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20� °� � <br /> � <br /> ci <br /> � <br /> James Alexander Huriphrey, Joseph Suatos� John Peter fos?nslti and Russell C <br /> Ih•right Ryker� Jr. - <br /> The following men having passed physical exar�inations ,given by the <br /> City Doctor and the Doctor appointed by the Firenen's Pension Fund Trustees� <br /> they are noti�r appointed ,as probationary r�e:�bers of the Fire Department for <br /> a period of six r�onths� durin� 1-rhich ti��e they sha11 be ,paid the regular <br /> salary o£ men on a probationary basis: Victor J. Derdak and Jose h �, <br /> Daly. They men were directed to r eport for duty on T;arch 17� 19�+�. <br /> This being the date set for receiving bids for plumbing trork and <br /> remodeling trork in the kitchen o£ Central Fire Station, the follooring ' <br /> bids orere opened and publcly read: <br /> Kitchen Tfart� P1on-collusion affidavit and certified checY <br /> South Bend� Indiana in the aMOUnt of ;,�58.17 accompanied bid <br /> St. Charles iSitchen Cabinets made to specifi- <br /> _� <br /> , cation as per bid ?581.70 <br /> CuPboard Corner Bid �aas not in proper forM and had no check <br /> or bidders bond as required by the advertisenent. <br /> Youngstown Steel Kitchen ,cabinets as per <br /> require�ents �55�.a5 <br /> Tne bid of the F,�itchen 2,art ti�as accepted inasmuch as the bid o£ the <br /> Cupboard corner �ras not in order. <br /> Lodyga �3 Sons• TJon collusion zffidavit and certified checl: in <br /> South Bend� Indiana the amou;it of u20�+.00 a.ccoMpanied bid. <br /> Al1 plumbing and fixtures per specifications £or <br /> Central Fire 5tation . . �2�d+3.o� <br /> The above bid �aas accepted as it �ras the only one received. ' <br /> POLICE DEPARTPa'ENT: Chief Everett *.ras present and matters pertaining to <br /> his departs,ent orere discussed. <br /> Tne Chief o£ Police presented his report for the nonth of February. <br /> Special Police Commissions etere zpproved and ordered filed for <br /> John Pinkowski� Silas iiirkendall and [?illia� �aaney, These are all <br /> Street Depart�aent eMployees and no bond t•ras required, <br /> Bonds for special policeraen ��rere approved and ordered filed for <br /> FranY. Peters and Albert A. Vascil. . <br /> ELFCTRICAL D�'PARTI-�T�T: bir. L+lillia� �ualls� Superintendent� oras present <br /> and matters pertaining to his departnent were discussed. <br /> � Petitions �rere received asking for ,the installation of street lignts <br /> at the intersection of Dale and Donmoyer Streets� rsnold and �:lestern Avenue� <br /> the first alley ';Jest of Olive ,on .Linden .Street� and the alley intersection <br /> between 2�iain and LaFayette and the first alley I?or,th of i;avarre. Tnese <br /> �ere all referred .to i�.r, �izal].s for investigation ,and report. <br /> 2ir, C�ua11s inforMed the Board the the street li�ht ordered in at <br /> Ha�athorne Hrive and Jefferson Blvd. had -been installed and l�as r_o�•r in <br /> service. • • � ' <br /> 2ir. Qualls also iniorrsed the Board that Henry Sherr�an had returned <br /> �ror� his leave of absence and tras to report for duty on I�arch 16� 19�+8. <br /> Tnere being no further business to come before the Bo�r,d� the <br /> meeting was adjourned at 12:00 I�oon, <br /> �> <br /> . Chair�an <br /> ATir�ST: • <br /> ��� ���� <br /> —P Clerk <br />