REGULAR MEETING October 8, 2018
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis, 1801 Nash Street, South Bend, IN, served as a presenter for this
<br /> bill. Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, Today I wore a special bow-tie that had both pink and
<br /> purple in it to try to meet both of these resolutions. The domestic violence was purple and we have
<br /> pink for this one (1). Resolution 4750-18. A resolution by the South Bend Common Council
<br /> recognizing October 2018 as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the City of South Bend,
<br /> Indiana.
<br /> Councilmember Karen White, 1912 Malvern Way, South Bend, IN, served as a presenter for this
<br /> bill. Councilmember Karen White stated, Whereas, the South Bend Common Council recognizes
<br /> the courage of those who have fought, are fighting, or will fight breast cancer in their lifetime. It
<br /> also honors those who have lost their lives to the disease; and, Whereas, thousands of women and
<br /> men in our country take on the fight against breast cancer each year; and, Whereas, screening and
<br /> early detection can make a tremendous difference in overcoming breast cancer; and
<br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston, 838 North Elmer Street, South Bend, IN, served as a
<br /> presenter for this bill. Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston stated, Whereas, in the City of
<br /> South Bend,there are countless advocates,medical professionals,researchers, and caregivers who
<br /> dedicate their lives to fighting for a world without breast cancer.Now, therefore, be it Proclaimed
<br /> by the Common Council as follows: The South Bend Common Council acknowledges the
<br /> importance of raising awareness of breast cancer in our communityas we work to support
<br /> survivors, those currently battling breast cancer and those who might detect it in its early stages,
<br /> and, Section One (I): that on this 8th Day of October 2018, the South Bend Common Council
<br /> recognizes October 2018 as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the City of South Bend,
<br /> Indiana.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, Section Two (II): The South Bend Common Council
<br /> recommits itself to raising breast cancer awareness in our community and the impact it has on our
<br /> loved ones,friends, colleagues and community members. Section Three(III). This resolution shall
<br /> be enacted upon the passage of the South Bend Common Council and signed by the Mayor of
<br /> South Bend, Indiana.
<br /> Camilla Shaw, 11635 Rawsthorne Lane, Mishawaka, IN, stated, I just want to say thank you for
<br /> bringing awareness to Breast Cancer Month in October. We know one (1) in eight(8) and one (1)
<br /> in 1,000 men can be affected by breast cancer. It is important for everyone in our community to
<br /> become aware as we know early detection saves lives.
<br /> Sherry Kienitz, 615 North Michigan Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I work as the Supervisor for
<br /> the Memorial Breast Care Center and I would like to thank the Council for dedicating this day as
<br /> Breast Cancer Awareness Day. We do an important job and we just want to be helpful for our
<br /> patients and the community.
<br /> Monica Sanata, 3823 Dudley Drive,Mishawaka, IN, stated, I am a survivor of fourteen(14) years
<br /> and I also do mammograms. So I am breast cancer awareness month. I am what a mammogram
<br /> looks like. I am a survivor. I had no family history. I encourage every woman in here to get a
<br /> mammogram. If you have no financial means, we have ways to get it for you. You must be an
<br /> advocate for your own health. Every age in here, I'm telling you, you have to do it. Please.
<br /> Linda Davis, 1801 Nash Street, South Bend, IN, stated, In May 2001, I was diagnosed with Stage
<br /> Two (2)breast cancer. There was no cancer history of any kind in my family so I was the first(1St)
<br /> person in my family to have breast cancer. The thing that doctors didn't understand was how I
<br /> could get it at age thirty-six (36). In the early 2000s, they did not do mammograms for women
<br /> until they were forty (40). Now they've changed that and that is because of women like me who
<br /> have gotten it before that. My doctor was actually telling me that it was almost time for me to have
<br /> that mammogram. So it is very important to get those mammograms but it is also very important
<br /> to watch your stress levels. My breast cancer was strictly stress-provoked and I was Stage Two
<br /> (2). It is something that could affect anyone at any time and at any age. This is year number
<br /> seventeen (17) for me and I'm blessed and honored to be the face of how you can get over breast
<br /> cancer. Thank you so much for your attention to it and your honor of it. We all appreciate you.
<br /> Council President Tim Scott gave the floor to Council Members for comment.
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