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� <br /> 1'75 <br /> Septer.iUer 29, 1947 <br /> :s re�ular raeetin,r; of the 3oesr, oi lublic Safet<f rras held on ;iondaJ, <br /> Septc:.i�er 2�J, 1�J47, i,:r. IIont�or.ter^,� cras absent. i.iinutes of t=�e last <br /> rseetin;, �,rere read and ai�proved. Sal�r;,r clair..N in tne aiaount o£ ,,r33�261.52 <br /> rrere anprove:d and ordered paic, Claizis of t'�c follo�:in� su�plier� in t:.e <br /> ar�ount of :;;333.02 •r;�re approved ar_d ordered paid: <br /> Cit� :Iater '.�or?:s �> .�9 IiittlFr Su7nl;* Co. `,� 7.50 <br /> �'raternal Ordc:r o° Police 1�i.50 i:o�. Ir_d. Pub. Ser. Co. 1.00 <br /> -�n^le�-rood .'lec, S•..o�l�T 16,0� ,tiooer Si.op 19.25 <br /> Thc; Gi�son Cor.inany lE.l4 Scner^an-Schaus-?'ree:�nn 9.45 <br /> ' Goldbl?tt T�ros, 15.C�4 Scher^:an-Schavs=?reer„�an 9,?0 <br /> H. J. Kollar �.50 Schill?n,r,� s Inc. 31.20 <br /> ^he Lindc� Products Co. 3.42 South 3end Lu.ioer Co. 117,75 <br /> Thc: `.cCaile_�;r Co. 3,95 Steinho°fei Scal� Se� . 4�,50 <br /> G. `'. i_e?er �. Son .75 J. �. ';;alz Gara�e 1£5, 50 <br /> -,-�,--"-n. <br /> ?TR� D�r�!�,�i,__.�,� . Chief norrard r�ns prc;sent and :^attcrs pertainin^ to nis <br /> departrent �,-rc�re ci?aeussed. . <br /> !? perforii�r.ce bond fro:i tne ;?u�falo ?irc; yhnliance Co.�pan;*, cov�rin� <br /> the rot�rc'�ase oS the nei; �unper� i-ta� annroved and ordered iilod b7 the <br /> �o�»a. <br /> 1n a-.��lication for the :il•e Dena;t:;cnt -�.as ar,nro��ed �.r.d ordered £�led <br /> £or Jol:n �van Pu11:-an. . . <br /> YOLICi, D;?."�Ri='�:;T: Chief :�aerett �ras present and t'iatters pertainin� to <br /> his denart^ic�nt rte,c; diacussed, <br /> An annlication for the i�olice Denart:�.ent r;as apnroved and orde-red <br /> �i1Fd `_'or ',7i11=a:: Joseph Jaro�£P.TT�.ii, Jr. <br /> Off_cer D. .^.. :..Hrtin tendered hi� resi^nation iror.i the ?olice De- <br /> rart:�ent as of Ccto':er 11, 19�-7. ^ne 3o�rd�acce-�ted his :esi^nation <br /> as of that catc, � <br /> ' Unon the Chie.f� a roc o_:.�endat?on, the £ollor�in� nror.iot�eno r�ere <br /> :;_ade b;� the ';on�d: Lic�utenant r�a�in�;ci �,ras pro::oted to Captain; Patrol- <br /> , man Crist rras nro:-ioted to Lieutenant; ?at^oL-�an I:unt �ras nro:.aoted to <br /> Ser�;cant Hnd Patrol:ian Ciesielsl:i :.ns �ro:;oted to Ser�eant. Snr^eant <br /> Loui� Jar�:o�rs:;i �ras de:::oted to Patrol��?an 4nd. Ser�e^nt Paul ?.':cCu:roll rras <br /> der.�oted to Pat:oL^iar., nll to be ei�ective Octobe� 1, 1947. <br /> ihis bein� ti,e du�e set for receivin� bids for tne Police Depart^ent, <br /> the follor:in� oids r:ere opened and nublicl-; read: <br /> Iiarley-Davidson Sates, 1 ?3arley-Lavidaon :�ervi-c�r as per <br /> South ?.end, Indiar.a specificat=or_s :,;F313.60. <br /> Schermar.-ScPaus-:'ree�an Co. I:on-collusion aPiida<=it and certiiied chec:: <br /> South ?end, Inciana in tl:e a:nokit oi r;251.00 acca.par.ieci Uid <br /> 2 1947 Studebal_er Dc;luze Ch�u:�pion 2 door <br /> . Sed2ns >3,057.�0 . <br /> Leas 15;� di�count �OS.10 <br /> Less re�eral ia;c 1��=.00 <br /> . . - . .^otal . ��2,509.30 <br /> lne bid o° t'__e ?iarle;;-Davidcei: S�les rtas rej�ct:;d because their bid did <br /> not co�!�?l� ;-rith t�:e ter*.�:s or the- advei�isement �:hich as'_:ed for a trsdo in <br /> ' allorr�_^_ce. The bid aT ;,c'r.c�l:._�n-Schaus-�'reersan rras accepted, <br /> �L�CT3ICl�L D�P.1ni'.::::i: I.:r. :iilliar� ;�ualls, Sunerinten���t, ��ras present <br /> ancl r�ttero pertainin^ to '_�is. de_�art-_c:nt -,.ere diseussed, <br /> A petition eras receiven asl:in� ior- tne installat�-on of a st:cet <br /> li�h� at ti1c: i�-.ter^ection oP Ciiapin and. 5iier;ili Strcc�ts. ^hi� rrn� re- <br /> fc�r::d to e=r. !',uall� ior investi�ation and re�ort, <br />