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� <br /> � �� � <br /> . c� <br /> �'o3;;�uard ii'i�. ro. `;; �9.37 ;:or. Ind. ?ub. °,cr. Cc. r 35.12 � <br /> .1. Clel�nd ;...J. �.00 Sc:le��ree�:ian 71,90 � <br /> . Geroer ::f�. �o. 94. 15 Soutii �end 3upp1;;* Co. 11.31 <br /> Gcrocr i_-'�;. Co. 315,50 South �end uunnlJ Co, ,60 <br /> :Iar�_r�ve iaint �a Varnisiz 5;F38 South 3en1 Suppl;� Co. �4,_3 <br /> J'��esville An_:arel Co. 125, 00 youth �end Supply Lo. 1,01 <br /> :�lbert ��ind 2.50 Soutn :,end Supnly Co, 1.29 <br /> 1�. G. :'eier Co. 71,II0 ieetcr Salea £; Service . 50 <br /> �. G. ?:eier Co. 3. 50 <br /> =IRE ��P:1?��TT'_3;i: Chiei' DeVleescno�,rer �.ras pre�ent a.-�d r.latt�rs ncrtain_n� <br /> =o iis uepar�:�ent �re_�e diucusUed, , <br /> .1 let�er -,ias prese�ted bJ tne Chici' indicatin� t::at ;le:cnder <br /> B�tcno, Charles ile'Jleeschorrer, Jr. , Jose�h ��,:orecl:i and 'ra-�L �'onl: <br /> nad a11 successiull;� nassed tiieir _�robationar�* ;�eriod an3 tae Cl�ief <br /> recor,�::iended tnat the;� be accepted as re�ular :�crlber� oi ti:e South Bend <br /> City �'ire i�epart�ent. The Eoard, �;7on i�i1e Chicf� s reco::�-7end�tion, <br /> acce7ted tne nuove ::en as re�ula-r rte•:Zber� oi the de7art�:�.ent, <br /> �aniel R, Ct:rmin�;hari, havir_� pas�ed ti:e ��h;;-aical e;:a.-.ination, �iven <br /> bj* tiie City �octor ar_d the Doctor an�;oin;.ed b� tne ?ire :en� � �ension �'und <br /> Trustees, i� herebJ appointed to the �ire De�art;:zent ior a-siv ��ontns <br /> nrouation p�rio�°i startin� ;ScntenUer 16, 1946, � <br /> �ne :ire Ciiief rras a1:+norized to be au�ent iio:i the City on <br /> Se;; e:ibcr 13 and 14th, � <br /> i OLIC-� il?P'1R'S'i:'.:��;i: Ciiief �verett rras �re�ent and rLat�crs pertainin� to <br /> n�,a denart��ent �,rere discussed. <br /> �'I.�C='iT_(�._�1� ��il��iJ.r.:i!:^• i.iP• ��i11�.1.^_.',:1 QU.31.1.^�� .`��11y7C1'1T1i.CT1.�C:1{".� 'iTLiS iY'C�SeYl'�". <br /> �nu :ia� �er� pertai—� n'�in� to ilis cienart:sent aere diacutised, <br /> .�i pctition�, ioz� t�e in�tallation oi tnree �treet li��ts at <br /> Putna� P1ace and Ci:stias Jrivc �ra� rePerred to i:r, Quallti ior inaesti- <br /> �a�ion aad report, ' <br /> iir. �ualls reco:v.iended a strect 1i�;ht at the inte-rsection oi Iron- <br /> �.rood �rive �n1 �onald Street. �iie �otiid a��;roved sw:.e and directed ::r, <br /> nualls to no�ify �:�e Tndiana and :'ichigan ;�;lectric Co':�ian� to ir.stall <br /> s���1e, <br /> iir. :?ualls rtas att�horized to at�end n cenvention ol the Interriational <br /> ':vnici�al �i�naL�en� s na�ociation in L:ia:�i, ?lo:ida on i;ove::iber lltli to <br /> 1•^-th inclusive, <br /> "�I^:iS �3S�,S : ilr. Cnarles T�urns, Ci�y Sealer, iiled his repor� <br /> ior -iie �,�e�e:i enain�, Septe.-�be^ 7, 1�:G, <br /> �'iiere Uein� no furt.zer businesU to cc�_ne be�ore i,'.ie �,oard, the *:�eetin� <br /> u�s a;ijourned at 11 : "`' ' " <br /> '�J ii•.... <br /> q n-�-,,,n <br /> -1 �_ r :nJr�. - <br /> � � �.ii a.�]_.ri:Za.�11 <br /> C eTr7-- <br /> Scptc-tber 1G, 1S�G <br /> ,1 re�;ulnr r.�eetin� of the i?o^rd oi �uolic SaSet-r ,ta� neld on i'on3a-r, <br /> Sent,enber 1G, 1�J4G at lO;OD :1,i", :;11 rie.nbers rrere �resent. I:inutes of <br /> the 1a�t r.teetin�; :�rere re�d �nd ap;moved, of the follor:ir_� Sunplie <br /> in t�.c �LZOUnt oP :,r1En,13 r�ere a_�proved and orciered paid: <br /> S�LL �cr:lan :; G7.31 Ir_:i, �. i?ich. �lec. Co. S 24,12 <br /> �tt�ir.ess S;;*�te;:i� � 57,F33 Geroer ;.iig, ro, ' <br /> iti.e� <br /> City '.,ater '.;orl:s 9,64 11. G. :,.eier Co, 1II,00 <br /> Citj* .ater ':;o�^l:� 1, 55 Sheeiian ?ire Service 3, 65 <br /> C1t')j -.JA�Cl' �.;or:.s ,�7 ;,outh ��end �lec, Co, �,4n <br /> The BoArd considered the matter of appointr.ient to the Police and Fire <br /> Departr.�ents t�.nd it was determined that in no instance would close relatives <br /> of inembers of either police or iire depart:nsnt be appointed to either <br /> Departnent. At the point of adoption it �vas further determined that first <br /> cousins or closer were considered close relatives. <br />