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� <br /> �L � <br /> May 17� 19�+8 <br /> A regular r�eeting of the Board of Public Safety was held on i�ionday� <br /> May 17� 1948. All members were present. D4inutes of the last �eeting were <br /> read and approved. Claims of the £ollowing suppliers in the amount of <br /> $2,963,60 �aere approved and ordered paid: , <br /> American-LaFrance-Foamite � 1.80 0 'Brien Corp. � 46,01 <br /> Sam Berman . 81.66 Pet.e Sabinas 1.50 <br /> City Water t4or�s . 1�+.21 Sheehan Tire Service , 2.�8 <br /> Continental Oil Co,. 238.6.5 South Bend Supply Co, 200.83 <br /> Englewood Elec, Supply �,25 Standard Autonotive Supply 7. 58 <br /> General Equipment Co. 12�.�+0 Kenneth Watterson 5.00 <br /> C. R. Green & Son 60.00 Weisberger Bros. �5.15 <br /> Janesville Apparel Co., 53.8� MidAest Fire Pc Equip. Co, 2�+,00 <br /> A. G. P�feier & Co, 65.15 0'BTien Corporation 13.11 <br /> A. G. P•?eier & Co. 88.25 0 'Brien Corporation 52.97 <br /> biidest Fire & Safety Equip.1�760.00 0 'Biien Corporation 35.43 <br /> FIRE DEPARTP�]T�TT: Chief Andrze3e�rski was present and matters pertaining to <br /> his .department,l�rere discussed. . , , <br /> . A Fire Service Agreement Contract was signed by the Board for service <br /> to iaarren Tormship. . , , <br /> POLICE DEPARTI-�PdT: Chief E�rerett was present and �atters pertaining to <br /> his .department were discussed. , . <br /> . The Chief informed the Board that Of�icers Irvin Gloyeski and Donald <br /> Brotm were injured when a car ran into the police car in wl�ich they i�rere <br /> on t�iay 1�+� 19�8 and also that Officer Irving Grams t•ras injured i�rhen <br /> a, cAr ran into a police car he ���as driving on biay 16� �,9�+8. <br /> . A Special Police Commission t•ras apprqved and ordered filed for Dean <br /> Beroryn Rouch. . , <br /> � Special Police Bonds were approved and ordered filed ,£or Edward Luther <br /> ' and �Dean Berwyn Rouch. . ; <br /> The Chief presented his report for the month of ,April� 19�+8. <br /> The Chief inforned the Board that the noblie radio transr�itter and <br /> receiver �aas demolished in the accident ti-rith .a police car and the Clerk <br /> o£ the Board �•ras authorized to order a nevr unit. <br /> Three letter bids for a novie sound pro�ector and speaker were presented <br /> by the Clerk and the •Board accepted the bid of John Hite it being� in the <br /> Board�s opinion� the lowest and best bid subraitted. The bid was for one <br /> Bell and Ho�•rell 16 m.m. model i�179 sound pro�ector and speaker at a579.00. <br /> They allo�•red �300.00 for an alloorance for the old Victor sound pro�ector <br /> belonging to the Folice Department. <br /> ELECTRICAL D'SPARTP-'�NT: 14r. �dilliam Qualls� Superintendent� was present <br /> and matters pertaining to his depart�ent were discussed. <br /> PRr. Qualls presented reports recommending the installation of street <br /> ligh ts as the intersection of Queen and Allen Streets and also at Hawthorne <br /> and 6�lashington Streets. The Board approved these recom.mendations and directed <br /> P4r. Qualls to order the lights installed. <br /> A petition was received asking for the installation of a street light <br /> ' at Fassnacht and College Streets and also one for a light at Hastings and <br /> 36th Streets. These �rere referred to f•:r, Qttalls. <br /> 1dEIGHTS & i4EASUF.ES: btr. Charles Eurns� City Sealer� filed his report for <br /> the month of April� 19�+8. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board the neeting <br /> was ad�ourned at 11:30 A.i-i. <br /> ATTEST: <br /> �p - c Chairman <br /> Clerk <br />