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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Snyder's property into the Kankakee River, which all those farmers have a really hard time to get <br /> the EPA, the DNR and the Army Corps of Engineers together to allow us to clean that river on a <br /> regular basis.If this is brought in as GI,more heavy industry can dump millions of gallons of water <br /> down the same ditch. We are already wet ground. This is some of the most fertile ground in St. <br /> Joseph County and with more water in the ditches, all it does is make it easier to flood. Last <br /> February we had record flooding. Most of that ground was under water for weeks. There is nothing <br /> we could do to stop the Ethanol Plant from dumping at that point and it created even worse drainage <br /> issues for our farms. Luckily that heavy rain we got in one(1)day didn't come in June or we would <br /> all be broke. It did come in February with the snow melt and it created tremendous damage to our <br /> ground which we saw all the way through the spring as it was not draining properly. Again, I'm <br /> opposed to the GI because we do not know what we might get. The other thing is, we have a <br /> beautiful new casino right across the road. Beautiful opportunities. We could make this a <br /> destination area and not a heavy industrial area. We could have more hotels, shops and something <br /> else there at that exit. Maybe this could have been the place South Bend Chocolate Factory built <br /> on. Maybe a water park. I don't know what the answers are. There is great possibility with the <br /> bypass but I think letting it go into GI will allow it for uses that shouldn't be. That is my take on <br /> this. I'm fine with Commercial because if something industrial came, they would have to come <br /> and rezone and we would have a chance to come back as neighbors to voice our concerns. This <br /> ground is developable. The bypass came through in the early 60s and we all had to struggle with <br /> the bypass cutting through. It chopped up fields and screwed up the drainage. We haven't sold for <br /> development as of yet. Maybe someday we will have to but we want a good overall plan best for <br /> the entire area. We have a beautiful new Martin's on Mayflower Road. We want to raise up the <br /> West Side to be more than a dirty industrial sight. I'm sorry to say but the Ethanol Plant doesn't <br /> help the looks of the West Side. It has been tremendous for us farmers but as far as looks and smell <br /> goes, it is a heavy industrial site. South Bend doesn't need that next to the new casino. We don't <br /> need any more water in our ditches. Thank you for your time. <br /> Chantelle Synder, 57537 Mayflower Road, stated, I am the President of Arthur Snyder Farms. I <br /> agree wholeheartedly with everything Mr. Matthys has said and I'm going to speak very briefly <br /> because I did address these issues before and I think they are part of the public record but our farm <br /> has been there since 1925. This is a perfect use for agriculture. I agree with Mr. Matthys that this <br /> area up for debate is very likely to be the next place developed, but why put industry there? I'm <br /> not ready to retire yet. That is fifteen(15) or twenty (20) years out but when I'm ready to retire, if <br /> I want to sell my farm, I don't want heavy industry adjacent to property that is going to pull down <br /> the value of my farm and the potential for the exchange at Mayflower and the Bypass to be <br /> developed in the future. I want to see the farming continue for as long as possible. This is very <br /> fertile ground and agriculture is the right use for the area. Obviously with the casino,development <br /> is heading that direction and maybe twenty (20) years down the road where my farm is, maybe <br /> that will be ready to be developed.But this will potentially damage my ability to see that developed <br /> in a good, profitable and responsible way if I've got industry right on the other side of the ditch to <br /> my farm property. If I've got heavy industry there, that is going to be damaging for my potential <br /> for developing in the future. In the present, we need to know what kind of industry is going to go <br /> in there. We need to know what they will put into the air,the water and how it will affect wildlife. <br /> I have foxes, hawks, turkeys, deer, coyotes and a variety of wildlife. What kind of damage could <br /> industry potentially do to all of those things? I brought these concerns forth at the meeting on <br /> September 18th, 2018 so I won't go back through all those details again. What you choose to do <br /> with this property now will have impact on my property, on Mr. Matthys' property and others in <br /> that direction as well that may not want to see industry go into this location. I totally agree that <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld l South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.92211f 574.235.9173 I TTD 574.235.5567 j <br /> 10 <br />