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� <br /> � J7 <br /> The following �en having passed physical exaLlinations given by the <br /> City Doctor and the Doctor appointed by the r^iremen's Pension rund Trust- <br /> ees are no�r �ade, probationary mer�bers of the Fire Departnent for a period <br /> of six months� during o�hich tirae they shall receive the salary of �en on <br /> a probationary basis: Clem J. Sikorski� Ferdinand A. Bilski� Steve L. <br /> Laclmer� Jr, and Benedylct Denbinski. <br /> The follooaing men t•�ere appointed to the Fire Department subject to <br /> their ability to pass physical examinations �iven �by the City Doctor and <br /> . the Doctor appointed by the Fire�en�s Pension Fund Trustees: Robert L. <br /> Martin� Anthony C. Kovatch� Stephen Z9. Danielowicz� Jr. � Robert I�i, Stahl� <br /> ' Edzrard F, Radecki� Gerald R, Haag� Edraund J. Gadacz and Benedict S. <br /> Kowalslsi. <br /> POLICE DEPARThfENT: Chief Everett was present and matters pertainino to his <br /> departnent were discussed. <br /> A special police bond was approved and ordered filed for D, 5herMan <br /> Ellison. <br /> The T�iothers o£ I�iarines asked perr�ission to sell flovrers on the city <br /> streets on June 19� 1948. The Board granted permission. <br /> Upon submission of a proposal fro� the 3outh Bend Tribune for an inter- <br /> departnent pistol team trophy contest� the Board reconr!ended the partici- <br /> pation of the South Bend Police Departr�ent in said contest. <br /> Officer t•Iill�!an ��Ielch requested a leave of absence frora P•farch 16th <br /> to t�arch 31st inclusive� and the Board� upon the Chiefts recor,uaendation� <br /> gran�ed said leave. <br /> The Chief informed the Board that the departr:ent was in need of two <br /> cor,.plete radio units� and the Clerk of the Board tras authorized to advertise <br /> for them. , . , <br /> ELECTRICAL DEPARTT�NT: P•1r. William Oualls� Superintendent� 4ras present <br /> 1 and matters pFrrtaining to his departnent were discussed. <br /> A petition was received asking for the installation of •a street light <br /> at .the intersection _of Vassar and College .Streets. This was referred to <br /> P4r. �ualls for investigation and report. . <br /> , i•ir. QS�alls infor�ed the Board .that lights ordered in at �derwinsY.i where <br /> it ,dead-ends at j•�ilbur and also at the intersection of Sr�ith and Huey Streets <br /> had been installed and were no�r in service. <br /> , 2�r. Qualls recommended the installation of a street light at the inter- <br /> section of St, .Joseph and Dubail Streets� at 1Joodside and High Streets� at <br /> Colfax and Spruce Streets and in the alley in the rear of Hillcrest Road� <br /> and the Board� upon his reco,::r�endation� directed P�ir. Qualls to order the <br /> lights installed. , <br /> YdEIGHTS ATID P��ASURES: t�1r, Charles Burns� City Sealer� filed his report <br /> for, the month of January� 19�+8. � <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board� the �teeting <br /> tiras, ad�ourned at 12:30 P.2•4, . . <br /> ATTEST: �/���Q��„�p �✓ <br /> � Chairman <br /> � _ Clerk . <br />