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16� <br /> `�LIGHTS I.IiD i;;:sdSUR�S: I;Ir. Charles Burns, City Sealer, filed his report <br /> �or tne ti-reek endina Ju1y 19, I947. <br /> Lnere bein� .no further business to come before the i�:n rd, tne neetin� <br /> rras adjourned at 12:15 P.I.I. <br /> ATT�ST:� � � � <br /> Lu`=N •�'°�'�'�`� Chairr:an <br /> - . Clerl: — <br /> � <br /> , l /• <br /> Jul� 23, 1947 <br /> - A regular meeting of the Board o£ Public Safety rras held on ISonday� <br /> Jul�r 28, 1947 at 10:00 A.T1, l.11 �me::ibers r�ere present. I:Iinutes of the <br /> last meetinb �vere read and approved. ihere �rere r.o clairis of suppliers <br /> to he aoproved. . . <br /> FIR� D�PARTi.��I1i: Chief Hor�ard tiaas present and natters pertainin�; to his <br /> department rrere discussed, <br /> The Chief inforrsed the Board that �d�.�ard Pli�tz� a r.zenber of the Fire <br /> Departrsent, had been on sicl: leave for 30 days rhich ter:ninated on July 2G, <br /> and that he �•ras unable to return to rroriti, so the 3oa;d directed that i::r. <br /> P;iratz apply for disability pension, . <br /> T:Ir, Vande'�ialle, lrustee of Centre ioti�nship, ca�e befo:e the i�oard to <br /> discuss further the pay�ent of £ire service to tormship calls. After a <br /> full discussion of the r.iatter, the Board agreed to uphold their previous <br /> decision of askin� the toianships to raiso a ten cent levy £or fire pro- <br /> tection. <br /> POLICE D�PC�PTL�ITT: Chief �verett t�as present and �atters pertaining to <br /> his department rrere discussed. . <br /> ' APplications fo: tne Police Denartuent ��rere apnroved and ordered <br /> £iled for the folloiving: riorace Dean Hauilton, Robert Lunrrence �i,�artin, <br /> iIor�ard iugene Overlease, i,ielvin Dale �Jillianson, Robert Richard Urgonsl:i <br /> and Ralph �drt�rd Board.aar.. <br /> ':Jilliara Ilelson, a menber oS tne Police Departnent, requested a six <br /> months leave of absence Pro� duty efiective July 31, 1947, and the �3oard <br /> unon the Chiefrs recor,�:.ienciation, granted the reque�t. <br /> ine Chief requested perr.lission for the ?olico Pistol Team to attend <br /> a shooting match at Camn Perry, Ohio fro� Au;ust 9th to 15th inclusive� <br /> The 3oard �ranted perrais�ion, . <br /> r.L�CiRICAL D�PliRTi�'�'?iT: I.Ir. Yfillia� Qualls, Superintendent, ti�as present <br /> and matters pert�.ining to his depart�ent i;�ere discussed. <br /> I;ir. 9ualls recon^!ended the installation of a street li�ht at the alley <br /> int�rsection of Victoria Street betr�een Dale and High Streets, and the �oard <br /> directed hin to order it in. <br /> �,ualls recom�tc�nded the installation of a street light at the intor- <br /> section of '�ralnut Street and �uclid Avenue and the Board ordered it in, <br /> �7�IGET5 AIID ',r'ASU?.TS: I�Ir. Charles Burns, City Sealer, �esented his report <br /> f'or theti�eek ending t,�ly 26, 1947. <br /> There beino. no Turtrer business to come be£ore the Board, the Meetin� <br /> 1 rras ad�ourned at 12: 30 P,i;i, <br /> �.�,�„- � <br /> nll� � ' <br /> 1 �' <br /> '� .�.>��z����', Chair. <br /> -• ClerY. <br /> i� <br />