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� <br /> 226 � <br /> c� <br /> auriE 1�+, 19�+8 c <br /> A regular meetir�g of the Board of Public Safe,ty taas held on D4onday <br /> June 14� 19�+8 at 9:30 A,?�f. P1r. Troeger rras absent. Minutes of the las� <br /> meeting were read and approved. Clai�s of the folJ.oiaing suppliers in the <br /> amount of �4,066.28 were approved and ordered paid: <br /> Alex �,ndrze�eorski � 2.25 Mine Safety Appliance Co. � 4.50 <br /> Business Systems_ 2g.81 Crouse Hinds Co. 12,32 <br /> Business Systems, 10.68 A, G. i�ieier Y� Co. 1�+6,35 <br /> Car Parts, Inc. 31.15 A, G. t�ieier & Co.. 137.75 <br /> Cj.ty Water ldorks 137.35 A. G. Pdeier &. co. . , 136.35' <br /> Cpntinental 031 Co, 148,29 A, G. Meier & Co, 137.75 <br /> Davies Laundry 9,�+3 A, G. r4eier & Co, , 1�+6.35 <br /> Engleorood Elec, Supply 4.20 A, G. Meier « Co. 146.35 <br /> Harry T. Lwerett 39.80 adio Distrii�uting Co. 8.14 <br /> J. B. Fleck ZC Son 60.00 0'Bri�n Corporation 8.12 <br /> The Gamewell Company �+2,20 Russell & Russell 29,00 <br /> Gerber Mfg, Co, 127.00 0. J. Shoemaker 28.51 <br /> John Aite 300.00 Sinclair Refining Co, 7. 50 <br /> Indian P4otorcycle Sales 6.25 H. H. Slominski� TS.D. 9.00 <br /> Indian i✓otorcycle Sales 94,5�+ Smogor Lurilber Co. � 192.00 <br /> Indian P•lotorcycle Sales 25.�2 Snogor Lumber Co. 6'], 50 <br /> Indian Motorcycle Sales Smogor Lumber Co. �+.50 <br /> Indiana, Bell Telephnone 7.88 SMOgor I,umber �Co. 13.75 <br /> The ricCaffery Co. 31.80 Sm000r Lwnber Co. 168.00 <br /> The P4cCaffery Co, 1.77 Smogor Lumber Co. 120.00 <br /> G. E. 24eyer Zc Son 3.26 Smogor Lumber Co. 176.6�+ <br /> .A. g. i4eier & Co. 52.25 Smogor Lumber Co. 15.36 <br /> A. G. Dleier � Co, 146,35 Smogor Lur.�ber Co. 58.80 <br /> A. G, hleier & Co. 146,35 Smgor Lumber Co. 86.36 <br /> A, G. P4eier & Co. 146,35 5outh Bend Supply Co, 19. 55 <br /> A. G. P4eier � Co. 146.35 �dest Side Hardtrare 1�-.15 <br /> A. G. P�Ieier & Co, 146.35 lJest Side Luraber Co, 125.85 <br /> A. G, bleier & Co. 146.35 <br /> FIRE DEpARTP�,�PdT: An application for the Fire Depart�tent was approved and , <br /> ordered filed for Ted Stanislaus Kolber. <br /> James A. Humphrey and Lester VanDeFJalle having passed physical <br /> examinations given by the City Doctor and the Doctor appointed by the <br /> Firenen's Pension Ftznd Trustees are no�a made probationary mer�bers of the <br /> Fire Department for a period of si:x months during orhich tine they shall be, • <br /> paid the co�pensation of inen on a probationary basis� effective June 13� 19�+8. <br /> POLICE DEPARTi��NT: Chief Everett iaas present and� matters pertaining to <br /> his department were discussed, <br /> The Chief presented his report for the month of I1ay� 1948, <br /> A special police bond i��as approved and ordered filed for Claude <br /> Emerson Blalie. <br /> Policewor.:an Elnora Hartman was authorized to attend The Institute of <br /> of Race Relations to be held in the' Social Science Institute� Fisk University� <br /> Nashville� Tennessee� June 28 to� July 16� 19�+8. <br /> The Chi�f informed the Board that he was in need of five squad°cars <br /> and one patrol and the Clerk was directed to advertise for <br /> ELFCTRICAL DEPARTI•4ENT: P4r. Williar.i Qualls� Superintendent� was present , <br /> and matters pertaining to his department ���ere discussed, <br /> A petition for a street light at the intersection of Fellows Street <br /> and Bowman Street otzs referred to ts. �lualls "for investigation and report. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board� the meeting <br /> �,tas ad�ourned at 12:00 noon. ' ' <br /> ATiEST: ���� ` <br /> /�� /�,��� Chai'f�raan <br /> �P �, <br /> �� Clerk <br />