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� �J <br /> Fienr;� �egard� L�:ember of the i ire Depart�-:ent� prc�ented hi� re�ign-�:tion <br /> £ron said departMent to becoMe effective on april 15� 19�-8. Tne Board <br /> ;�ecepted the re�ignation. <br /> rire service ��reencnts �;ere si,ncd U_- the Loard for fire service to <br /> Porta�e totmship;. <br /> Tnc follotring r.,en havin� pnssed rhysical er�r.:inations �iven bJ tne <br /> City Doctor and the �octor appointed by the PireTMen's Per_sion �ind lruntees <br /> arc no;� a�,pointed as prob_�tion:ry r..erlbers of the Fire Departr:ent for a � <br /> period of sir. r..onths� durin� �rhich ti*-e they she.11 be paid thc �al?rf of <br /> r:en on a probstion^ry basis : Stanle;� Zielinsl_i and �d��ard Hasinski, P's, <br /> Zielinsl;i ;;es �reviously dirccted to report for duty on .^�pril 3� and Iir. <br /> iiosinsl:i wa� directed to r eport for duty on April 7� 191i-8, <br /> '�lilUur J, Bollin�,er ti�as directed to have physical er_ezlinations by the <br /> City Doctor �nd the Doctor appointed by the Fire;�en's Pension F`und trustees <br /> preparatory to his appoint;ient to the rire Dcpart�-ent. . <br /> FOLIC�; D'FARIP:�I?m;- Chief ^veret{; t�as present and mattera pertainin� to <br /> llis departr.:ent �sere discussed. <br /> �1 special policc co*�a�ission ��as approved and ordered filcd for Jol_n <br /> J, Pawlal.� a in the atreet Der,�rt*-.ent, i:o bond iras required, <br /> rintliony :uscio failed to pass physic�l e..ur..irations preParatory to <br /> being apnointed to the Police Departr:ent and tLerefore �ras rejected ior <br /> apro;ntr�ent to suid depa^tr.�cnt. <br /> �LEC'�':tICAL D�P^,Ri-'^i'1: I-fr. ;'illi�_n :;ualls� Superintendcnt� ;�as present <br /> and r.7atters pert^inin� to his departr;ent iae?•e discussed, <br /> i:r. Qualls ir.fos^red the �o�.rd that tLe fire alarr.i bo; lccateci ?n <br /> front of I:aleJ school is to be r.:oveu to the corner of Olive and Lon�leJ <br /> Streets, <br /> 2 petition for a street li�ht at tne corner of �dd;* �nd i;apolcon <br /> ' �tTCCtS '9.^_S referi^CL t0 i�.P, ;�U�^..�ZS fOi 1Y:VC5�1�^t10ri �I1Ct repori`„ <br /> t� petition ior �strcet li�hts at tl:e o_° Catalpa �nd P:err Strcets <br /> nncz Cataln� and Gar�t �trce�s �ras rcferred to I:r, �.�uall� for invcstination <br /> and re�ort, _ <br /> i`s. C�u^lls inforr.:cd the i:o�rd th�t street lip,hts ordered in o.t <br /> Liberty Strect �ettreer_ Jef"e��son and :Icstern� IIo•.:ard ar.d St. Peter Streets � <br /> ,:c:rquette cnu ; e�de St^eets� :�rr.e:-an an:i �t, Jocepi: Streets Olive and <br /> Lcn�;ley �trcets � �r,*and �trcet �nd In,letrood Place� Bryan Ntreet and Shernan <br /> Flace� ?eale Strcet ard Inole�,;ood Placc� �eale Strcet and �hcrnan Street� <br /> �ao�evclt Street and In^lelrood rlace and Roosevelt ai,reet �nd Sh�rr. an �t:ect <br /> _nd ;ose St_ect and In�levood Place h�d ull been installed cnu r;ere .,o;r in � <br /> service. , , <br /> ?1i�IGIiiS AI;D ;."3,5SU u,S : i:r, Cnarles 3urns � City �caler� £iled his report for <br /> the nonth of ?_^.rcli� 1948. <br /> ^_hcre bein� no "ur�her busine�s to cor.�:c before tY�e �on:d� �he r,:eetin� <br /> �:;a� adjour_.ed at 11:1�5 %- .2" • <br /> - • /� <br /> n ^n� `//��� VWI�'/���� <br /> tiTTi..�� <br /> �'��• � �--�..��. , - <br /> ' °% Cl:airr�an <br /> Cler?; <br />