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2�7_ <br /> June 21� 1q1F8 <br /> A regular Mceting of the Bourd of Public Safety �aas held on I-.onday� <br /> June 21� 1;'�-8 at 10:00 A.P�i. All menbers were present. NIinutes of the <br /> last meeting iaere read and approved, Salar;� in the amount of u�+2�601.70 <br /> ��rere approved and ordered paid. Clai�s of the fo11o1�ing suppliers in the <br /> amount of .r�+,699.63 `�rere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Continental Oil Co.. ��,1.55.38 rlcClave Printing Co. � 8. 50 <br /> El'r•hart Brass Tifg. Co, 5�.33 A. G. Meier & Co. 6�,35 <br /> Clement Hazinski 30,70 Pdor, Ind. Pub. Ser. Co, 1.00 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone . 8.11 PTor, Ind. 6•Ihol. Groc, Co. 3.50 <br /> Janesville Apparel Co. 12.06 The r-IcCaffery Company .�+'7 <br /> Linden Hard�-rare Co. . .�t2.39 Radio Distributir�g Co, 1£3.60 <br /> IfcClave Frinting Co, 13. 50 Scherman-Schaus-Preer�an 3,238.21 <br /> Kenneth Tubbs 5.00 Scherman-Schaus-Freenan 30.26 <br /> ldestern Union Tel. Co. 9,6� Sinton Supply Co, �+,62 <br /> FIRE ,D�ARTt�idT: ,Chief Andrze3etrsY.i �ras present and Matters pertaining to <br /> his departnent were discussed. . <br /> .Edmund Ole�niczak presented his resignation from the Fire Departnent <br /> effective June 22� 1948� and the Board accepted said .resignation. <br /> .Casimer GJaler Rzepka oras directed to .have physical eYaminations by <br /> the City Doctor and the Doctor appointed b y the r^irer�en's Pension F�znd <br /> Trustees preparatory to his appointment to the Pire Department. <br /> POLICE DEPARTi�NT: Chief Everett �ras present and natters pertaining to <br /> his department t•rere discussed. <br /> The Chief informed the noard that Officers idis�:atoni and i?ova had <br /> been injured in an autonobile accident� in t•rhich the squad car had been <br /> coMpletely demolished. He inforr,ied the Board that the squad car and <br /> radio equiprsient t•rill be replaced by the insurance conpany. . <br /> A Special Police Comsiission was approved and ordered held for bond <br /> ' for Jay fIarnon Clady. <br /> The Board approved an agreer.:ent between the City of South Bend and St. <br /> Joseph County� through its Board of Cor.u.2issioners� for a parcel of land to <br /> be used for a pistol range. Tdo rental is to be charged for the land bu� <br /> the Sheriff� s Departr�ent is to be allotiaed the use of the range also. This <br /> �.s for a ten year period conr,:encing July 1� 19�+8. <br /> �LFCTRICAL D�PART��TdT: 2;r. I�lilliam Cualls� Superintendent� z•ras present and <br /> matters pertaining to his. department were discussed, <br /> A petition for a strcet li�ht at the intersection of St. Joseph and <br /> Vincent Streets tiaas re£erred to Iir. �ualls for investigation and report. <br /> A petition for a street light at the intersection of Dale and �clLr!an <br /> Streets was referred to P,r. Qualls for investi�ation and report. <br /> iir. Qualls infor�ed the Eoard that a libht ordered in at Hacathorne and <br /> ;lashinaton Strcets had been installed and tras. in service. <br /> 2Ir, �ualls reco� a change in the street li�hting on Chapin Street <br /> from 15 2Z00 lur.ien underground construction lights to 13 6000 lumen overhead <br /> construction� at a saving of :r;120,00 per year. The �oard approved this change, <br /> '��1�'IGHTS 2c ItEASURES: Letters ��rere presented froM Dr. J�es P�IcPreel and Dr. <br /> Harry S1oMinsl:i on the condition of Charles '?urns� City Sealer� and ti�rere order- <br /> ed filed. <br /> There being no�further business to cor�e bePore the Board� the meeting <br /> t�ras adjourr.ed at 12:00 noon. <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Chairman <br /> �� � �� �� <br /> Clerk <br />