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� 26 � � <br /> � <br /> cc°� <br /> Decersber 1G, 1946 - C�7 <br /> c� <br /> �1 rebt:lar rleeting of the �oard oP ?'ublic Safety ;�ra� held on i'onda�� <br /> Dece�ber 16, 1946 at 10:00 :1.P1. :111 :ae::ibers erere present, i.:inutes of tne <br /> last neetin� ?•rere read and anproved, Claina oi the �ollo��rins sup�liers <br /> in tho a;aount of ti?6,126.79 t�ere a�proved and ordered taid• <br /> Jo�eph Barany ;;� 1,90 iIurrrich Iron Co. ?r 6.00 <br /> Sa� Besnnan 64,3E Ile.. Optieal �o. 32,14 <br /> �a^.i �er�:�.an 35.11 In3ian 'Iotorcycle Sales 1.85 <br /> Sari 3erian 32.Ot3 Indian I.iotorcycle Sales 17.00 <br /> Business Syste:as 4.37 Indiana T�ell ^ <br /> �elephone 117.5II , <br /> i;usines� Syste;as 5,34 InL-erstate Glass E� Paint 1.40 <br /> llu�iness Systeris 16, 93 F.rer.iont �enlcr 17. 50 <br /> Eusiness S,�*, ste�s 65.86 ,:edical Specialties 1.11 <br /> T3usiness Systems 1G.25 .'1. G. I.ieier i: Co. 21.70 <br /> City ',-later t7orles 240.71 ?.T.cCafiery Co, 10,16 <br /> Cit7 L"later ',?orr.s ,i41.II6 ;icClave �rinting Co. 25,00 <br /> Cit;� l;ater �1orl.s �.80 11. G. ;:,eier u Co. 54. 60 <br /> Cits ;'later -.7or'ss 4.10 P+or, Ind, '_',!hole, Groc. 13.00 <br /> City '.7ater '"lorlLs 3,75 �ecreution �c}x ip:�ent Co. 4.75 <br /> P. i3. Cott 40.50 Rus�ell �. Russell 142,50 <br /> Cnas. DeVleeschorrer 16,00 Ro;�al Typermiter Co. 2.76 <br /> C:1as, 35, 55 . Scne:nan-Schaus-:reenan 13.90 <br /> i,nglet��ood �lec. �upply 42,00 iize Sea�rave Corp. 21II,70 <br /> I:arr;; T. '?verett 5. 60 Sheenan �ire Service 56,60 <br /> Geor�e Geltz 2.19 H. g. glo�inal:i, i;.�. 15.00 <br /> Iiac::� s Scrvice Station 18.35 Sollitt Contitruction Co, 1,306.00 <br /> J. n. Hole::� 26. 66 Sollitt Construction �o. 3,000.00 <br /> F;arr�icn Iron Co, 10.52 . '.'leisberge: Bros, 7,�g <br /> �ieatern Uion �,26 <br /> �'T:�E D�P.'1FtiIWPIT: Cnief DeVlee�ck:oc�er rias pre�ent and riatters pe.^tainin� <br /> �o us aepar i::ent rrere discussed, <br /> PQLIC^ ��P:1Ri::LiTi: Chief �rerett cras pre�ent and :iat�ers pert� nin� to <br /> nrs epar :::en :•rere di�cussed. : ' <br /> The Chief preser.ted :�is :eport for tne nonth of Idovenber, 194G. <br /> .�n a�plication for the Polica Departr.ient rras approved and ordered <br /> filed for I;or�cu�. Lho�n� I;iefer. <br /> �L"sCi:IC1L D�PARi.L:;T: ?.ir. �;!illiar.i Qualls, Superintendent, r�as present <br /> an na tiera per aining to his depart�eat rrere discussed. . <br /> ??r. �ua11s infor::.ed the �oard that John Pilar�l:i, fire alasr.i ope"rator <br /> crhn had been ��torl:in� on a te:�porary basia� had resigned as of Tiove;.sber 30� <br /> 1946 to tal.e other e...ploy:aent. <br /> C�IGiiiS �: ;��.'�SURLS : I::r. Cha^les �urns, City Sealer, iiled his report <br /> lor ne �,�ee : enaing �ecer.iber 14, 1946. <br /> There being no further bu�ines� to co:�e before the �oard, the <br /> neetin�; •.,as adjourne;i at 11:50 A.I.i. � <br /> :'li�'ST: �J <br /> � 1�.�- <br /> Cnai srnan <br /> C er . <br /> ' <br />