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12� <br /> � ' '?3 ; ',' � >u ' ::, Charlc° ;u '- - <br /> rne, �i „�* ,e�1er, ..i1c1 `ii: :e�o:t =or <br /> _ie .:ec, � -:uii.�, :o�c <o r��>0, 1S�-G, <br /> ^uere beir.�r, no iur�'.ic_ �:�ainen.. to ca�c beiore tl�e r � „ <br /> " o�.^d, '-'ne ::i�ctir.� <br /> -..u.. �.d��t:_�ned �.,, 1� :00 '_'con. <br /> �n r,r�„�n, � %20,� . <br /> _ __.,a.. . � . �- ';;:1.^,1;'_...^�11 <br /> � C� <br /> ' ?:dde::cia ;,o :.rinutec : <br /> 1 i%_� .l_'� .�,.�'_'„'n. '_ i: <br /> �lii� _�1___,...�i;l . Oi.1Gi JVETCi.t 1I1i01:1C:� i,_ C �Oa:i. t:l^i: 't'!O O�i1CCi�� <br /> �.�7.� :;1 :iC �Ori 4ri ;(1 ;,O'�.7<zi:� lIC:C'C 1ri�UY'�i: `:fG11C O: C'LtL�� 1'E�ii!OViYl�j ^. ^Ci'�OYl <br /> �P.,^,_ly:1C1 :.O"^C �O ��.1C .lOq_ .,.i:0.].. - <br /> . Speci�l iolice bon-i� �,re-_°e a,r;rovcu �:^d o.:ercd ,.=1e.1 _"'o^ :;or:z^a _ . <br /> �obertao� a:d ._craert �. '_:orthrun, <br /> . Decer�ber 9, 1946 <br /> A regular meeting of the L+onrd of Public Sa�^et; :�as held on I.;onda�, <br /> Dece:�ber 9� 1946 at 10;00 A.I.:. All raembers ;7ere nresent. =.iinutes oi the <br /> last rseeting rrere read and approved, Salar� Clai..^is in the amount o£ <br /> tij60�.394.96 lvere approved and ordered paid, Clairns oS the folloc�ing <br /> suppliers in the a.�ount of y10,560.54 rrere a_�proved and orderod paid; <br /> Busines� S�ste:�� ;1167,52 i'cClave Printin� Co. ;z 50.00 <br /> ':;illia-i Crist 9,69 i?edical Specialties Co. 6.57 <br /> City ',7ater '.70:1.� 9,�0 �en iicdorr� Inc. 4II,4n <br /> llavies Laundry Co. 10.75 .�. G. i:eier E: Co. 3.50 <br /> ;;d�.tard� Iron ',�orlc� 1G.G0 1'ne Ohio Oil Co, 744,E5 <br /> , Iiarry i. �verett 8,05 ?;ailr�a;� �::pres� n�ency ,74 <br /> ?Iairy l. �verett 6,25 Rose £. I,atz 12. 50 <br /> :'eaeral Laboratories Co. 105.00 Scher:�an-Schaus-ireer.ian 7,50 <br /> ?orbes �fperrriter Co. G,00 Sheeh^n iire Service 256,50 <br /> Garnitz Purniture Co. 3�O.E0 Shceiian Tire Service 7.75 <br /> Gerber ITfbn, ;,o, 9.03 Sinclair Reiining Co. 5,72 <br /> Indian Sales w Service 2.10 Sinclair Refining Co. 4.84 <br /> Indiana ,r,ell 1elephone 7,90 Elr:er Sol:ol 1.90 <br /> Ind, £,; ,.Iich. �lec, �o, 40,20 South Bend Sun-:ly Co, 9,6£3 <br /> Ind, �. I,iich. Llec, �o. 2II.56 JOU1+i11 �end Suppl� Co. 3,68 <br /> C. ::. Leo Co. ,70 �ohn Stasinsl.i 20.00 <br /> The `�cCafSer�,� Ca. 5.3II :1n3rec� 1roe�er �; Co. 9.00 <br /> ^IR� D�'P9�"_TM'.;�i;,: Chief De'Tlee�clzorrer ;•rus �re�cnt and :zatters pertaining <br /> o n.s uepar�nent �aere discuased, <br /> POLIC�� D�P_�?^:i�iTl: Cnief �'verett ;ras pre�cnt and :natters pert�. ning to <br /> iis epar ::en •r�ere discu��ed, <br /> :�n apnlication for tne Police �epnrtr=ent �ra� received and ordered <br /> Siled �or Robert Dona].d Ver.lan3e, <br /> � bond ior a s�ecial police co::^.:iission rras a�provea and or3ered <br /> filed Por Ralph Rice. <br /> ' �L�CT�tIC1T� 73P.�'?T.LL,'i;i: iSr. ;7illia� �ualls, Superintendent, ztas nresent <br /> an� ria �ers per ainin� to ilis depart::�ent r�ere discussed, <br /> �ualls infoi:ied the ioard that tile �trcet li�.zt ordered in at <br /> P2rkvicrr and Oaln•rood had been in�talled es:d :ras nor� ia service. <br /> I�IGIIiS Fe I.i�zSL`;�5: �.r. Charles �nrns, City Sealer, Piled his report for <br /> ne rtee : ending �ece�ber 7, 1946. <br /> yhere being no further bLSiness to co:-ie beiore the �oa:3, the ?:ieeting <br /> ;:as adjourned at ll:�t5 �1.ii. <br /> �TT�'SP: � <br /> � <br />