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SOUTH Liz,d <br /> . cam/ <br /> XX <br /> 1865 <br /> OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK <br /> KAREEMAH FOWLER, Criry CLERh <br /> ZONING &ANNEXATION OCTOBER 8, 2018 4:30 P.M. <br /> Committee Members Present: Oliver Davis, John Voorde, Gavin Ferlic, Jo M. Broden, <br /> Nanci Yokom (citizen member) <br /> Committee Members Absent: None <br /> Other Council Present: Regina Williams-Preston, Jake Teshka, Tim Scott, Sharon <br /> L. McBride, Karen White (late) <br /> Other Council Absent: None <br /> Others Present: Kareemah Fowler, Bianca Tirado, Graham Sparks, Bob <br /> Palmer, Casey Colvin <br /> Presenters: Michael Divita, Jordan Wyatt, Pat Primmer, Brett Burkus, <br /> Steve Cardinal <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 18-57-Blad Annexation Area Fiscal Plan <br /> Bill No. 34-18- Blad Annexation Area <br /> Bill No. 18-58- Ceres Annexation Area Fiscal Plan <br /> Bill No. 35-18- Ceres Annexation Area <br /> Committee Chair Oliver Davis called to order the Zoning and Annexation Committee meeting at <br /> 4:30 p.m. He introduced members of the Committee and proceeded to give the floor to the Council <br /> Attorney. <br /> Bob Palmer, Council Attorney with offices located on the 4th floor of the County-City Building, <br /> stated, Both annexations that are on the agenda for tonight are voluntary annexations which are a <br /> little bit different than normal annexations that the Council is more accustomed to.As with normal <br /> annexations,the fiscal plan has to be passed before the annexation ordinance. The fiscal plan must <br /> be in place by resolution before the passage of the annexation ordinance. Because these are <br /> voluntary annexations, public notice of the public hearing on the annexations must be out by <br /> twenty (20) days before the public hearing. There will be a public hearing and then the Council <br /> cannot adopt the annexation ordinance until at least fourteen(14)days after the public hearing. So <br /> with these ordinances we have here,if there is any delay as far as passing the annexation ordinance <br /> tonight, it will have to be re-advertised and the twenty (20) day period would be reestablished <br /> before we can have another public hearing on the annexation. Followed would be another fourteen <br /> (14)days before the Council can pass the annexation ordinance. So unless the Council takes action <br /> INTEGRITY' SERVICE'ACCESSIBILITY <br /> JENNIFER M.COFFMAN BIANCA L.TIRADo JOSEPH R.MOLNAR <br /> CHIEF DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF POLICY ORDINANCE VIOLATION CLERK <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Blvd.I South Bend,Indiana 46601 I p 574.235.9221 I f 574.235.9173 I <br />