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� <br /> ��� � <br /> �n;,le,.00d �lectrica.l aur;;l;,T„� 10.1.8 Lcr;is C. Roua�l_e ��� 3 ?5 C'-7 <br /> Ger�er ;:f�. Co. 309.Oj S�_r.:on �rot:�ers ��.3� C <br /> GerLer ;it�, �o. 2;9, �0 .I. II, u1o:?is,s'_-i� .:.D. 3.G0 <br /> Gerber '_:_g. Co. 1��,-.75 �l^:er :�otol 12.00 <br /> � �. _ �7 <br /> �E,'Tk)E,`Z' _.'f�• �p• IQU�CJ� SOUi.P. PC1:C� ��Uty1:;�•y' CO• � • <br /> J. �, f?arden c Son 2, j0 .�u;;rc.•:e �pon�e Co. °7.00 <br /> In3i�.r_^ '_�11 Telephonc 12"c,31 ',lcisber�cr 3rotiiers 65. �`�'�- <br /> Juneseille :.�p�.a�el Co, 1�.G0 <br /> FIR3 i��P.1Rii",:?T: Cnief 5ndrzejelrsl;i lr�s pre�ent ar_d r_Ut�er� pertainin� , <br /> to his ciepart._�:^nt •:*ere di�cus: ecx. <br /> 3�z apr;lic?tion ior the Fire Depa.rtrce_n,t •�;as ap;;roved and ordered ' <br /> filed for Ernes� :e1i:, i�ostielne�*. . <br /> iir, r".le:; ?`arosz� representir� the Junior C'_-3r!ber oi Cor-;.:eree� anpeared <br /> before the iosrd to request per-:i�sion for the use of sorre oi the Fire <br /> Stnt�ons to set un stations for �ivin� injection� to c?o;s � in an eiiort <br /> to curb �a;:�es, T'r:e <'o.rd ap,�rovea thc rcaucst o?Z cond_tion that the plan <br /> receivcs tl:e apx:roval oi �hs iiealth Officer. <br /> • ihe Lo�:d apnroved tne ;oa3_n; of f_reren :;ho direct truffic durin^ <br /> football_ „ar.�es� at tre rate of ;j.00 �er „ ..e. <br /> i'rs. ,uth J�co'ason �:;=s er.inlo;*ed as Secret-�,^�� to �i1e 1'�-re Qiief� <br /> eiicctive Septe:�bcr 15� 1;�1,8� �t a . salary of :;r17�,-.�L per .7ontil. <br /> PGLICE D�]Pyi^i'-I''i• Ck?ief �_'verett �:�ae _,resent ^aid :-_�tters� to <br /> '.�is dcpartr:er_t �::ere J�scnssed. <br /> � ^re Ch=ef p��ese_.ted i�i� reisort f�r the m.ontli of ��:u��nst� 191Fd. , <br /> 1'_C i 0.!.�OF•i :.�� �-?O'_';Ci1 .TGI':. -10in-`,:6`(i �.S ilU::i�1.^P� SCl'_OG�. ^�l OZ <br /> � :OT' i;RE i.=11E) ,"'.0;1'G?l.^, Oi �i1C SC)100� t�rr?: '�.rE)1?7^. _iO�i1C'_'� .'�''��:i Li11 ::01-�011 <br /> and_ �erc__,,_aiz ::ro�:r... . <br /> ': letter Z r�ceived "'r�TM, � , lc ` 1e1� ?