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, <br /> ]� � � - � <br /> c� <br /> �;��C"`'IC1L J:�i_^, :y_"_ _" • i_� '.�i11ia� ,,,ullc, ;,u-�crintendent, .I.`13 _ ieSEni. Cs7 <br /> an� r:ac�cr� ; � ain�nt; to„r._a de-�� -:rcrc ci_ccus�ed, C <br /> L�non ;?r. 2,u�11� recorl�e�dation, the ':o:�rd ordere� thc installation <br /> oi a street li�;:lt zt �..e in+crsectien oi 31�,;ood °,venue ^.�d i:ale�r Street, <br /> ; and ?,:_ , ^u�lls •,-ras directes to �=otii� tLe Ir.di�na ,°; ;'_ic'_ii��an �,lectric <br /> Cc:lp�tn;; oi s:t.e. <br /> n netitien •r�a� received ^.sL-in�; ior �:e installation oi �treet light� <br /> on Sout'__ , : :;t-rcc� betc�cen the 1600 ��d 1700 b1ocL-�, �;zi� r�as . .._°er'red <br /> to _'.r. Qua11s for in-resti�;n;,ion and re_�ort. <br /> �i��ere ucin; no i'urtner businesa to co::e bePo-re �i�e .�oard, the .�eetin� <br /> 1ra� aljou-rnc� at 1ti:00 I;oon. <br /> �-'�-,u�: <br /> � � <br /> �n�insan <br /> — � c_ ._ <br /> Octobcr 14, 19�� <br /> .; regular ^eetin� oi �i:e :oar:l of Public Safet;� rras held on ',:on3a;�, <br /> Octobcr 14, 1946 at 11 :15 1.;;. All ::�e~�ber� rrere present. i.inu�es oP t.�e <br /> last :7eetinF; ;rere real �id approved. Salar-;; clai:�� in �ne ��aount of <br /> y30,530.87 r�ere a�proved �,nd orlered paid, o£ tne follo�ring <br /> suppliers in tne anount of :;;1,351.72 ��ere a;�proved an1 ordered paid: <br /> Business Syste:as ' ., 10,64 P,ose �; I;atz ;r 37.50 , <br /> City ',7ater '.'io,�l,s 5.70 Scner::an-Scl.aus-i ree:ian 26.79 <br /> Cit� ':;ater ':IorLs 451.10 Schilling� s Ir.c. 17.80 <br /> Gu;; rilligan 5.52 Siieehan iire Servico fi6.00 <br /> Linde 1ir �roducts Co, ,60 Sheehan iire Service 62,86 <br /> ;;ar-T,:ain ;lzai�acy 6. �0 Sheehan iire Service 64,n0 <br /> ?.:cCafier^,� Co, 3.35 S-1cehan =ire Service 57.a0 ' <br /> .1. G. :'eier �, Co, 6�,05 Sirchie �in�erprint Co. 5.14 <br /> A. G. T..:eier �c Co. 5�,80 South �,cad i:iedical Co. 1.50 <br /> :1. G. :Ieier Z: Co, 5,00 South �end Sup�l� Co. 3.15 <br /> i?e�e:ial �Iosnital 54.75 Sou{:h .n,end Suppl;� Co, 3.12 <br /> T_.?e°:orial IIos�ital 12. 50 South I3end Supp1;� Co, 3,36 <br /> Iior. Ind. Pub, Ser, Co, �6.72 Standard nuto:�otive 3.77 <br /> Radio 7istributing Co, 6,i2 7, �, �tiver 24.0� <br /> P,a:ill�ta; �:;nre�� 1�enc� 9. 64 J. ';I�lz �-2,50 <br /> ?�ecreation �quip:-ient Co. 3^s.°4 "ieisberger �ros. 42,50 <br /> fiecreation Equip�ent Co. ;:,00 �.�esner�s �iarlef-Javidson 79,04 <br /> Llo;*d ?;oUinson 2,�r6 ;�estside ;?ard�rare Co. 33.00 <br /> ?'I2.: DEPART::3iTT: ChieP Je`TleescYio�aer t�t^s ;�resent and :natters per�ain- <br /> in� o nis aenart-:ent ;•rere di�cuased. <br /> ;'_r. Lev� made a :notion, and i.Ir. ::, i, Ctn:LSings, seconded sarie <br /> that tiie fire::len �rno direct trafiic durin� the football ;aae� oe paid <br /> at tiie rate of ;;5,00 per �a-:�e, The �otion �::aa unani*�ou�1y carried, <br /> i ranl: Leszczynsl:i naving passed tize pnTsical e:a..-�inations �,iven <br /> by the Cit� �actor .sid the Doctor a�pointed by t'.ie �'ire:�en' s lension <br /> :und trustees and having been accepted b� the Pension Board� is herebJ <br /> appointed as a probationar^,� fi:eszan ior a period oF si° r.ionths, Ire <br /> rras directed to report for dut� on October 16, 1�J46 to be assi�ned b� <br /> the Chief. ' <br /> Javid iiaslanE;er, a of the Pire Derart:°ient� cras directed <br /> to re�ort to �r. II. ;;, Slo::�inski ior n ph;;sical e;ar:tination beiore <br /> reportin� for du�;�, <br />