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� <br /> ���� � <br /> G� <br /> c� <br /> m <br /> EL�CTRIC�lL DrPART_��',"T: hir. ;•lilli� �ualls� Superintendent� oras present and � <br /> natters pertaining to .his departnent trere discussed. <br /> A petit:on ior a street li�ht at Bertrand and Oliue Strcet �ras re- <br /> ferred to iir. �ualls for investigation and renort. <br /> A petition LTuS received as�_ing for the installation of a street lioht <br /> at 6lashin�ton and Cherry Streets or the first wlley South oi ilashin�ton on <br /> Cherry. ^lhis tras referred to �ir, Qualls. <br /> There heino no further business to cor�,e before the Bourd� the meeting <br /> �•ras adjourned at 12:00 noon. ' <br /> ATiST: <br /> � . O (fa,ju.��u�,' Chairnan <br /> Cler'r: <br /> July 19, 19�+8 <br /> A regular meeting of the Board of Public Safety �ras held on I!onday� <br /> July 19� 1°�+8 at 10:00 l�,P1. All neMbers �•�ere present. Ifinutes of the <br /> last �eeting �:rere read and approved. Salary clair�s in the amount of <br /> . w42�9'J2, 56 �rere approved and ordered paid, Clains of the follooring <br /> suppliers in the anount of w2�770.20 i�rere approved and ordered paid : <br /> 5am Berman �2�r2. 59 Indiana� Eell Telephone a$ �.75 <br /> S� Bermun 380.91 Indiana Bell Telephone 25.41 <br /> City �later ?dorks 12,04 A, G, i✓eier c": Co, 20.00 <br /> Cit;T ?later '�lorks 21+3.99 Nestel Products Co, 110,00 <br /> Coha�an u Coffield , 200.CC Rid�e Co�:pany 27.00 <br /> Dontinental Oil Co, 1�143.6�+ Letiris Rourl:e 2.75 <br /> Engletiaood Electrical 1.76 Casimer Rzep?.a 5.00 <br /> FrueLaug Trailer Co, 10.75 Schilling' s Inc. 35.�5 <br /> Louis Horvath 3.00 Schilling' s Inc. 70,09 <br /> Iiuron Fharmacy 50.95 Schilling ' s Inc. 17.37 <br /> Indiana Eell lelephone 70.35 South Bend Supply Co. .�+5 , <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 6.']5 �. E. ',:'alz Gara�e 69. 50 <br /> Indiana E"ell TelepLone 13. 50 <br /> FIRE DBPARTi+LT.v^1 : Chief Andrzeje��rsl:i ��as present and matters pertaining' <br /> to his departn_ent were discussed, <br /> An application for the rire Departnent i;as approved and ordered <br /> filed ior Chester Ploysius Bartosiak, <br /> FOLICE D_P��,:?iir?iv'T: Chief Everett ti•ras present �nd natters pertaining to <br /> his department ti;ere discussed, � <br /> An application for the rolice Department t°as ap,r,roved' and ordered <br /> paid for Orson Ld�;ard IIarr,.an, <br /> The Chief presented his report for the r.�onth of June� 1>48, <br /> A. Special Police Co�:_^ission ticas approved for Eli Oscar i-lendenhall <br /> �nd ordered held for bor_d, <br /> A rc'signaticn ��as received from Officer �ichard Scheibell;ut of the <br /> Folice Departmcnt ei�ective July 1�� 1;48. Said resi�nation �ras acceptecl. <br /> i'r, Joseph tilypizynsl:i� Attorney� appeared on behalf of Saint Hedt;ige ' <br /> Parish and requested pernission of the Board to hold a fe�tival fror.� <br /> Auc;ust l� to August 8� inclusive� on tne church property located at the <br /> , northwest corner of Scott and �:�estern, Perr:ission z-:as �ranted, <br /> Perr:ission 1•ras ;runted to t3ishop J. R. Aopson to erect a tent at <br /> Libert1 Street and Jef?'e„son iloulevard for the purpose oi holding revival <br /> r�eetin�s irom July 22 to Au;ust 31 inclusive. � <br /> EL��CTRICAL D"?PA;:�T;�'_?T: The Foard �ccepted the Uid of R, J. ',1olf to <br /> t;ash� patch plaster ancl apply t�ro coats oi paint to the nain roarn� rest <br /> roon and oifice of the iire alarr.. stltion� Sor the su::l o� �;?�+�+4.00� tneir <br /> b�d being� in the �oard's opinion� the lo�:;cst and best bid received of the <br /> three bids requested from contractors. <br />