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� <br /> Z� � <br /> A letter oras draited and sent to the Totmship Trustees to i•rhor� <br /> contracts �rere previously submitted indicating that the coni:racts ��ere <br /> ar�ended by the Board of Fublic [Iorl.s and Safety �rhereby the City of <br /> South Bend �•rould receive only the ten cents on each one hundreddollar� <br /> of the assessed valuation r�hich tirill be collected by the treasurer. <br /> POLICE Ds,PARTT:LI•TT: Chief Everett o;as present- and r�atters pertaining to <br /> his depart.:�ent orere discussed. <br /> Iirs. Powell of 426 5outh .Iain Street, cane before the Doard to request <br /> perraission to sell tags on the city streets to Uenefit the St. Pierre <br /> Ruffin Club. This request tiras denied. <br /> ' LEGAL D�ARTi-SEI<T: A letter :ras received froM J, J. Kohen� indicating <br /> that his ���ife helen f,ohen had fallen �ahile wall:in� in £ront of 1715 Portage <br /> Avenue and that clair�s for dana�es and injuries ��rould be filed against the <br /> city. This lvas re£errecl to i•ir. Baer for investigation, <br /> ELECiRICAL DEPEiRTi:�T;^1: P?r. Glilliam Oualls � Superintendent� oras present <br /> and natters pertainins to his departnent orere discussed, <br /> Pir. �ualls inforr�ed the Board that lights ordered in at Ber�_ley and <br /> Beverly Place� Ingle��ood and Lathrop Place had been installed and that <br /> lights at IIolly:rood and Oa?:wood and i�erkly and Oak-�•rood had been cha.nged fror7 <br /> 2500 lur,�en to 4000 ltu7en. . <br /> Iir. �ualls reco�^s endeu that street lights be installed at �rairie and <br /> Sorygart� E�ring and Gertrude and Calve:t ar_d C1yde . Streets, Lhe� Board� upon <br /> his reco:.s:endation� approved the installation of these lights and directed <br /> i;r. rpalls to order thera in. <br /> Iir. Qualls requested per�ission to attend a convention of International <br /> i.unicipal Signalren's Association at RocY. Island� Illirois on .1pri1 2 and <br /> 3. The Board granted perrtission, <br /> POLICE DEPARTI �IIT: This be_ng the date set for receiving bids for cars <br /> for the Folice lleparEnent� and only* one bid having been received� it wzs <br /> ' opened and read as follo�rs : <br /> ;��^��Y.�,��,4,�,�,, r{ i;on-collusion affidavit and certified check <br /> South Eend� Indiana for u3$7.00 ucco�:panied bid <br /> Scherman-Schaus-Freer.:an Co. <br /> . . 5. 19�+8 Studebal:er Char,.pion Dx 2-dr. Sedans, <br /> � _ , painted. blacl.� equipped orith underseat heater <br /> , - & defros�er� export sprinos� all Y.eys aliLe <br /> . . reinforced cushings each �5i595.10 <br /> • 15� discoun� 21]-.80 <br /> � i383.�30 <br /> Less Federal Eycise tax 75, o <br /> 1397.9� <br /> iotal 5 units 6539.5� <br /> � Less trade in allo�rance for <br /> " � cars r�-9 1;1-28-26-16-21 �EOOO.Oo <br /> � . � >2539.50 <br /> The above bid �ras accepted. <br /> �lEIGfIiS P: I�ASiT3FS: .This bein� the date set for receiving bids for a car <br /> for the city sealer� and only one bid haveing bcen. received� it �ras opened <br /> and read as follows: <br /> ' Scherr�an-Schaus-_reeman Idon-collusion affidavit and certified check <br /> South Bend� Indiana acco.^..panied bid <br /> 1 19�+8 Studeb�'_�er Charpion Dx �+ door , sedan <br /> painted b1acY. eauipped taith heater and de- <br /> froster `�1617.10 <br /> 15° aiscount ,�216�0 <br /> 1400.t50 <br /> Less Fecieral �ccise Tax 76.90 <br /> � 1323.90 <br /> Less credit 28.90 <br /> �1295.00 <br /> =he above bid lras accepted. <br />