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. <br /> �2� � <br /> c� <br /> P4ay 2�+, 19�-8 � <br /> A regular meeting of the Board of Public 5afety oras held on PZonday� <br /> iday 2�+� 19�+$ at 10:00 A,?4. A11 members oaere present. R4inutas of the <br /> last rneeting were read and approved. Salary clai�s in the a�ount of <br /> �$�F1�968.�1 Vrere approved and ordered paid. Claims of the following• <br /> suppliers in the a�aount of �w6,397.07 V�ere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Alex AndrzejewsY.i � 5.00 hicGlave Printing Co. �p 85.00 <br /> Bodyguard P4fg. Co, 11.78 A, G, i:eier & Co, 160,00 <br /> Braham Laboratories 119. 56 A. �. b:eier F� Co.. 5.�5 <br /> Brennan Je;:�eler 3.00 A, G. Meier E: Co. . 31.00 <br /> Business Systens 10 .96 A, G, Meier ?� Co. 24.10 ' <br /> Bus�r�'ss 5yste�s . 5�.5�+ Pder.�rial Hospital 2.50 <br /> Eusiness Systems 10.81 Pfotorola� Inc.. 1,166,']0 <br /> Bu�iness Systems 62.62 2�iichiana Tile � Marble Co. �00.00 <br /> City� U7ater Works �+57.69 P?otorola� Inc. . 50.00 <br /> City• LJater 4Jorks 584.24 Plational Rifle Assoc. 2�+.00 <br /> City bJater ��lorks 1.�+3 Nor. Ind. Publ Ser. Co. 1.00 <br /> �ity tidater �dorks �-. 53 Idor. Ind, t;'hole. Groc. 25.5� <br /> Continental Oil Co. 72.Li5 Nor. Ind, tdYiole. Groc. 2�+,60 <br /> Continental Oil Co. 1�25�+.18 Tdor. Ind. I��ole, Groc. 3. 5� <br /> Davies Laundry « Cleaning 2.45 0 'Brien Corp. 2.7�+ <br /> General Sheet t;etal Co. 13.00 0 'Brien Corp. . 2.79 <br /> General Sheet Netal Co. 21.80 Radio Distribut¢ng Co. 128.00 <br /> General Sheet i-.etal Co. 13.00 Recreation Equipnent Co, 8.95 <br /> Goniec Polski Printing Co. 23.50 Recreation Equip�ent Co, 9 .15 <br /> John Hite 180.00 Rose � Katz 13.5� <br /> �dward P. Hosinski 15.00 Scherv�an-Schaus�reeman 37.25 <br /> Ilex Optical Co. 5.� Scnilling's Inc. 29.92 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 152.19 Schilling' s Inc. 22.10 <br /> International A� Ch. of P. 10.00 Sinton Supply Co. 12.83 <br /> Janesv�lle Apparel Co. 19.92 Ed�;ard J. Sunmers� D.D. 7.00 <br /> Janesville Apparel Co. 10.02 3ames K. Trevey 77. 5� <br /> Kindig Bros. 1.80 J, E. �:�alz Garage . 202.00 <br /> iiillia� H. Kroger 1.00 J. E. Walz Garage 17.90 <br /> Koontz-[Tagner Co, 15,50 J. E. l��alz Garage 211.00 ' <br /> i-1cClave Printing Co, 15g.50 J. E. ti�lalz Gara,ge �+1.10 <br /> lJesner's Harley Davidson 81.76 1•lest Side Hardv:are 8.95 <br /> ldestern Union Tel. Co. �+.02 <br /> FIRE D3PARTZ•�NT: Chief Andrze�eorski was present and �atters pertaining to <br /> his departs�ent were discussed. <br /> Mr. Edmund John Olejniczak 4ras sent to the City $octor and the Doctor <br /> indicated by the Firemen's Pension F`und Trustees for physical exaMinations <br /> preparatory to his appointment on the Fire Departr�ent. <br /> �The follooring �en having passed physical examinations given by the <br /> City Doctor and the Docto� appointed by the Fire�en's Per�sion Fund Trustees <br /> are now appointed as probationary firemen for a period of six months� duT- <br /> ing tirhich time they shall receive the salary of inen on a probationary <br /> basis : Harold J. Zyski to start May 26� Stanley. R. Pawlowski to start <br /> May 27� Joseph Svatos to start May 26� Frank 6J. Cosorove to start P•:ay 27 <br /> and John Liwosz to start iiay 27. <br /> POLICE D�,PARTMENT: Chief Everett was present and matters pertaining to <br /> his department ��rere discussed. . <br /> Post 50 Auxiliary of the American Leg3.nn asked permission to sell � <br /> poppies on the city streets on P:ay 29th, Permission was granted, <br /> Officer Gloyeski was .in an accident and his wrist watch was damaged. <br /> The Board� upon the Ghief�s recor.�mendation� authorized the repairing of the <br /> watch. � <br /> The Chief was authorized to attend a meeting of the Indiana Safety <br /> Council in Indianapolis� Indiana on D4ay 25� 19�+8. <br /> ELECTRICAL DEPARTI✓�ENT: Mr. 47illiam Qualls� Superintendent� t•ras present and <br /> matters pertaining to his department t�rere discussed. <br /> A petftion ti,ras received asking for the installation of a street light <br /> on North Shore Drive and Iroquois Place. Tnis i•ras referred to b1r. Qualls <br /> for investigation and report. <br />