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128 � <br /> � <br /> 2. David A. Haslan^er is to be fined in tne total <^�sount of C;7�7,25 C=7 <br /> . rr�iich fine rras arrived at in tne follo•,-:in� fashion, t'siat is to say, � <br /> ;;625.00 a� tiie a.�ount earne3 Uf the suid i:aslnn�er bJ virtue oi ais <br /> eraplo,�ent by tize South �end iool �; Die Co�:panf, and apnro.;i*nately <br /> ti;161. 25 received by hir� �ror� the City of South Bend, Indiana as co�pen- <br /> sation ::lsile a segular me-iUer of tiae_ :ire Depart:ient on sick leave fro.� <br /> Septeinber 16, 1.94G to Octobei^ 7, 1946. . . <br /> . 3. ine decision is ba�ed upon the des�re of the Board to enforce strictl;� <br /> the rule �overning outside e::iplo�ent and to re.iove fro::i such enplo;TM�ent, <br /> if it i� entereci into, a11 ele::lent oi pro�it to tiie me:�ber of the depart- <br /> rlent violai;in� such rule. ' <br /> 4. ihe Board directsr as a part oi its decisi.on herein, that tne fine <br /> be paid as iollo;�s : ,>161,�5 as a lu:-�p su� to Ue paid nitnin one �,reel: <br /> o� tn.e date of this decision, the re-aainder to be paid iron and out o£ <br /> Iiaslan�er� s salary as a rte:nber of the �ire Depart�ent at a rate of not <br /> less tizan ,;r50,00 per pc;� day, and all :aonies received fro;� I��slanger to <br /> be paid iorth�.-rith to the Firenen� s Pension ;und, <br /> 5. ihe Boarci directs that i�aslan�e: sha11 report to the Chief oP tne <br /> ?ire Depart:nent for aasigm�ent to duty as a r..ei:�ber of the Pire �eaart- <br /> r.ient and his suspension as sucn rze:�Ue-r sha11 terminate at 9 ;00 ^:.'s.i. <br /> Thursday, ,�ece:�ber ?.G, 1°4G. <br /> '�:2e follor�in� letter ;ta� draited b;,r tP.,e Board and directed to be <br /> �ent to all to;�mship trustees r�ho have contracts rrith the citv for iire <br /> servico : . <br /> Dsa: Sir:. <br /> . in� City oi Souf;h ;,end is preparing contract ios^n� to Ue use3 <br /> in connectio.i :��ith iurnishin� Sire service outside t?ie citf li�its during <br /> tlie calendar year 19�!7, Ii such a contxact i� entered into �.•�ith ;�our <br /> toi°mship �.ic expect to- include r;ithin i,t a i.rovision rrhereby it terLlinatea <br /> a., soon a� fou have been billecz for the arlount appronriated ior fire <br /> s,ervice in �rour 1947 bud�et. ':;ill you thereiore, be �003 enou�h to <br /> advise us, not later than January 6, 1.947, of Jour proposed �rovision ' <br /> iar iire protection in 1947. • <br /> Ver,^ tri:l;; Jours, <br /> BO��RJ Oi :'tTliLIC '.70?i:i :1:;J S_s��i� <br /> POLIC� DiPAI��;:I:�?TT: Chie£ �verett c�as .present and inat� :r� pertainin� to <br /> ius uei ar :�en e�rere discussed. . <br /> :1n application ior tne iolice Jepartnent �ras approved �d orde:ed <br /> filed for Alofsius Josepi. ":7cicel. . . . <br /> In the case oP Sosepn "lroblei�sl:i, Police oi=icer, his suspcnsion <br /> r:as ter:zinated, based upon a letter fror.i Dr, Grant �. L*etcalie, the <br /> original oi r�hieh is rsade a part oi the record oi Josepn "roUlerrs::i. <br /> Sicl: leave rtas substituted ior suspension upon nis application for <br /> disabilit;� pa,�nent� under the Police Pension fund. Officer '.!roble;-rsL-i <br /> siGned a ,�aiver of notice of tit7e and place oi he..ring and ,taived for:ial <br /> char�es ina�far as the original suspension rras concerned, <br /> �L�GTi IC�1L D�Ptll;i:i.�,ii : I.;r. ':7i11iam �ualls, Superintendent, r�as present <br /> an r.2a ers per ainin�; to nis department rrere discussed, <br /> ':�IG?iiS �: " ".1SUI'.35: ;:Ir. Cha-rles �,urn�, Citf Sealer, i'iled 'nis report <br /> �or ze rre� e en in� �ece^iber 21, 1946. ' <br /> iiiere being no Purtner busines❑ to ce::�e oe'io^e tne Doard� the <br /> :seetin� rtas adjourned at 12;00 iloon. <br /> AT 3.�1 : � <br /> � Cnair:z'uan . . <br /> C 1 er1- <br />