�i ��c�u1 �ecret�r ,'- <br /> r'T,c_. J' E:P O":' Li�G ci�• JOSG7�1 i:Ol"11. � TnC'll' t.Y� ' �i.l U171G]7 r'OI� C1� � 8.Si1Tl� rE`_^- <br /> _ 1S51C'"! i.0 U.,� 1 ZOUCi �T?Ca.' GY' �E`"1 OIl 9, i.l'UC�. i.0 U .�C pGO1l�C j,0 ""C';15i,GT' <br /> i3O VO�C. `!'i11S �l'UC_: iiOA�U �.'O L15GC'A 0:1�;;' Cli, i.�l� fl;�1Ci.0i1G5• �'C1';i1:;S=_O'_: '�....� <br /> ;;r:n�cd to use s�.in. truc'.: o_�- tieptenLer 3C. Occober 1 ;t� 2r.d .nd ihth. <br /> C , � r ':r, '� � °i:_= =s. 'i � � ° ' � <br /> "L i.➢P ��i: : i11i� . �'u�11�� Sv�,crii�.tenQe?Z�� t�ras prscnt ^i�c <br /> ...� �i,era ,;ert�:.nin� �o .__s dc�,c�tr,.en� ;icre ui;cus�ed., <br /> ?'-r, wLalls ��eco:-_::crucd the =rsi:a.1�^tion of .. st^eet l-;ht on :` ,_,__^oe <br /> 3��^rCi, �.;C'�'�::CG?"1 al�rlil,�,.':�teciE` D.nG '1';7;,IC�:C:?h^.�1 D'_'�Ve. . `1�hE i:�OC,PC. �.ini;T'OVCd 5�,.1C1 � <br /> ins�al1.a tioi-!. <br /> i_T'• 'ti.^.;�T.''_ :C';�Tf,`�E?1i,1_7�^ �IlC _�C��C�'"!�lC 1'l•.•E�i?-:f,'?1� �.''Jl'i)0���.j:10I1 �%PC`�C21�`�`Cl <br /> . �C i,�C� 1Y1 �7',1i CIl ti.C;,7 �5'_= �.1C 1'_1S�Q�)_���-021 Oi �. ?"lU1SGeI' 0= �1;';."1i,S :iil JGl l C <br /> ��111 •,��`. i:0 AC'1.101"_ 'J�� �21.:G.1. <br /> �� %L'v�� , �I�CGCi�trU. , T'C170-�i1. OYl .^_, i;E'i.ii.10Y'i lOi ^. .^-,'l.rEr3i. 11!2'il. C:2 <br /> i._r� �. , � . <br /> Ti°O`_'.`;;OGCI. �il1=V6`n^�� 'G'_1C l.=i u_*lU `=TAi1�_ :;.'1.i l PO�Ct 7 111 ':;1L' C'',l :'1C �-���:i^Y'�-.C�'. �ilE -0'1rCl <br /> �ll�,� the ru.ilroad co.r:pan-' �iad r:nizt.�_ncd a i_;;iit a� t'!i=e c'ros;i;Z� until <br /> i�'(` �ll.i1�^,._"lu. �; i.__C�77_•';l1_7 ��CCi."1'1C CO'_"_'_1J8:7'.r 1Y1S �:�1�C�. .... =ZOOCl 1.1!.:Il'L �.�� t.'_C1I' <br /> �U.N-St^.i.10;: �t t;'_-SJCi0��1:":�,^, �;?:C� '�'.°.^ P�.1�PO::C� SLl'CSCCILer._�ly' � ':=0':CC, i,ii^-P <br /> li � <br /> _"ilt• 1�-I'• �.�'�1C-_ZS PCCO'.:l`.:`.^;lUCG �ilClt �Y1G _,O'l-�'G 7?Oi,1ij' �11C Gi^riCt 1T'l1C'_�= Y�u1�- <br /> I'O�C� �}l�.i, ti?e i=,^i1L St?OU.�C�. Il0',! kiC I'e1'l.^•CG:i� C,i?u �ilC i;�CP'_= :i�.^ C111'CC�CCI .^,O <br /> �O C�O. � <br /> iL��C �.iE1I1n P_O iUT'ti1G1 GU��?;��� '�O COL:e L�'i0.'G t-iC _.,OCiQ� .,i1G .'CC��^.�-^,' <br /> �:*_e ���jot�.��,ed at 1�.';5 �1.:'. <br /> !'.T!r_S^, (' � <br /> � ,7 o <br /> • � k a�`El.c�u�u � C't?�i 1.°an <br /> Cle_rl; <br />