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_ � 3ii � ,I <br /> � <br /> POLICE DEPARTT+tEPIT: Chief Everett ivas present and matters pertaining to � <br /> is epar en �vere discussed, <br /> Applications for the Police Departznent �^rere received az d. ordered <br /> filed £or: Clayton Joseph Barber, Casir.ier Francis �alorski, Louis <br /> Stanley lJalkovriak� Jr. and Robert Eugene Underwood. , <br /> The Chief presented a report from the Unifoxm Committee of the Police <br /> Department relati ve to changes in the pre�ent uniform. The Board toolc the <br /> �atter under adviser.ient. <br /> � This being the dnte set £or receivin� bids for radio equipment for , <br /> the police Department, the follovting bid was opened. and, publicly read; <br /> Galvin T+fanf. Company, Idon-collusion aff�davit and . . <br /> Chicago, Illinois certified check £or °�1400,C0 , <br /> . , accompanied bid , <br /> , 1 protorola I;iodel Ft�qTRU-30-D 30 �Jatt Portable Mobile <br /> transmitter-Receiyer unit complete , . , �599.00 <br /> 1 t�Iotorola pliodel FTnTRU-30-� PortAble 1�tobile <br /> Transmitter-receive� unit _ . . . . , . ' 555.00 <br /> 1 t,4otorola p,4ode1 p-8353 Roof top Antenna 20.00 <br /> 1 P;Totorola I:odel p-255=A I�4ilitary Microphone 17.50 <br /> 1 pdotorola I,iodel K-8359 Hang up box 6, 50 <br /> 1 Tdotorola P,Iodel FfdRU-16V I�7obile geceiver Unit . <br /> , &omplete and ready for installation, including <br /> cables and crystals , 250.00 <br /> . 1 P,4otorola P,todel PA-8329 Basic n4obile Transmitter <br /> . Chassis , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 210.00 <br /> � � 1 p.4otorola ?�Iodel pA-g333 Basic r�7obile Receiver , <br /> Chassis 177.00 <br /> 1 Dleasurements Corporation t,todel 80 aignal Gener- <br /> ator complete �Jith cables and accessories for <br /> , service on i;?otorola FTd communication equipment <br /> _ in the 152-162 mc. band 630.00 <br /> f.o.b. South Bend, Indiana <br /> The above being the only bid received� it ti*�as accepted bf the Board. <br /> ChieP Everett presented his report for the month of January, 1947. <br /> ELECTRICAL DEPARTI.tEP7T: P:ir. VJillia� Qualls, Superintendent, cTas present <br /> an ma ers _per a ning to his departr�ent r�ere discussed, <br /> t3r. O,ualls recom.�nended that a light at the intersection of i7estern <br /> Avenue and Kosciusl:o Street be chan�ed from a 1000 liunen light ,to a 4000 <br /> ltunen light. The Board approved the change �d directed I�4r. Qualls to <br /> have the light changed accordin�ly, <br /> � A petition from the cm,^�on council requestin� the installation of <br /> a street light at the intersection of East Victoria and St, Joseph Streets <br /> i°ras referred to P;ir, Qualls for investigation and report. <br /> Pdr. Qualls infoz�r.ied the Board that. a traffic si�nal at the southivest ' <br /> corner of :'Testern gvenue and Chapin Street had been hit by an au�omobile <br /> ' and knocked doivn, but had been repaired and placed back in service at a <br /> cost of y21,67. <br /> 4VEIGH`S Fi P,4EASURES: P:1r. �harles Burns, City Sealer� presented his • report <br /> or e ti^ree , ending February 15, 1947. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board� the meetin� <br /> tivas ad,journed at 12;30 p.Li. ° <br /> ATTEST: <br /> � <br /> � ��( ��_ ��L haixm.ian <br /> � -zct i� �a <br /> � . r - <br /> � <br /> � <br />