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� <br /> � 60 " � <br /> � <br /> June 23, 1947 . � <br /> C <br /> A re�ular r.ieetin� oi the �oar�l oi Public Safety rras held on I;tonday� <br /> June 23, 1947 at 10;00 A.T,I. All r.members rrere present. T;Tinutes of the <br /> last neeting rrere read and approved. Claims of the follorrin� auppliers <br /> in the ar�ount of ��1,727,71 ��rere approved and ordered paid; <br /> Sa.� Bexmian � ti� 86.43 ihe I�eCaHs7er-,� Co. �? 6,20 <br /> Builders Iiardr�are 2.98 A. G. i,Teier & Co. 128.60 <br /> Eiusiness 5�sterns 6.61 A. G. i.ieier & Co. 3.50 <br /> City ':Jater ';Jorks 7.29 G. E. t:teyer & Son 1.08 <br /> Dnvies Laundry , 17.17 G. E. T:e�*er Z; Son 5,00 <br /> Chas. DeVleescho,^�er 15.50 Office Suppl�* 15.00 ' <br /> Gerber T:Ifg. Co. 210.£30 Rai1�,•Jay Er,press A ency 1.43 <br /> Indiana IIell Telephone 164.19 Rose E; I�atz r 13.50 <br /> J. C. Lauber Co. 307.45 Stephenson Corp. 8.10 <br /> J. C. Lauber Co. 142,G6 J. B. 17a1z Gara�e 147.00 <br /> J. C. Lauber Co. 437,22 <br /> r^IRE DEPdRTi,�P1T: Chief DeVleeschovrer i��as present and r.iatters pertainin� <br /> -o is epar �ent ��ere discussed. <br /> 1^he Chie£ inforr.ied the Board that Ed�^tard P7imtz� a r.iember of tne Fire <br /> Depar�ent, had �one on sic�: leave Juno 11, 1947, <br /> The Cnief also inPormed the }3oard that Stanley Fies, a member of the <br /> Pire Departnent, had been injured on June 17 and had entered the hospi- <br /> tal for a hernia operation on June 1£3, 19n7. <br /> No aerard rras r.zade on the f ire equipr.�ent. <br /> POLICE D�PARTi.i�I1T : Chief Everett ��ras present and natter� pertaining to <br /> . is epar r.ient rrere discussed. <br /> The Chief informed the �oard that he iras in need of a laboratory <br /> nicroscope and the C1erL oi the Board �°ras directed to adverti�e for one, <br /> the bids to be returnable on July 14, 1947. ' <br /> An application for the ?olice Department t*ras received and ordered <br /> filed for Edr.ioncl Albert ;�ageniers. <br /> 9 bond for a Special Policenan �:ras appraved and ordered filed for <br /> Casimer J�nko��rsl:i. <br /> LI.ECIRICAL D�P9RTi:IET1T: P:ir. CJilliam Qualls, Superintendent, v�as present <br /> an na ers per ainin� to his departnent rrere discussed. . <br /> A petition ��ras received asking for a street light nt the intersection <br /> of IIill and ;;apoleon Street�. This :�ras referred to 1;ir. �,ualls for in- <br /> vestigation and report. <br /> I+Ir. Quall� infosined the Board that the chan�e in a street light <br /> at Calvert Street and t?w�°ord Court fron a 1000 lu,ten li�ht to a <br /> 2500 lu�en 1i�ht had been cor.ipleted, <br /> '.:r'IGHTS ATiD t:iiASURES: P:ir. Charles Burns, City Sealer, filed hi� report <br /> or L e ,uree : en ng June 21, 1✓�7. . • <br /> Tnere being no further business to corne before the Board, the'meeting <br /> was adjourned at 12;15 �.I". <br /> AT'�'�': � � 1 <br /> ; � <br /> ��.� ` r � Cnaixr,ian <br /> r'r-- .,.. C er z <br /> / <br /> . <br />