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iu2 . � , <br /> July 7, I947 � <br /> �7 <br /> A reb lar meetin� of the Board of Puolic Sa£ety trasheld on Tlonday � <br /> Suly 7, 1947 at I0:00 A.t:T. All members rrere present. PSinutes of the <br /> last raeeting �Jere read and approved, . Clair:is of the follo�Jing suppliera <br /> in the atnount of '�;1,503.10 crere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Continental Oil Co, N926.55 Radio Distributing Co, � 95.00 <br /> Davies Laundry 10.7II Radio Distributing Co, 18.00 <br /> Qn.arles DeVle�schorrer . 4.65 Rail�•�ay Express Agency .72 <br /> Engleti�ood �lec. Supply. . 4.95 Scnillino� s Inc. . � 15.84 <br /> Fraternal Order of Polic�; 22 50 SchillingTS Inc. 34.69 <br /> �he Gibson Company 3.71 Sinton Suppl� Co. 8.93 ' <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 6,94 Sinton Supply Co. 6.05 <br /> Ind. & I:Tich. Llec, Co. 27,92 South Bend Drug Co, 65.00 <br /> Ind. & Tdich, �lec, Co, 26,20 U. S, Fingerprint Products 6.00 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 8.63 '�Jeisberger c�ros. 8.25 <br /> f,IcClave Printing Co. 138.50 LaRue H, ':+ert 4.00 <br /> Ohio Oil Company 59.?9 <br /> rIRL D�PARTiri�ITT: Chie£ DeVleescho�rer �°�as present and r�atters pertaining <br /> to his deroartment �:rere discussed. <br /> An application for the fire department cras received and ordered <br /> filed for Chester Turza. , <br /> T�ro men, Charles F. 3urns and Robert ��u�ene Perry, rrere appointed <br /> to tne Fire Departrsent subject to their ability to pass physical e°ar,i- <br /> inations �iven by the City Doctor and the Doctor appointed by the <br /> Trustees of the Fire=len� s Pension rund, <br /> POLICE D:PeiRTIdF.ITP : Chief Everett 1-ras p:esent and r,iatters pertainino to <br /> his departnent ��rere discussed, <br /> A special police cor.�nission rlas approved and ordered held £or Uond <br /> for Tho�as 11oi•rak. Special police cor..r,iissions ��rere approved and ordered <br /> £iled� for '��illian ';J. I;evins and Dorlund :1, Snively. <br /> Apnlications for the Police •DepArtment �rere approved and ordered ' <br /> filed £or Benjar.iin I�arrison Huff� Jr„ Charles Donald Allen, John <br /> Joseph Lucl:y, l�lexander Ilagy and Joh.n F, Pajar. <br /> I.:r, i.arion Gornieti•ricz and I=r, Cnester t7alesie:7icz, representing <br /> the Polish Arny �eterans r�ssociation, Aallerts Post, came before the <br /> 3oard to ask pernission to sell flovrers on the cit�* streets on nuoust 9, <br /> 1947. Pes•r7ission �ras �ranted. <br /> �LLCTRICAL D�PIaRTic,�IdT: I.Tr. Clilliam �ualls, Sunerintendent, cras nresent <br /> and matters pertainin� to his depart�:�ent �,ere discussed. ' <br /> : petition e�as :eceived asking for a street light at about the <br /> �iddle of Talbot �venue. This ti7as referrec� to i,:r. Qualls for investi- <br /> gation and report. <br /> '�7_�;IGH�'S F.i?D 1'���uR�S: i:'.r. Cnarles Burns, Citf Sealer, filed his report <br /> for the rreel; ending July 5, 19a7. <br /> t1r. Burns also filed his report ior the year from July l, 1946 to <br /> June 30, 1947. <br /> � There being no further business to ccme beSore the 5ourd, the <br /> rneetin� �°�as adjourned at 11:30 �.I.I. <br /> _1 1 � 1 <br /> � <br /> ' �C�-u.�- w . <br /> ,r�- cr.nir.nan <br /> Clerk j <br />