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� jo � . <br /> � <br /> � Ce^tler.:en: Ci; <br /> C <br /> 1hi� Oif1CC Y1aS I:CCri 3(%'11�Cd b�' Lt, GCOI'�e i1TC28. i,h1t 0I1 �i?e i::OT'I11ri�^, <br /> of ::a� =F, 1;1: `3, at approxir:a.�el;� 3: 50 �1.i'. on Indiana Cab Jriver, Leo <br /> C�.rlisle� reported� at heldquar�ers t_lat a poLce officer� ca:r;�in� <br /> b�d�e i:o. 9k� :�ras in iIill' s i�u:�buroer 3c�te.ur�nt� in the 3C0 �lock <br /> �'ortn i:icni�an Street� in a ver;r into;ricated condition. � <br /> S;t. De:;isnelaere proceeded to �;o to Hi11' s IIar:�bur�cr :;est�urunt triiere <br /> �he discoverca Of�icer Joss in �n into.cic�_ted cond_i�ion, Joi-uz Ln.t-r� a <br /> -�:raiter _^.t i?ill' s� '�wnaed S�t. •De;lisnelaere Gffice: Voss ' Uad,-e, incn <br /> �S�t. De':7i�nel�.ere placcd Officer 'ioss in a ta„icao e.nQ ir_�t��ucted tLc <br /> ;cab driver to t^Le hi-� ho^:c� an?i al�o ir.°orr:ed 0_ficer 'Ioss +hat he ' <br /> �should conta.ct the Chief' s ofs"ice la�e� in the da��. <br /> •I inior;°ed Officer ;7oss tliat •in �vie;� o°' the fact thct he vio�ated :;ule <br /> �1�+ of the i ules and i e�ulations of +he ��outh ��r.d Folice ��epartr,�ent th^.t it <br /> �;;oui d be ncccsse.r;y to suepend �hira and nrefer c?,3r�e� in �,rritir� to •ti:o <br /> ��oard of ruBlic ':ior:_s ^r_ci �_^.fetf� an�� tli:t he �;ould Le �notiiied at a <br /> l�.ter date to report to the ':ourcl ior t'r.e l�t.rno�e of standin� �ria1, <br /> . �ours trulJ� <br /> (S ) i3.-^..S=Sr 1. _''.-'TeT'Ett <br /> ii, i, i;Veret� <br /> • C��iei of Folice <br /> Ofricer Voss havin�- t,�.ived forraal notice of tir.•:e and ple.ce of <br /> hearin�� iras nresent at the i°:ectin, nnd hewring lras h�_d, �lfter o. iull <br /> discus.sion of tiic c^.se� the �o�:rd the follo�:rin� dccision : O�ficer <br /> ��.%053 1S �O �.00�E.` '-i,i1C :�".l�.l';;T IOT Li1C C�.a.J5 �OSt l�:tl��C� IlE.' �•+B.S SU��E,`?7C'1f,:A �:Y'iCl <br /> is ;ined the sun o� ;;25.00� t�e fine to ��e _r,uid at tne rate of .';'S,00 per <br /> 1��':r`1'""r <br /> _ „ �� . <br /> iY�,!iT 11� 7 �P�^i-i�i�T��'l: 1i11S bein�� i;1iC C��:.tE,' �f.'t rOi T'E,`CE`1V1?l� �:71(�S SOT '-i.�12'CG <br /> three n?-s�en�er coupes for ti�e iiealth Den��rt��ent� ^rd onl;,r one uid hav- ' <br /> ing Leen seceived� it �r�s o�encd. and re^cz as °oLorrs : <br /> Schernan-Schuus-Freer.°:un Co, i'on-collusion a�'�id^.vit ar_d c^rtified <br /> South =�nd� Indiana checl: �cccr°nanied ':�ici (;;;2i S.Op) <br /> 3 IoLFg 0tudeoa?:er Cha�_�pion Jclu:_e 3 p^.ss, coupcs � ��rith <br /> underseat '_:c4ter un3 ceir�ster� paintea bl^.c'. :,r3']20,15 <br /> • Lcss tr�.3e in allo:tance fo: 19�+0-19�`1-191�2 3;,�.�.derc'ccr <br /> Coupes ;�1575.00 io�al purch� nrice ;21�7.17 <br /> Thc 4co-�e oid �:�as accented, � <br /> �.��C,�'��tT!:i"� J)'��P.i''iL'.�"':i: '�T. `�J17.1.12.Ti )U^Z�S � aL�7&`I'1_^.l.C?7'�.EY1{�� `;?_..� T.'_'G3C?7f". <br /> -.nd n^.tters pertainin� to 2is dep^.r�~�ent �,rere d.iscussed. <br /> Iir. Que_lls infor^ed the �o�rd that the se�en, li�ht� ordered. in en <br /> 2cader.:f rlace� �l�] er F7.�_ce ar_d Good Pl�ce at in�crsections �:ritL In�let;ood <br /> Ple. le� ^�:.lver Plcce c<nd i ivers_d.e �rivc� had a,ll� ir.�tallecl :nd ��ere <br /> norr in ser�ice. • <br /> _here bein� no furtl�er 'oii�iness to co;�e Le_^ore ±he �o.r4.� the <br /> i:cetin� �ras adjon.izcd at 11:L5 A,I:, <br /> , nnJ„n: ' , , <br /> L'11" .il ' <br /> ' // �'i=1�,1Y`^1_^,.I7 <br /> CO .��_U Clcri; <br />