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15 r�� <br /> ?'r. �uall � reco^n:�en;led t'_^_e i-iatalla�ior. o=^ tlie iollo�,•rin^; atreet <br /> � 11;'_7'�9 ; jPOri':i00U'. �'1(1 ,'J;Z,^,a'�1i1��LGri ;;pC:=U(.'� QOli^__ /��'L'riUC �^.2:'a ;ia.Ydi,�;l0:?7C <br /> Drive and Colia:c Avenue and Greenla�,m, 1he �oard, unon '_iis reco:L.lerdation, <br /> direc�ed 'ni:a to orcicr the li�n�o in. , <br /> '.��I,":?^S :ti1D ',i�.1SU�;�S : I:ir. Cha�^le� ;urns, Cit� Sealer, filed his rer.ort <br /> ior ae rreo ; �nain" *,,ia� 31, 1��!7, � <br /> � 1� . � <br /> ;�� �,�� ,� C--� w . <br /> C ia�an <br /> —y-�/. aG'� l_ cr_��.t;,_� <br /> ' ,, % , (.�T . . <br /> / <br /> , June 9, 1�3?7 � � , <br /> A re�ular meeting of the Board of Public Safety rras held on I,Ionda;�� <br /> June 9, 1947 at 11;00 A,L1. All r:iembers iyere present, l:qinutes of the last <br /> neeting r�ere read and approved. SalarJ claims in the mnount of �33,2s1.67 <br /> i•rere approved and ordered paid, �lains qf the follo�ving suppliers in the <br /> arzount of yj2,135.17 v�ere approved and ordered paid; <br /> Associated Research, Inc, � 19,^,7 A. G. T:eier & Co, ti? 14.00 <br /> Sam Berman 99,65 A. G. P.leier £c Co. 3.50 <br /> San Berr.ian 252, f1 g. E, I;te$*er & Son , 24.40 <br /> Bur};e� s I,iotion F'icture Co. 3,14 I?idrrest Fire & Safety 213.30 <br /> Business Syster�s 10.58 Tdor. Ind. Pub, Ser. Co. 30.00 <br /> Business Systems 24, 67 The Ohio Oil Co, 966.5II <br /> Car Pa�ts, Inc. 1.54 Radio Distributin� Co. 19.75 <br /> Andrel�r Daly 7.50 Radio Distributing Co. F38,20 <br /> Cerber T;Ifg. Co. 171,00 Hattie Saville 5.25 <br /> irlichael Greszcyk 3,75 I,Iargnret Schreiner 1.00 <br /> 11. & L. I�l. Gurley 52.G4 Star ilachine plorks 4.06 <br /> A. J. Hor�ard .75 Sti'tanson Plating '�'lorks 27.35 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone G,SO J. E. i7alz Garage 36.40 <br /> Ind. & P.Iich. Elec. Co. 372 J. E. l�alz Garage 12.50 <br /> Ind. E: I;Iich. Elec. Co. 5.16 A. Harold l7eber 6.00 <br /> T?cClave printin� Co, 10.N5 ITCCor.�b B�ttery Co. 9.^5 <br /> FIRE DEPARTi:'[EI•1T: Chief DeVleeschorter ��+as present and r.iatters pertainin� to <br /> is epar men �•�ere discussed. <br /> Clement Anthony Gront�orrslci ti�tas appointed to the Fire Departmenb <br /> subject to hi� ability to pass physical exaninations given b� the City <br /> Doctor and the Doctor appointed b;; the Firer.ien' s Pension Fund Trustees. <br /> POLICE D�P�IRTP,1EIdi: Chief �verett rras present and matters pertainin� to <br /> s aepar men �rere discussed, <br /> The Fraternal Order of Police requested pernis�ion to put on a shovr <br /> at school field, sitailar to shor�s put on in other years, and asl:ed that <br /> the city rraive the license fee custormarily charged, The Board granted <br /> both requests. <br /> An application for the police Department tiras received and ordered <br /> Piled for Arthur Stanley DeSonia. <br /> Lieutenant Robert Senls rras promoted to Captain and 5er�eant Jar.ies <br /> Trevey t•�as prorioted to Lieutenant effective a� of June 16� 1947. These <br /> promotions rtere nade by the Board upon the recor,enendatioiz .of the Chief. <br /> ' EI.F.CTRICAL D�PARTT.I�ITi: I,�r. l'Jilliat:� q,ualls, Superintendent, r�as present and <br /> ma ers per ainin� o is department ��rere discussed. <br /> P,4r. �,ua11s recor.u2ended the installation of astreet li�nt at the entrance <br /> to the ba11 park on Irom;rood prive a�o.� and today inforned the <br /> Board that said light had been ins�alled and rrasnoi•r in service. <br /> Tnere being no further business to come before the Board, the r.ieeting <br /> rras adjourned at 12;00 I,00n. <br /> AT�S _ � <br /> � �/.) � <br /> � y:i'.s,f. �%-;-: �.�-,� __ Chairr.ian <br /> � � Clerk � � <br />