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�28 � . <br /> � <br /> c� <br /> June 28� 19�+8 � <br /> A regular r�eeting of the Board of Fublic Saf,ety �a�.s held on P•tonday� <br /> , June 28� 19�+8. All members were present. tlinutes of the last Meeting <br /> �vere read and approved. Clains of the follot-ring suppliers in the amount <br /> of �2�132.25 were approved and ordered paid: . <br /> Business Syste�s � 30.87 Koontz-�dagner Co.. ;b 12.40 <br /> Business S�stems . . 2.�1 Linde Air Products. Co. .62 <br /> City ;dater iv'orks . . 227.10 A. G. Ileier Pc Co, 86.05 <br /> City �dater ',Iorks 17. 52 A, Gl iieier cc Co, 68,�5 <br /> Cit�r [�Jater ��JorY.s 1.02 A. G, hfeier Fc Co. 16.25 ' <br /> 1J. S, Darley. 2c Co. '70.2�- A, G. Pleier � Co, 121.75 <br /> Ind, Bell Telephone 13.50 Reliance Pharmacy 6.00 <br /> Ind, Bell Telephonc 6.']5 Hattie Saville 3.00 <br /> Ind, Bell Telephone 71.85 Schaier Gear ':lorks . 19.17 <br /> Ind, Lell Telephone 22, 57 Sears Roebuck & Co. 29.21 <br /> Ind, Bell Telephone 6.85 Sears Roebuck & Co, �+.69 <br /> Ind, Bel]. Telephone 25.11 South Bend Supply Co. 37.30 <br /> �,�`I Lodyga � Son 135.17 <br /> Interstate Glass £C Paint Co, 16.80 South �end Supply Co, 158.48 <br /> Janesville Apparel Co, 1�+7.3�+ Sam'1 Spiro & Co. 1�+2,35 <br /> Janesville Apparel Co, 21.9�- A, L. Stevenson 2.00 <br /> Kitchen I�iart 581.80 �9eisberger Bros. 25.39 <br /> FIRE DEPARTPIETIT: Chief �ndrze�etirsl:i tiras present and matters pertaining to <br /> his department were discussed, <br /> An application for the rire Departrcent er,as approved and ordered filed <br /> for Ted Siarkoorski. <br /> The Chief informed the Board that the furnace at r8 Pire Station �ras <br /> in bad condition and the Board instructed the Clerl: t,o have the furnace <br /> repaired. . <br /> I�ALTH DEPARTt�PdT: This bein�; the date set for receiving bids for a , <br /> ca.r for the Health Departr�ent the following bid� being, the only one <br /> received� was opcned and read: <br /> Scherman-Schaus-Freeman Non-collusion affidavit and certificd <br /> South Bend� Indiana check accor�panied bid <br /> . 1 19�+8 Studebal:er 3 pas�en�er coupe <br /> a1,392.10 <br /> Less allowance on old car 625.00 <br /> - �6'7.10 <br /> The above bid ��as accepted. <br /> Dr. Carter before the Board to discuss the cost of sharing <br /> the expense of the Public Aealth Clinic, The Board instructed Dr. C4rter <br /> to taY.e up the problen �,rith the County� State and the City oi r.ishawaY.a. <br /> POLICE DEPARTD�P�IT: Chief Everett �ras present and �atters pertaining• to <br /> his department �•rer� discussed. <br /> Upon the recommendation of Chief Everett Officers Richard Burkhart <br /> and Alex iCrupa tiaere proMOted to Sergeants� e£fective July li 19�+8. <br /> A special police bond otas approved and ordered filed for Stanley <br /> Glendale Brugh, • ' <br /> ELECTRICAL D�PARTt^IdT: t4r. GJilliar.i Qualls� Superintendent� �oas present <br /> and matters pertainin� to his department �rere discussed. <br /> P�r. Qualls prescnted a report on the petition for an esisting light <br /> to be turned on Irvington Street znd the Board directed him to order the <br /> light put in service. <br />