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�`�� � , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> FIR� D�PAP.'i'i:yldi: Chief Hocrard �tas present and .natters p�rtaining to ��-' <br /> his departr.ient �^�ere discussed. <br /> An application for the rire Department cras approved and ordered filed <br /> for Ceor�e I�rovitcn, Jr., <br /> Upon the Chiefts recomnenda,ion, the Board pronoted '�dr;ard Peters <br /> to the rank of Lieutenant, effec ;ive 5epte:�ber 1G, 1947. <br /> POLICE D�PART��JITi: Chief sveret'� :^ras present and r�atters pertaining to <br /> his aepartment t°�ere discussed, ' <br /> Applications £or the Police Departr.lent rrere apnroved and ordered <br /> filed for John Christopher I�iest ,r and CharlesClarer.ce LaRorJe, Jr. <br /> A Special Police bond �ras a�proved and . o:dered filed for ':;illian <br /> Henry I+:ack. <br /> Special Police Cor:vnissions rrere approved and ordered held for bonds <br /> for•Jo':�n J. �3reit and I�or�an :+. Jietrich. <br /> Officer Paul J. i:cCarroll t�ndered his resignation frora`the Police <br /> Departr.ient efiective SepteriUer 15, 1947. The Board accepted the said <br /> resi�nation. � <br /> Captain '�l. Ii, In�ram tendersd his resi�nation fror� the Polico <br /> Departraent to becor:ie effective O�tober l, 1947. ihe Board accepted the <br /> resignation. • <br /> The Chief informed the Boar3 that the Police DeparBment ti�ras in need <br /> of t�vo cars and a. tnree rrheeled servi-cycle. The Board directed the <br /> Cler'_� to advertise for bids for same to be returnable on Septe�ber 29, 19a7. <br /> I:irs. Larrrence 3e11 and i��rs. �hrl�e, representin� :Iothers of ��orld <br /> ':,'ar i;ur.iber Trro, rrere p.esent at the mceting to ask per!:lisaion to sell <br /> Poinsetta� on Decernber 6 on the Citg Straets, ihe Boa�d ?ranted per- ' <br /> r.iission. <br /> .1 letter i��as received from Dr. H, H. Slor.iinski reportin;; on the <br /> physical exaninations given to the aolicer.ien re£erred to him... ^1he <br /> Board took the r,:atter under advisement. <br /> �L�C^RICAL D�PA:tTI.�IIT: I:r. �;;ill�liaa �ivalls, Superintendent, rras present <br /> and natters per',sinin� to his de�artment ��rere discussed. <br /> i.:r. �ualls ��ras granted per:: lssion to attend a meeting of the Inter- <br /> national Sigiialmen� s Assocation at Grand 3apids on September 9, 1947. <br /> ir?r. Qualls •recor.v:�ended the installation of seven street li�hts in <br /> a ne�r resedential district as folloti^�s: rord and Albert Streets, Sa.�!ple <br /> and �dison Streets, Sheridan and�, S�saple Streets and in the niddle o£ the <br /> block betrreen r^ord and Sample S�'re�ts on Gladstone Street, �dison St:aet, <br /> Albert Street and Sheridan Stre �ts, ihe 3oard approved the installation <br /> and directed iir. Qua11s to ordes� then in. <br /> ':l�IGIiTS AIID I.�'�SUR�5: i:r. Char les 3urns, Cit� Sealer, .filed his report <br /> for the z�eek endin� Septer,lber 6,� 1947. . <br /> . lnere bein� no furt:�er Uuslness to .corae before tne Board, the '3oard <br /> :..eetin� rras adjou:ned at 11:30 :1 .T,I. <br /> f�TT� 'T: �� ' <br /> , j � }J'J, C��C`J Cliair�an <br /> `�/��c:2 / i'" .�'�`rlr� s _ , . . - <br /> � C l�c . • - <br /> � / ... . <br />