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� 18 `°� . <br /> � <br /> I���.r , clFg � <br /> �-� 3, -. <br /> r <br /> A regul�r raeetin� of tne Loa.rd oi Public ,Sc;fety r��s held on :"ond.ay� <br /> :;a�r 3� l��o at 10:00 r:.i`. .L'��s, t*ere ,r,_escnt. i:inutes of the last <br /> r�e��ting �:rerc reacl ^nd approved, , Cl:^._r,s oi the follotrin�� supplie^s, in t,hc <br /> a.r.-.ount of ;�l']�928.C�+ �:�ere approved �n3 ordered p�icl: <br /> �. .. , r,. <br /> S�,-� �e:T:ian , •a 31.�23 . St� ley Laslro�;s�i :r 2. ,0 <br /> SaM Lerman 80,�3 , Lod�*Ua & Son 2�G�;-3.00 <br /> �s.;i ? � '7'7.96 i:idti�est :ire £c Salet�r 1�0,00 <br /> Sa.m ?er-,:�n , . 1O1.c,0 L:idcrest ?ire & 5�ietf 14�2�.80 <br /> Sa;.. Eerm?n 81.02 A. G, i:eier � Co, , 3.75 , <br /> �a,-.i �err.:an 75.32 T.'rste�. Froducts �o. 193.19 <br /> �i�_rr;7 T. =,�er�tt 11.60 0'Brien Cor�ora�ion , 23,37 <br /> 1^he Gibson Cc�nany 125,�:2 F.ioto�tat �"orporation 15.60 <br /> The Gi��scn Conp�.nf 1+-1.�1 �'a.ciio Distributir� Co, ��3, 51 <br /> �lnora liart:�:^n 91.00 Hattie 3�ville 1.00 <br /> Cl�r..ent I:azinsl:i 120,00 0. ?l., Sr.�ith Le;;al Bool�snop 5.00 <br /> Jo1:n tiite , 120,00 �incl�ir _�efinin� Co. 8.1�- <br /> Hof fnan Bres. � 1.40 �ussc�.l c"; iZ��.s -.e� 1 l�-, 50 <br /> Indiona. Bell ?elep:one 17.76 South �cr.d Heat�Cover Co. 26.75 <br /> Irdiana State Inaustries 152,28 5tand�_d r�uto,.�otiye Sup:ly 26.7�- <br /> Interstate Glo.s� �, Faint 2'],13 , , <br /> ?IItE D';P�+';i;"'�1'^: Chief :�r_drzcjetrsl:i z�a� nresent and r.��tters pert2.inino to <br /> his dep�r�::ent �:re_�e discussed, <br /> r,n anplic�tion ior the rire Dcpartr°:ent ,*as anproved and ordcred <br /> filed for 5teve I-icholas iinra�:n�i. <br /> Chief lndrzeje�;s?=i �nd Instructor ;ichard Ducl: zrere �r�ntcd permission <br /> to =�o to Lansin�� I:�chigan on i'_ay 6� 19�`� to �:ttend a de~-:orstretion of <br /> fire fightin� l�rith foo. <br /> pnLIC�; D�pF,?L:':�;T: Chief �vcrett �;as nresent and rlatters r;ertainin� to <br /> his clepartncnt ;*crc discussed. ' <br /> The C..ief ini or;::ed the �'.o�rci thut tlie De_r,a.rt:-:ent �„^s ii� r.eed of a <br /> ne�r r:ovic ^rojector ^r_d �:�ished to �racic in the old one. Thc Clcrl: of <br /> the L'oc:rd ,.^.s directed to �et lct�er bici� fro:z three rc�utable :ie�1er� <br /> in said equin-:ent. <br /> C�^u1e Leller presented 1?ia resi�n?tion fror� �he r^olice Depo-rtrlent <br /> after iiwvin� served t�tenty th�ee ;�ears. ii�e �o�sc1 �ccepted his resi�ra- <br /> tior as of i:af l� cnd allol;cd hirl the custor:^rJ iifteer_ cl�;rs leavc. <br /> Don�.ld E, i°e�:p ha*�ii�� becn disr�.�ssed fror:, �i�ilc �endi:� Frociucts �ivi- <br /> sion �s a po]_ice oificer� Lis �ecinl Police �or:��issior. is ,iereb? tcr?-:in- <br /> �ten as of th�s d.^te, <br /> `'�T.''�i'"L-'.!�:1=' �'l.:Pi''�-`�"�::��:..,.`�'i : 1�.1'• :'i1��.1�T.1 '-�U��,.1.�_5� iiU�lE)2'7.Y'_�EY1riCi7t1� ';l;).5 hY'CSEYlt <br /> cnd �~�^�ters pert^,-nin� �o i1i� d�p�.rt.�:cnt �rere discussed, <br /> A ;etition �.r^s received �.�'-_in� ro= thc installation o�' � strcet <br /> li .�?z� on i'o?�th :.Cia*�:s �:�t�reet iror.��}� ':la-* ':icct to 'Tass�r �nd ::t. the <br /> in'_erscction of vd�r.:s 1nd �ali•°or^i�. Strccts, i`.�� r;'s rcfcrrcd to 2:r. <br /> ;t_�.11s. <br /> I-:r, Qualls _��f'orr:cd the �o-`-rd ��that��the follotain� 1� •�hts ��rl,ich h^d <br /> Ueen or3ere8 �n �;ere installcl �_nd in service: C^lvert�and ^lyde Streets� <br /> '�Ly� <br /> Prairie Lvenue ar.d Olive 3treets� r~^.iric !.ver_uc ^nd S;rrgert ��� ects � ' <br /> r�I'�TL'.GC ^.YiCI �"•';"_n,_^, ^l�i! Oi? •'1��.�,U.T :i.Tf^t ''::C�i.:ICE,`!1 =�!:T^GC.t �Y1C;. '__Ll�.^.'.',70=�j;. <br /> ;;^�r,T?^� ;1ti� t^,n;T;nrg: ;;r, Cnerles �urn�� CitJ Scule:� iiled his report <br /> 'or tLe :aontli� of tlpril,� 19�+8. <br /> rn?CT'C ''�JC?I7�^, ?�!O rLlitilE.`� :ill.^�1:1C,^�5 t.0 CO:".0 I�CiOT'C ii.itC :'O._^.I'c'.� ''"..'L3C i'�-.^.t'.- <br /> iri, t:+�� �:z j Cu„?:erl ^.t 1�_:'-,j :l.I:. � . <br /> ._ '1-,J..�. <br /> �_ . _.— <br /> r,, ;,y,�wn <br /> '�/��� --�.� . <br />