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235 <br /> 1Ir, �ualls reco^:�_ended tlie ins��llation of a strcet light at the <br /> znter�cction of ;;crth �iue roulevard and Grcenlv�:tn lvenue� Mt Bertrand aizd <br /> Olive Strcets ��zd at Lindsey and Cushin; S�rcets. ?ne �o�sd� upon his <br /> reco--�,cnda�ion� anproved the ins�allatio.n oi �eicl li;llts nr.d directed l;in: <br /> to order ther installed. <br /> Iir. �ualls was granted pernission to ;;e. absent iro-; i:l.c City on <br /> ^_u�ust 3rd ;,0 7th inclusive. <br /> ihere beinb no further business �o. cor:,:c before ti,e Lo�sd, the ::ceting <br /> l:a� e.d.journed at 11:��5 :�.I•i. <br /> ' nn .'.�•m• ! <br /> li L 1:.��.�1 <br /> � Ch�: i:�an <br /> �„9�- ��...�: <br /> —P cicrl: <br /> Au,ust 9, 19�-�3 <br /> A re�u1�r rcet-n^ of the �oard of Fuulic �a�ety ��as iield on :Ior_d��;� <br /> Au�ust 9� 19�-8 at 10:00 t'�,I", A17. raer:bers lrere p�^esent. I:i*iutes of the <br /> last r.;cet_ng �.:-cre read and �pproved, C�ai-ns ol the fo11o:�_n� suppliers <br /> ir. the a�ount of ti?537.50 �rere ^pproved and orQcrcci puid: <br /> Burl.e ' s ;:otion Ficture Co, ;� 76,90 i'_cCaffery Co. ? 1�H.3�+ <br /> Pichcrd Duck 9.69 i;idrrest Fire c"; S�.fety 130,00 <br /> Harr� T, �verett 5,60 i'or. 1nd, Pub. Scr, �o, 1.25 <br /> Eo�:�e Furnace Co, 175.00 i;or, Ind, PuU. �e:. Co, �1.� <br /> IIurt�ich Iron Co, 3.10 Lloyd :obinson 9.69 <br /> Ind. C: ;:icii. Llcc. Co, 5u,52� 's Inc, 4,05 <br /> �`I.r?T; D��:P�.ili��"�i�:`'_': �.'�11Ci :�T!C�1Z�`�Cl�7S�:1 `:I_^..�', 7]Y'CSE�1i. �?:C� T'^.t�CTS iuCT'�^inin� t0 <br /> his departi:°:ent �r:cre discusseu, <br /> Louis ::�chalsLi� a r.e-:bcr of the rire Depart�ent� nresented h?� re- <br /> ' signation frori said denart:.°.ent aiter havin� �eraed :�ore t_ian t;;ent;*-five <br /> yecrs Tne 3o�rd accepted his resi,;n^tion einich eifective as of <br /> �epter�ber 1, 1�L&. <br /> George i:otiratch lras sent to the City Doctor �.nci �he �octor appoin�ed <br /> �y t�Ze Firer°en' � Fension Fun:l Trttstee� ior e:;unin�tio�s preparutory to <br /> liis ap;;ointr entJto tLe =ire Depart:�ent. <br /> The follolrin.� i:•:cn having successiull;* paased their l;robation�.ry <br /> period as fire;�en are hereb;� appointed �s perr^enent ne:.bers o- ;.Y:e Fire <br /> Depart°:ent� upon the :e�o�^�endaticn o� the ChieP and arproval oi tne �oard: <br /> �do;�rd i:azr.iirsl:i� ;cr_e B�es�1c� Ferdin�r_d Bils'_:i� Cle:7 Si'_:ors?:i� Stcve <br /> Lacl_ncr� Bcnedy:;t Der,bi:.s'_:i� RoLert ::^rtin� Lu-�ene Lucz,ro�tsi:i and Stephen <br /> Danielo�ricz, <br /> An ap��licztion for the Fire Depart^cnt :ras apnroved and ordered filed <br /> for Chester Casi^ir Cicno:;icz, <br /> FOLIC� D"�P_'�RT;J;iT: Chief �aerett �rus present and r.�.tters pe:tainin� to <br /> his dcpartnent tirere discussed, <br /> � Special Yolice bond tiras aPproved ar_d ordered filed _°or Jo�eph <br /> Andcrson. <br /> ' i�L�C`_�I�,?L D"PAP,1?:?T?i: idr. ';;il_lian :h.ta17_s� Superintendent� ��as present <br /> and r:attcrs per�ainino to nis depart.:ient Zre:e discussed. <br /> Pctitions for street libhts on '::ilbur Street Letrrecn Vassar and Lltrood� <br /> on V�ssar bet,reen Lairndule and ',iilbur ar:d on �ast Iconroe Strcet irom Sunny- <br /> side to Ttir�c'_;enh�:� Drive ;rere rcierred to IIr. C?ualls for inve�ti�^tion and <br /> report. <br /> Is. �ualls presented, reports �ri�erein he reco.�:�ended the i:istallation <br /> of a stre�,t li�,ht at tLe intersection of Catalpa ancz =,err Streets ; Catalpa <br /> and Garst Strcets and Bruce and I;��!ble Streets, i'he 3oard, approved his <br /> _eco�;u�endation and clirccted hir� to order the li�hts installed, <br />