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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> agricultural use or industrial use. No capital improvements are currently planned by the City as <br /> part of this annexation. Water and sewer are available on Renewable Road. The Lift Station along <br /> Calvert Street could require upgrades depending on the future use of this site. A question came up <br /> in committee, this would be the same Lift Station that was in the Pokagon Agreement. No new <br /> streets would be added to the City as part of this annexation. The annexation area will be added to <br /> the sixth (6th) Common Council District, served by Police Beat Twenty-Five (25), Fire Station <br /> Five (5), Emergency Medics Four (4) or Five (5) and Code Enforcement Area Six (6). No <br /> additional equipment will need to be purchased or personnel hired to service the annexation area. <br /> These and other non-capital services will be in place within one (1) year of the effective date of <br /> the annexation with response times comparable to other areas in the City. I ask for Committee's <br /> favorable recommendation for the fiscal plan for this annexation area and I'd be happy to take any <br /> questions you might have. <br /> Committee Chair Davis asked, When were you notified about this plan? <br /> Mr. Divita replied,Upon its filing. It was filed in August 2018. <br /> Committee Chair Davis followed up, So you did not know about it in May? <br /> Mr. Divita replied, I don't know about the timeline directly. I know there were some rumblings. <br /> Committee Chair Davis interrupted, Could you give me that timeline and clarify it for me and send <br /> me an email on the timeline you have, please? Including rumblings? <br /> Mr. Divita replied, I can do that. <br /> Committeemember Broden asked, The Lift Station, dependent on potential development, on <br /> Calvert,is that one(1) in the same Lift Station with the Pokagon's and their development or is that <br /> a totally different Lift Station?If I recall,part of the Pokagon agreement was an upgrade on a Lift <br /> Station. <br /> Mr. Divita replied, I'm not positive off the top of my head but I believe that may be the same, but <br /> I can verify that and get back with you. <br /> Committeemember Broden stated, I would like to understand the timing of that. Phase one (1) of <br /> the agreement in terms of their build out and then phase two (2) was their hotel complex. I guess <br /> I just want to know what the timing is and then a price tag on that would also be helpful. <br /> Committee Chair Davis invited Area Plan Staff to present. <br /> Jordan Wyatt,Planner with the Area Plan Commission with offices located on the 11th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated,The area outlined in red(referencing a slide in a presentation which <br /> is available in the City Clerk's Office) is the area being petitioned to be annexed and rezoned into <br /> the City from A, Agricultural District in the County to GI, General Industrial District in the City. <br /> The parcel is currently zoned A, Agricultural District. To the east are parcels zoned LI, Light <br /> Industrial District in the City. To the north is farmland and the Ethanol Plant zoned GI, General <br /> Industrial District in the City. To the west is farmland zoned A,Agricultural District. To the south <br /> are businesses zoned C, Commercial District in the County and CB, Community Business District <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 I f574.235.9173 I TTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 5 <br />