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� <br /> 229 <br /> 2!r. Qualls informed the Board tha.t four lights ordered in in Bercliff <br /> ' Addition had been installed and t�ere nolr in service as follows : at 35th <br /> and Glashin�,ton� at i:cKinley a.r.d Sflvan Glen� at Oaltcrest and Sylvan Glen <br /> and at Sylvan Glen and Colfax. <br /> P1r. Qualls also informed the Eoard that a light ordered in at allen <br /> and Queen Streets had been installed and is no��r in service. <br /> There being no further business to come before the �oard, the meeting <br /> laas adjourned at 11:�-5 A.P•I. . <br /> ' ATT�ST: _ - ` - �� <br /> /r� ;l �. , l. <br /> � ' i L�- Chai man <br /> Clerl: <br /> July 6� 19�+8 <br /> A regular Meeting of the Board of Public Safety oras held on Tuesday, <br /> July 6� 1948 at 10:00 A,DI. All r.:embers tirere present. Diinutes of the <br /> meeting ��tere read and approved. 5alary claims in the amount of �39,992.31 <br /> ��rere approved and ordered paid, Claims of the following suppliers in the <br /> -amount of w9,375.�+2 tirere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Ar.ierican-2:arch Pur�p Co, • � �3.2�+ Ind. & 2�iich. Elec. Co. � 6,96 <br /> Eurke 's I:o�ion Picture Co. 11.60 Ind, & t:ich. Elec. Co. 207.33 <br /> Business Systens 2.03 i:cClave Printin� Co, 1�+.50 <br /> Business Systens 5.94 2:otorola� Inc. 583.35 <br /> Business Systems 2.87 • �tto Gratzol Signs 19.00 <br /> City ��Tater LJorks 1.00 Radio Distributing Co, 29.67 <br /> City 1Jater 47orks 1.63 Radio Distributing Co. 42,�8 <br /> Davies Laundry �; Cleaning 8. 55 Royal Type�miter Co, 2.93 <br /> Ell.hart Brass P-'fg, Co. 3�+.30 Sheehan ^ire Service 326.75 <br /> Ell.hart Erass I•'fg. Co. 91.75 Sheehan Tire Service 17.5$ <br /> Engle:rood Elec. Supply 33.31 Sheehan Tire Service 2.00 <br /> 'Harry T. Everett 5.�+0 Slominski� H, H. � PI.D. 9.00 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 9.48 John Steinhof£er 185.60 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 7.88 Harley-Davidson� ��resners �+0.15 <br /> Ind. & 2-�ich. Blec. Co. 7,331.0�+ �9est Side Lumber Yard 21.00 <br /> Ind, 2c Iiich, �lec. Go, 116�W+ l•lest Side Lur!mber Y�rd 22.11 <br /> Ind. �& 1'.ich. Elec. Co, 26,56 . 47est Side Lur.iber Yard 71.52 <br /> Ind. & t�fich. �lec, Co. 2.00 Glest Side Lumber Yard 8.16 <br /> FIRE •DLPARTT�PIE: Chief Andrze3ewsl:i irns .present and matters pertaining to <br /> his departnent o�ere discussed. . <br /> •An application for the Fire Depart�ent was approved and ordered filed <br /> for Carl Al Chrapel:. • - <br /> POLICE DEPSR^_i?ET;T: Chief Bverett t�as present and r.�atters pertaininb to his <br /> depart:�ent tiaere discussed. . <br /> .An application ior the Police Department �:ras apgroved and ordered filed <br /> for Cler�ent l�alter Zal;rzei-tsl:i, . . . <br /> An application for a spccial police �co:mission t•Ias approved and ordered <br /> filed for Stanley G. Erugh. - . , <br /> Officers Orban and Hazins�i cane before the Board to ask permission to <br /> place a bar.ner on South iiichiban Street at Jef£erson ,�oulevard August 1 to <br /> '11 inclusive to advertisc the Fratern<^.l Qrder of Police Shotia. Permission <br /> �aas granted provided the basuzcr is htmg by a bonded co:�pany to protect the <br /> city. <br /> Chief Everett advised that he had received a letter fror� Officer �d�•rard <br /> F, l]etter�ren� T?o. 47 of the Police Department� dated Junc 28� 1;48 in which <br /> he requested an ex.tension oi 60 days on his previously granted 30 day leave. <br /> Chief Everett advised th:t in accordance orith instructions received fron this <br /> Board he did� on the 30th day of June� 191�8� r.otify Of£icer Edl:ard F. 6�7etter- <br /> gren� by Special Delivery liir r�� that his leave would not be extended and <br /> thwt he would be expected to report for, duty in South Ber.d on July 1� 19�+8. <br /> Chief �verett no��r rerorts tha.t the said Officer l•lettergren did not respond <br /> to his cor.z::-unication and that he did not report for duty on July 1� 1�48 nor <br />