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� <br /> 23� <br /> tir. C;u�lls rcco.~��_•.ended tl.�:t s;,rcet li�i:ts �:e installed at ?iastin�s <br /> �.nd 36th ;�treets ; 32nci S�reet at the Grai.d iru_1; Ra_lroacl� Frairie =:ver:uc <br /> o.nd �rool:iield SJ,;reet� '„a�hin�ton S';,rect and ;11��:ort,i Place aiid Good Placc <br /> ariCl i1VCT'.;1�1.0 J=71Ve, 1l"1G ;�Oul'CZ� UpOri �11:, Y'CCOi-�1CY?(�a.�10?l� C�1T'CC�CC� ]`.T, <br /> !�ualls to ordcr the li�hts ins;,a.11cd. <br /> In response to a Petitior. for s�reet lignts on :IilUur Street along <br /> i:uessel Parl.� I_r. Qt.all, rcpori,s that thcre are _'our L000 lus�en li�hts on <br /> i:ilbu� 3�rce;; °ro:i Tl�ssar to �1�;rood .�ver•ue l;hich �houlcl li�ht the strcet <br /> i�.irl;,- t;ell. i:o,�evcr� thc par�: �s ver;r darl.� and he feelsJ;,iiut ti:is <br /> ne�iticn �hould be rcfc=-red L-o �i�c Far!:, Denart_�:cnt, Thc Board so ordercd. <br /> ' iilE.' }�`iT01705�1 O� i,il.^. ?�iCSi;E.`=11 Ui11017 iC�.C�ia.I7i: �.'Oi.:y7lYljT �;.5 OU'G�l:.CCZ 111 <br /> ��lE.`_P COi1i.i.^..C� Cl.t`,ECI JLl�j� �Z.� ���21�V Zi�IS ACCE.`r;�CCl IJy '-i,i1C �O�iCl� 111_5 pI'O- <br /> po�al t.*as in the niture of a bill of sale� in thc �;r.ount oi ,>1.00� for <br /> condttit no loi�;;er }:ein� used U;,> tile s�id Cor•.�;any. . <br /> L?GAI, _)':P=:?�^i^i;i: A report ira� *'ade b;� the Police Depart�:cnt �::at <br /> �catrice Scott� �135 South LaP�aJette �oulevard t:�dc a co::i;�laint to i:he <br /> �a1Ci CiEj7�.1�7:Crit� �i?aii, �i1C iel� t�:il?�C �T,Ct�].:^i�^, OUt Oi I1C1 Ca.S at 21�-f� uGLl{;il <br /> 1�:�^..1_'1 u-i:-_^CCj: CeC�^,USC Ol �^,� bI'Oi:CY! 'y���,CE.' 12? t.�1C CU"1'U• 1i:1.°i F?<�...S lE,`1C�1'E.'C� t.0 <br /> the C--ty :_ttornc;* bu� ro action l:w� t�':en. <br /> �Phcrc heiiz� -r_o rurtne� business to cor.,e Lciorc t'_�,_c ':o��d� tiic r.�cct:z:, <br /> tiras adjour�ied ut 11:1.j i_,It. <br /> A`1`1�J� : � <br /> a/��a.�.�-�� C li^�tari <br /> �ert_ , _ <br /> l�u�ust 30, liL8 , <br /> A re�ular r.:eeting of thc Bo�rd of rablic Safety �ras lield on i:onda;�� <br /> Au�ust 30� 1;48 at lO:OC �?.Ii. All ne;noern �*ere pre�ent. Iiinutes of the <br /> la�.t r.?eeting vrre read ^s�d approved, Clains o� the folloriin,r�, supl;licrs <br /> in �he u.^�ount of N900.18 �:ere a�proved ar_ci ordered paid: <br /> rorcbes T;,*pet.*ritcr Co, u 12,50 Sheei:an iire �ervice ;r 3.75 <br /> Indiana �ell �'elep.�one 'J,uS Sheehan Tire Servicc 1j0,00 <br /> Ir.ditina �ell Telephone '7,�3 Sheehan =ire Service �+.g5 <br /> Jancsville Applrel Co, 4E3,75 S1�eeY?an _ire Service )�t.6j <br /> I.cClave Printin� Co, 85,00 Sputh Eend �uprly �o, 32.�20 <br /> ?:otorola� Inc. 1.24 J. �. `,lalz Gara,;c 363 <br /> Officc Sur,plf �_ :,quip�ent 2.85 Padio Di�tributin� Co, �5. �3 <br /> J <br /> :ITit�_'� D`i�`I':��:.'.i�T; C,i11Ci .�.Y1C�Z'ZE.`�ES'731i1 ;�i.^..� jJT'E.`SE`?l� a22C1 7.:�t'i,E,`PS pCS�Ct1_71II�^ �O <br /> his^cnt -;;cre diccu��ed, <br /> ^1hc CLief informed the �oa_r1 that sa,uad i:o, 1 ��as invbl��ed in an <br /> nccident at CI73p1Y1 StZ'CC� �nC� �'iC�tC^p i.Ve_`_Ue 1T1C� 17A5 Sli�ji�l�r C�.",.:;heG, <br /> POLICE D-FA?'�;:F,i1T: Chicf �-�erett �ras nresent and ;��_tters .^,e_tainir.� to <br /> his depart�!cr_t �:;ere discus�ed, <br /> 1^he Chiei asl:ed�ion to �t:;end a ?�e�tir� of the Ir_tcrnational <br /> 1s�ociation oi Cniefs of Police in ?ie�,r Yorl: Citf October lOth to 14th in- <br /> clu�ive. Perr;ission �;as ;rantcd. ' <br /> FI�CTRICAL D,P.1:�^_.";I?i: I4r, :1i11inr.: pualls� Superinter_dent� t;as present <br /> ' and r�at�ers nertainin� to his depart..cnt ;:cre c,i�cussed, <br /> A pet�tion ti;as received as'-�in� for tLe inst;llaticr. of a strcet 1i�ht <br /> zt the interaection of i'alcon :nd :iuron Streets. Lhis ��as rei'erred to <br /> i:r, �ualls ior investigation and report. <br /> �.�Irr-=3 a::n ,A�U:�s : � • �. t <br /> �i I:r. Charlcs au�_zs� C_�,/ �calcr� £iled his repor <br /> � <br /> for �hc nontii of Au�ust� 1940. <br /> il.cre bein� r_o _° business to co�~c befo=c the Eourd� the i:eetir_� <br /> tras adjourr_ed nt 12 :00 iloon. <br /> �,-r-•.� <br /> .i_1L:��: <br /> � .�Q. �a%s..Ps�- Chair:�an <br /> 6� � Clerl: <br />