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224 '� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> Of£icer ��7illian Crist appeared in person before the Board and re- Cs7 <br /> quested a six months leave of absence from the Police Depart�ent� advis- C <br /> ing the Board that he and his fazaily orere moving to Florida. Leave of <br /> absence for a period of six raonths cor.ur,encing the lst day of June� 19�+$ <br /> is hereby granted orith the understanding that failure of officer Crist <br /> to repQrt back to duty within the said period shall constitute a full <br /> �nd final resignation fro� the South Bend Police Department� t��itho�t the <br /> necessity of further notice to either party. <br /> Reverend Su�rall infor�ed the Eoa d that he orill erect a tent on <br /> Haney Street �ust East of t•iichigan ins�ead of rIichigan at Oakside as he <br /> previously requested. <br /> Helen Darnold� a clerk in the Police Depar�ment� tendered her resig- , <br /> nation from the departrr.ent effective July 1� 19�8. Her resignation was <br /> accepted. <br /> The Board authorized the cleaning and storing of the uniforms being <br /> worn by the women auxiliary police. <br /> HEALTH DEPARTAREPdT: The Clerk of the Board was authorized to advertise <br /> £or a car for the Health Departr:_ent. <br /> ELECTRICAL DEPARTAi�NT: Mr, 4�lillia� Qua11s�. Superintendent� was present <br /> and matters pertaining to his department ���ere discussed. . <br /> A petition t�ras received asking for .the installation of a street light <br /> at the intersection of Vassar and. OIDive Streets. This was referrcd to iir, <br /> Oualls. • • . <br /> � A petition for a street light at Brookfield and EV�ing S�ras Teferred to <br /> P4r. Qualls. . • , � <br /> � I�tr. Qualls recommended the installa�ion of a street light at Iroquois <br /> and Riverside Drive� and the Board� upon, his recoiar!endatipn� ordered the <br /> light installed, . . . <br /> I-tr. Qualls informed the Board that lights ordered in� at ti�lestern Aven- ' <br /> ue znd Arnold Street� victoria Street at 'l�uryckenham Drive� St. Joseph <br /> Street and Ewing Avenue and those ordered in. at the John Adans Iiigh School <br /> Area had all been installed and o�ere noV� in service. <br /> WEIGHTS & h�ASURES: Mr. Charles Burns� City Sea�er� filed his report for <br /> the month of May� 19�+8. <br /> There being no further business to come bePore the Board� the meeting <br /> �aas ad�ourned at 11:�+5 A.h?. <br /> ATl�.ST: <br /> _/ <br /> Clerk • <br /> , O�it�D F PUBLI SAFETY , <br /> . ' <br />