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1r � <br /> Septer.zber 15, 1947 <br /> A reeular r.ieetin,; o£ the 3osrd of PuUlic Safety �ras neld on iionday, <br /> �epter.:'�er 15, i947 at 10:00 «,i.:� .^�ll mer.iUe�s vere present. ;,iinutes of <br /> the last neetir.� rrare read and anproved. 6alar,; clairis in the amount of <br /> :�33,462.52 �'tere approved and ordered paid. Claims of the follorrin;; suppliers <br /> in the o...�ount of ;�3,796.26 erere approv�:d ar.d ordered paid: <br /> Lelleveille �,vnber co. :;j 53.62 I:iotor Service & Parts {r 33.56 <br /> Julius �ukoi°�slci 2.76 lioodro��r I.IcDaniel 13.10 <br /> Gerber i.If;, Co. 206.60 Radio Distributin;^ Co, 98.72 <br /> GerUer T.�f�. Co, a£3,00 Radio Distrioutin� Co, :?7.26 <br /> "!'he Gibson Co::pany � 2,20 Iiieholas �, I:iuszer 2,970.00 <br /> ' Ind. �. TSich, �lec, Co. 25.44 Rail�°�ay �xpress :��ency 1.24 <br /> Ind. �� i:iich. �lec, Co, 6,60 R. �tar:nap 6.59 <br /> Ind. �� I,�ich. '�lec, Co. 1.88 Stanley H. 3eese . 180.43 <br /> Indiana 3ell Telephone 6.00 B. . D. Snith 2.00 <br /> Ir.diana 3e11 melephone 15.51 South Bend Dru,r�, Co. 4.50 <br /> Janesville �1p^arel Col 55,55 South rend Supp17 Co. 16.OII <br /> The Linde Air Products Co, ,62 StAndard Autor.iotive Suppl�* 2.OB <br /> G, �, I.ieyer £c Son 10.£36 CJestern Union Tel. Co. 6.16 <br /> FInB D�PARTi:�11^1 : Chief Ho�7ard cras present and r:atters pertainin� to his <br /> dep4rtnent rrere di�cussed. <br /> Tne Chief asUed pe:^nission to sent rire Insaector Joseph Baran�* and <br /> Instructor �le; Andreje��slci to Purdue University for a r^ire Prevention <br /> School Septer�ber ?,2 to 24 inclusive, ine Boa:d �ranted pernission. <br /> Captain Eenry A. Tesch:ce tendered his resignation i:on the 'r'ire <br /> Departnent c�ffective October 15, 1947, iiis resignation �-ias accepted. <br /> f� letter r�as presented by Chief rior�ard indicating t`.iat T.zaddeus <br /> Znudzins::i iiad successfully passed hi.s proU�tionar7 period on the rire <br /> Denart:�ent and t'_ne Board, upon the Chief� s reco-.��iendation, thereupon <br /> r.7ade h?r,i a per:�anent nenber oi the Denartnent. <br /> ' POLIC� D�P11R"'i.'._.Ii^: Chief �verett �:as p^esent ar.d matters nertaining to <br /> his departr.lent r�ere discussed, <br /> �'lpplications for the Police Depart:._'ent �rere an�:oved and o:dered <br /> filed £or ':d�yne Lee '�,`elco;.e, ?obert Pete,r �ips, David ^arr Rober�s �nd <br /> �drrard Donald Kvlila. . <br /> 3onds for special polico co�-iissions r:ere annroved and o:dered <br /> ziled ior John J, Breit a.^d i;or:7an ,i. Dietricn. . <br /> 1'he Chief rras ;ranted per:-:ission to atte:� a �eetin� of the Inter- <br /> nation .'�ssociation of Police Chiefs in Duluth, I.:innesota Septe�lber 21st <br /> to 26th inclusive, <br /> The Police Pistol Tean ti•�as autho'rized to attend a shootin� riatch <br /> at Davenport, Ioi:�a on September 23, 1947. . . <br /> �L�Ci��C°�L D�?ART::��Iim; I.;r, i7i11ia� 2ua11�, Superintendent, rras p�°esent <br /> z.nd r.iatters pertainir� to his denart:ient rrere discussed, <br /> i:r. 2ua11� �:ras ^ranted per^^is�ioh to attend a neetin� of the Inter- <br /> - national i:unicipal Si�nalr,ien' s f,ssociation at Grand �zpids, '.•'-ichi;;an on <br /> Depte:�ber 27tii to Cctober 3rd inclusive. <br /> • .'1 petition ,ras received� for the inst�llation o� a stre�:t li�ht <br /> , on Ilorth �iuey and ''.:est S:�ith Streets, �'his �•ras referred to L:r. �u111s for <br /> investigation and renort. <br /> ;i�I�?�iTS Fi� 3C�SU'_;�5: I'r. Charle� Purns� City Seale,, filed his report for <br /> the �:eel; endin� Se^te�ber 13, 1947, . <br /> There being no ftLther bus=ness to co::e before t?ie Board, t.ze mee,tin� <br /> ti-ras ad journed at 12: 30 P.I:. <br /> C.Ti::S i : ' <br /> � �.�:�.r�o V , "'r { ,cz . � ` Chair:.^.a� `- <br /> �� _. Clerl� <br />