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� 2Ui <br /> The Ciiief infor�ed the 3oa:d that one of the fire trucks had hit <br /> a parked .car lvhile on a run, and the Board authorized the repair of the <br /> car ti•�laich �:ras hit� orined bJ Earold J. I?ellans. <br /> This Ueing the date set fo: receiving bids for one 750 �allon <br /> pumper, the follov�ing Uids r�ere opened and puUlicly read: • <br /> General Fire Truc:t Co, Certi£ied check for ;?1,850.00 accor.ipanied bid <br /> 2272 '3. Jefferson �ve.� . <br /> Detroit, T:iich 1 General I+iodel 76G t^rith General �date.^ous 750 <br /> gallon parallel seriera t�^�o stage centrfugal Fire <br /> pump on a General FIeavy duty custori chassis 200 <br /> H.P. l'lauliesha �ngine ?18,4II1.15 <br /> America-LaFrance-Poamite Ilon-collusion a££idavit and certi£ied check for <br /> 445 T?. Lake Shore Drive, ?�1,550.00 accompanied bid <br /> Chicago , Illinois . <br /> 1 Anerican LaPrance Invader "?odel V-12 cylinder <br /> 7.90 H.P. 750 gallon motor pu^iping engine vrith <br /> cab w15, 299.90 <br /> Sea�rave Corporation, non-collusion affidavit and certifie d check for <br /> Columbus, 7, Ohio N1,500.00 acco:�:pnr.ied bid <br /> 1 Series �185 canopy cab pumpin� en�ine accord- <br /> in� to specifications y?14,9II2.00 <br /> t:7a;in 'Zotor Co�:.pany, non-collusion affidavit and certi£ied check for <br /> T,Ziddleboro, ISass. ;j1.E00.00 accor.:panied bid <br /> 1 P;Iodel ITo 2417 750 �allon fire apparatus r�ith <br /> 55£3 cuUic inch :3ercules Fi-re service r.:otor <br /> � �,`�14�979.50 <br /> ',-lith 7 �an cnb add 250,00 <br /> ' :1lterr.nte 1 T?odel I1o. � 2357 750 gallon purr!per ;•rith 779 <br /> cubic inch Hercules Pire service r�otor <br /> N16�786.II2 <br /> , Ylith 7 nnn cab add 350�00 <br /> Bids :vere taLen under advise:nent to be tabulated and the a1:ard to be made <br /> at a later date, ' ' � � <br /> Tot�mship trustees oi Centre To.- nship, Gerr�an Toi•mship, Greene '1'ormship, <br /> Harris to�•mshin, l7arren Tor�nsnip and Porta�e To��rnship crere present at the <br /> r:ieeting to discuss the contract for fire: service to their various to�^�nships. <br /> POLICE D��F. RTP,4E2d'i': Chief �verett ti•ras present and r:atters pertainin� to his <br /> epar a:ent crere iscussed, ' <br /> ' A special police bond rras approved and ordered filed for George A. Bro,^m <br /> : The Chief presented hi� :eport ior the month of January, 194II. <br /> ' �ln application for Police:��o:aan cras approved and o^dered filed for <br /> I:iary Elizabeth'��esiben, ' <br /> It r:as the decision oi the 3oard that thc auxiliary policec�onen be <br /> allov�ed trro days sic1; leave per rlont?i, not accumulative. For each day <br /> ' over the trro days sick leave t;ie anount 'of tij2.50 oer da5 ti^rill be deducted <br /> from their salary. <br /> �L;sCTRICAL DEPARlr..�'i?T: I?r. �'lilliari Q,ualls, Superintendent, cras present and <br /> natters pertaining to his depart::ent ti°rere di�cu��ed. <br /> t::r. �,ua11s informed the Board that li�ts ordered iri at Prenont and <br /> Bulla Streets, :;lrrood and LIeade Streets, Johnson and ;1r;ood Streets, the <br /> seven lights in the Housin� United on Sheridan Street, Albert Street, �dison <br /> Street and Gladstone Street and the intersection of She�idan and Sample, <br />