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� � 6 � , <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> e� <br /> Gust C. I1i�tz� a r�er�ber of the Fire De.partnent� presented his r' <br /> application for retirn.^�ent on pension after ha.ving serced rore than <br /> tt�renty-five years on the departr:ent. The ^oard accepted his resi�- <br /> nation� to becone eifective on 2.a.y 16� 1i�+8. <br /> [lilbur�er� h4ving passed nhy�ical exa.�inations �iven by the <br /> City Doctor and the Doctor apaointed by the Firenen'r Fension rund �'rustees� <br /> is norr a probationarf r.,er.^bcr of the Fire Departnent for a period of <br /> sir months� durin� erhich tine he shall Ue paid the compensation of a r::an <br /> on a nrobations.r;� basis. He �ras directed to report for duty on April <br /> 20� li'�+8. ' ' <br /> The Chief reported th:t Fra.nk i:anijal; had, successfully passed his <br /> probationar•*� period as of l�pril 15� and Robert �iaechter had successfully <br /> passed his i :obation�ry period ti�hich �:ould tcrni�ate April 30� and <br /> recon*..ended that thesc r.:en be r..ade permanent r:�enb�r� of tne Departr.:ent. <br /> ihe Eoard� upon .the Chief's recor„mendation� so ordered, <br /> I•Ir. Carson Cauffman� irustee of `rlarren Totmship� to�ether �rith his <br /> :�ttornc;�� 1`.r. Harry Taylor� ca^!e before the �oard to asV for iire service <br /> for his totanship for a part of this year� un�il they c�n �et nelivery of <br /> their o�m fire apparatus. Thc Board ^.�reed to flzrnish fire service to <br /> the said totmship and to bill the to�;nship for only such part of the yrea.r <br /> as the service iras actually used. <br /> POLICE DrPART?='IdT: Chief �verett �ras present and'ma.t�e,•s pertainin; to <br /> h_s depart~:ent �rere discussed, � <br /> Tl.e Chief in�orned the Bourd th^.t OfSicer ':7^yne ':felcore h^d junped <br /> into thc river in an effort to save a child and in so cloin� had lost a . <br /> ring �nd had injured his.tratch� and tne 3oard� upon the Cnief' s reco,-.r.1er.- <br /> dation� instructed the Clerl: of tnc Eoarc'. to 'r_1ve tne iratch repaired and <br /> to replace the rin�. <br /> Special Police tond rene�:aals �rere a.pprovcd and ordered filed for <br /> Eldoi� Dellitt �uell� Harold 'J, Rocre and Leon I.. Garner. ' <br /> The Chief presented, his --eport for tne r~onth of I`.�rch� 151+-8, <br /> I?r. V. I_icel.� car.!e before the ?oard to renuest perr..ission to use <br /> a loud spea'_.�er on a car in tile do�m tot,�n area� for political purposes � <br /> und the �o�rd den`�ed his re�uest. <br /> '�LJC^RIC��L 7��'1�',Ti`�I;T: I:r. ':lilliaM ';ualls� 'tiuperintendent� tras p:esent <br /> und natte�s pertainin�- to nis depart:�ent ��rere discussed. <br /> Fet=tion� ��ere received a�� for the installa.tion o� street li�hts <br /> at thc intcrsection of ErooY.iield snd Frairie and �ll>�,rortli Fl^ce and <br /> t1^shington Street, Tnese t��ere referred to i:r, Qualls for investi�ation <br /> and report. <br /> Iir. Qualls presented u report on the J_i�htin� �.t Jolm :idans School <br /> and reco?�.:.�ended the instwllation of 15 li�hts, � Lhe Bo�rc approved his <br /> recora:�enoation anci directed hin to order the li�hts in as follows: <br /> ?'isha�:�aka I�ver_ue bet�reen �ddy and Be�rer� ,'fishatralca ��venue ar.d �eyer� <br /> T;ish�.tral:a l.ver.ue and Oal1:^.nd� I�ishu�:ra'_�a Avenue and i't�yc?:enhur Dr_ve� <br /> ,;isha,�a_:a !!venue �.nd 3e11evue Street� tdishawaka Avcnue betoreen i'�rycLenha:� <br /> �rivc and Greenlaim .lvenue 4 li;hts� 1�.ishatira::a !lvenue bet�reen Greenlawn <br /> �venue and 20th Street� 2 lights� South side of I:ishu�ra?:n iivenue be'��een <br /> Greenla�m anci. 20th Street� �rycl;enhar.i Drive bet�reen i-'ish�.otal:a =.venuc ar.d <br /> ?lall Street t�ro, li�hts� ib�ycUenhar! Drivc, betlreen ':;all Strect wnd "?oover ' <br /> Utreet one liPht. , <br /> • There bein� no further business to cor�e before the Boasd� the r^eting <br /> ar�s adjourned at 11:�+� A.Pi, . <br /> A_Ti�ST: . /����P�� , <br /> (� � .���� ; <br /> ChairMan <br /> Clerk . <br />