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� <br /> � �� � <br /> C!� <br /> Se�tc�r.iber 22� 1947 � <br /> :s re�ula� nec:tin� of the ^carcl of Pu'�lic Safet� tras held on I.:onda�*, � <br /> Se;�ter�er 22, 1.°n7 at 10:00 �.::. :'111 r!e:�bers rrere nre�ent. i.iinutes of <br /> the last rice,tin� :�ere read and an�roved. Clai*.is of the fo11o::�in� sunpliers <br /> in the a.�:lount oi 5,1,111.10 r,ere .�;pproved �ld ordered paid: , <br /> fienrg ^randleJ ; 7.85 Indiana �ell ielephone �;150,fl2 <br /> 3u�ines� Syste:.�s 20I.92 Jare�eille :.pplrel Co. 20.96 <br /> yu�iness �Jste:cis 4�.51 i:ar-i.:ain Ph�r:.acJ 3,G0 <br /> City ',;ater ',7or1:� 5?�.32 1�. . G. i.:c:ier �: Co. , 6�.�� <br /> Gity ':",''atcr ';;orl:s ��i.8�3 '�. . C. L-ei�r �:. Co. . 83.00 <br /> (�'7.{-.� �,�`'d�('.E1' �•.iO��iS , Cs�g� ti� , G-• l�E',1(:I' i:: �.'O• �J�J� � <br /> �it•r '.;ater ':;orl;s 111,,I.57 Raaio Distrioutin,r, Co. _ , 1.3 <br /> Lt. Ha�in�L-i 11�.50 �oya1 ^yper��riter Co, 4.?. <br /> �?o°fman �ros, 1 .15 iCe�netn lubbs _ _.0 <br /> ^rthur J. Fo-:;ard o_.00 <br /> ?I?� DJPI,:i�?;i: Chief Horra-rd �tas nre�nnt and nattc�rs _�ertainin� to <br /> hi� departr.�ont r:ere discussed. <br /> iranl: Joiin ::anijak rras appointed to the Pi-re Depart:�ent uubject ' <br /> to his aoility to 7ass nhzrsical exa:�ir_at?ons ^;iven by the r,; t� Doctor <br /> wn:i t},e Doc�or appo�.rted 'u�,* the ?ire::en' � Peaaion Fund. ;Io r:a� direct�d <br /> to reno-rt to tne Doctors for exa:.iiir. tion. <br /> "in applicaticr. for tns :ire L`epart^ent r�as apnroved and ordered <br /> filed for :.a�,:and �ii�o�rs::i. , <br /> i;o Uicla navin� been received for t�e rc;nair ci �he �iu.+-�ber inree <br /> Station, the Clerl: of t?�e P,oard �'ra�_ au�ilo:izea to bu� the r..aterial� nnd <br /> see tnat t3ie ti:�orl: is connleted. <br /> Thi� ocin;; the date set Po� receivinr, Uic'is for overnc�ad door� for <br /> Stztions i?o. 3 and 5, the follociin^ oid rras opened an� pu'uliclj reaci: <br /> Overhead Door Seles :ion-collusion a£Piciavit acco:':panSed bid <br /> "outh ��end, Incizna and chcc?: in the a�ount oi ,>50.00 , <br /> 2 �Fts of oceri�ead door� ior =;os. 3 « 5 <br /> Stations :;247.00 each total ;;�94.00 <br /> ;ne above bid �ra� accented. . <br /> iOLIC� D:,P_`_�li_I:i: mhe Board ar.p-roved thc: Police report i'or the month <br /> of :�u�ust. . <br /> :1 S�ecial ?olice Co.:srissior rras an��oved and orde.ed 'r.eld :°or <br /> bor.d fo: '..:�rtin L. JablonsLi. <br /> ^he St. Josepli Countg Ar.ti-^u�erculosis Lea;;ue �rras ^ranted ner-�i�sion <br /> to hold a naradc: on the City Strec�ts on Sat:sda�*, i:over.:ber 22, 1847 2t <br /> �J: �O _'�.i.:, <br /> �esi�r.ations iro:�! the Poli e Dene.rtr..ent r;ere subnitted to tne "oard <br /> iro:n 5�e�o�� Poure� Jo�::ph L�sLor: Li and `Ternon �liis. ihe Board accepted <br /> tne resi^nations of Le�o�r Poure�and Joscpn Laal.o�rs�:i. iney did not accept <br /> tne resi�nation of Vornon ?-1is, but directea that i:r. �ll;s be rctired <br /> on nension after iiavin;; co::iplcted. r�ore tnan trrenty-three ;*ears o1' sc:rvice. <br /> �� letter �ra� rece_�ed iroi� Jose�h �Jroblerrs':i askin� for reinstaterient <br /> on th� Pol=ce Depart::ent, i:_❑ letter rras road but no action ti�!as t�l>en. <br /> �L�C^:�ICl.L D�P�tiiyi': i.:r. '.�il iari C;t.a11s, Sunerintend�nt, �:ras nresent ' <br /> E117C1 Y.1^ttE?PS T�!'I't'�L7.711I1U t0 '_'17..^, C� '.�'�.iT'i;:`iP.Yl{". 'iiG2'C: (1_9CU3SEC:l� <br /> 'Jpon I::r. :?ualls recorr_�erda ion ti,e �oard 1n�roved trie ins tallation <br /> of a st'reet light at the inter� ct; en of S:mn;;side and Sorin Strc�ets 1nd <br /> ;':r. (`t'_alls r�as d?rected to orde�l t'_.e li�lZt in. <br /> ;=,I�FY1'S t+'..�i '."sU:.ES : I.:_�. �har_.�s �u^ns, C_t�i Sealer filed llis renort <br /> ��or the rr<:el: er.din� Seate,aber 2U, 19�7. <br /> ^herc: bein� no furtLer ous'._res� to before tre �rn, rd, the rneet- <br /> in� craa ad3ot�rr.ed at 11:50 �':,L:. <br /> �i 1 n�^w,n; �� <br /> � l/� L� �1Ja� <br /> � <br /> - _ �--:i et=-7 e �L-rJJ_i% <br /> ! <br /> c. . <br />