <br /> . � <br /> POLICE DEPARTi�IENT: Chief Everett ti�as present and matters pertaining to C <br /> h�s department were discussed. <br /> Special Police Bonds �vrere approved and ordered filed for Claude <br /> L. Brooks and Robert S. Kizer. <br /> iirs. Ehrke a�d I-irs. P4ishler� representing i'others. of I?orld P:ar ,�2� <br /> appeared before the Bo�rd to ask permission to sell poinsettas on the <br /> City Streets on Saturday� December 1E� 1g48. Permission ti��as granted. <br /> Central I�igh School oras granted pernission to hold a parade on <br /> . the City Streets on Thursday� October 21� 19�-8, � <br /> Applications for the Police Departr�ent l�rere approved and ordered <br /> filed for Plorman Eugere Heltzel and Roscoe Jr. Geyer„ <br /> The Junior Chamber of Cor.u:erce taas granted permission to place <br /> signs on the utility poles relative to the general election. <br /> ELECIRICAL DEPARTi��TdT: Mr, l�lilliam Qualls, Superintendent, tras present <br /> and matters pertaining to his department irere discussed. <br /> A petition for a street light on Gr�nt Street at the Railroad tracY.s <br /> ��ras rePerred to bir. Oualls for investigation and report� and also a <br /> petition for a street light at Parkvietir and Lathrop and a petition for <br /> a street light at Napier and Cherry Streets and at the alley intersection <br /> at 1411 �4est Napier Street. <br /> Mr. �ualls recomr.iended the installation of astreet light at the <br /> intersection of College and Fassnacht Streets and the Board upon his <br /> recomi-�endation directed him to order the light installed, <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board� the <br /> meeting was adjourned at 11:30 A.2-7, <br /> ATTEST: . ;,Z�-���J <br /> ���c���x-� C1�aiTMan ' <br /> Clerk <br /> . . October 25� 19�+8 <br /> A regular Meeting of the Board .of Public Safety �•ras held on I4onday� <br /> Qctober 25� 19�+8 at 10:00 A.rf, I�Ir. Troegex was absent. ilinutes of the <br /> last raeeting tirere read and approved. Claims of the follovring suppliers <br /> �n the amount of ���g']2.05 were .approved and ordered paid: . . <br /> Bodyguard i;£g, co. . � 66,65 SchillingTS Inc. .� 8.28 <br /> $usiness Systeras 2.65 Schilling' s Inc, . . �-t5,32 . <br /> Continental Oil Company 1�13�+.55 Schilling' s Inc. 65.�5 <br /> EXi�lewood Electrical Supply 2�+�46 5chilling's Inc, 51.78 <br /> Harry T. Everett 11+-8.43 Schilling' s Inc. . 6.32 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 113.6� Schutt roor� Gustave 5.20 <br /> H, y. Lee Co, a7.00 South Bend Bait Co. 12.00 <br /> Logan�s Tuxedo Rental 20.00 South Bend roundry Co. '7.80 <br /> A, G. 2.eier & Co, 239.95 James K. Tr.evey 1.00 <br /> Nor. Ind. Pub. Ser. Co. 1.00 Richard Uhl 11.58 <br /> Radio Distributing Co. 16.93 Victor Adding T.acnine Co, 220, 50 <br /> Rail�ray �xpress A�enc� 5.23, G7esner.'s Harley Davidson 1�737.00 <br /> FIRE D�PARTP-�TdT: Chief Andrzejetasl:i z•�as present and matters pertaining � <br /> to his department were discussed, , <br /> POLICE D�PARTt'�PdT: Cnief Everett taas present and matters pertaining to <br /> his department taere discussed, <br /> Applic�tions for the Police Department i•rere approved and ordered <br /> filed for Loren Douglas Eck� Ra;�mond Floyd L�ezynsl�i and Sigmund Joseph <br /> Czerniak. , <br /> A special police bond renewal was approved �and ordered filed for <br /> Orton L. Dunfee. <br />