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- 1 FT 1 <br /> rIR� D�P.�RTP,L31;T: Chief HoF�rard v�as present and r.iatters pertainin� to nis <br /> depart~�ent rrere discus sed, <br /> Applications for the rire Depar�Ment rrere received and ordered filed <br /> for Oscar CJilliam Tetzloff and Robert I•ierrill Stahl. <br /> The Chief having informed the Board that the doors on Stations idos. <br /> thr�e and £ive vrero beyond repair, tho Clerk of the '3oard was directc�d to <br /> advertise fo.^ overhead doors for the above stations, the bids to be return- <br /> able on Septeriber 22, 1947. <br /> ^�his being the date set for receiving bids for the rrork to be done at <br /> ' TIo, 3 Station, and no bids havin� been received, the Clerk ti�as directed to <br /> ra-advertise for said rrork, bids to be returnable on 5epte:nber 22, 1947. <br /> POLIC� D�Pl,RTT1lEPIT: Chie£ Lverett ��ras present and r,latters pertaining to <br /> his department ivere discussed. <br /> The Cnief oresented his report for the nonth of July, 1947. <br /> A Special Police Bond eras approved and ordered filed for Jar.ies F. <br /> '.�oofter. <br /> Claude Broolts, a �enber of the Police Department, submitted his <br /> resi�;nation to tal�s effect October 1, 1947. Lne Board accepted the said <br /> resi�nation. <br /> Carl Shafer reported for duty and tne �3oard directed hirs to report <br /> to Cn.ief �verett for assi�runent to duty. <br /> EL�C^1RICAL D�PARl.�iT: I:Tr. l7illia+n Qualls, Superintendent, r�as p;esent <br /> and raatters pertaining to his, depart:�ent i�rere discussed. <br /> :iyIGHTS AIID I;LASU�:�3: P,ir. Charles Burns, City Sealer, filed his report <br /> for the creei: ending Au�ust 30, 1947. . <br /> THere .being no further, business to co�e before tize Board, the neet- <br /> ' inP eras ad�ourned at 12:00 i;oon. <br /> r1TT�Sl: <br /> i - W . <br /> n ;� Chairr.ian <br /> .,��.ui �[�r<�C�v.� <br /> ' . Clcrk , <br /> i ' <br /> I <br /> � Septe�ber 8, 1947 , � ' <br /> A re�ular neetin� of the Board of Public Safety ti��asheld on isionds,� � <br /> Septer.iber 8, 1947 at 10:00 A,T,i, All raembers ti�ere present. I.tinutes of <br /> the last r:ieetin� rrere read and approved. Clai�s of the follorring suppliers <br /> in the ar.iount of r,�3,15G.39 ���ere approved and ordered naid: <br /> The C, G, Bra�ar Co, :'r100.30 Schillin�� s Inc. ;? 12.16 <br /> Business 26.46 Schillin�� s Inc. , 19.50 <br /> Business Systems 20.37 Sheehan Tire Service 53.75 <br /> Continental Oil Co, 866.30 Sheehan iire Service 92.00 <br /> Davies Laundry 6.25 Sheehan Tire Service 123.75 <br /> Garnitz Furniture Co. 6.95 Sirchie r^in�erprint Co. 22.75 <br /> Paul Grir,�n 2a.00 South Bend Llunber Co. 6.54 <br /> Huntin;ton Labnratories 31,16 Scuth Ber.d 3anitary ilipers 10.00 <br /> , Indiana Bell Telephone 75.15 II, H, Slo�inslri� T,i,D. 6.00 <br /> Ind, �: T:iich. �lec. Co. 29.12 �. Ii, Tepe 5.?5 <br /> J . C. Lauber Co. 92.65 J, L, yialz Gara�e 332.65 <br /> Lined Air Products ,60 '�7eisUer�er �ros. 10.80 <br /> I. :i. Lorrer Co, 1,70 Clestern Union Tel, Co, 2�g2 <br /> iIcClave Printin� Co, 12E3.50 �d�,�ard J, l�'hite 11,50 <br /> 1'�. G, i.ieier e": Co. 85.20 �d�•rard J, �:�nite 169.50 <br /> A, G, iSeier �c Co, 66,00 �dti•�ard J, l"Ihite 7g�47 <br /> G, �„ i.,eyer E: Son 1.35 �d�:°arci J, :lhite 26.19 <br /> I`_otorola, Inc. 4.86 Edr�ard J, llhite 20.40 <br /> Tior. Ind. Pub. Ser. Co. 29.10 �dr�ard J, lTnite 22.93 <br /> lhe Ohio Oil Co. 1G,45 �drrard J, ',Ihite 10.50 <br /> Overhead Door Sales 49n.00 ihe Psycholo;ical Corp, 17.00 <br />