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� <br /> � � 1 <br /> Septc:�b�r 3, 19�-G <br /> ' :� reEular ::ieetin� oi the �o�rd of Public Safetf ❑:s held on Tuesda;�� <br /> SeutenUer 3� 19�LG at 10:00 p,;:i, 111 nember� rrere pre:sent, ilinutes oS the <br /> la�t rl�etir_�; rrere read ar.d ap_;roved. Clai::�� o� the follo��in� �u7;�liers in <br /> thc a:�oun� o� ,;>4�902,35 ;rere annroved anci ordered naid; <br /> Cencral 3cient'�fic Co. ,� 12,43 =ize '_?cC^iier^,; Co. ';. �.30 <br /> CitJ ':;ater .;or'..s 8,7G ^hc. i'cCaficr� Co. �� 21,76 <br /> _ ` ;� as., ili�. Co. 19.40 ' - 2.,,0 <br /> ';l:chnr� r i�e-2orial ..o�nitsl '" <br /> `°l=e Gib�on ;o:i_,:nf 159. 5II �;o;;al ifper�riter Co. �.47 <br /> India:ia 3e11 Telepi:one 15.�4- 3o�a1 �;;-ne-,rrSter Co. 27. 50 <br /> ' In1, ,:; i'ich. ';lec. Co, w6.44 Schci;�e::!an ,4,wOG.IIO <br /> 0�;3•rien Varnish �o. 5.05 Sc'.:illin�� � Inc. 6.95 <br /> ^ne Cnio Oil ;o. 103.70 G. ;eaver Co, 70.00 <br /> Lhe Oliio Oil Co. � ' <br /> 0.00 G. I7, '.�eaver Co. 1G0.00 <br /> 'ine :icCaficr;� Co, 1.57 <br /> ?IR� ��P�^�?�r?�_;l : Cniei' Je'Jleescho�rer cras present and r.iatters pert:3nin� <br /> �0 i113 Cp�^..Y' :';Cri�`, ',.iCPC (�1SCi1C,3CC�. <br /> Tiie si�ned contract ior t.le ,�urcha�e o� one S��arta:z 1000 �allon <br /> pu.�ner °ro_n the =h�ierican-Lai rance r�oa-�ite Cornoration r�as received b� <br /> the i�oard. <br /> �-„T;�- <br /> OLTr� ,)�;i_�.,�.:.,_?i: CiZicf �verett :ras nresent and *�a�ters i;eltainin� to <br /> nis epart�ent r:e_�e discussed, <br /> :1 �pecial nolice Co.�-7is�ion applicatior. and also a bond Por a s7ecial <br /> police cc:~�.lission �:rere approved anQ orclered liled Por Ja:�es �, '.�oo�ter, <br /> �he Chie1' r�ws autiio:ized to attcncl tl.e :;nnual Convcntion oi Police <br /> Chiefa in°ico Cit;;r Septe::ber 23rd to 27th lnclusive, <br /> �.ie Cler?: oi the �oard, ::avin� been authorized to do �o, contracted <br /> for ti2e ptL^ciiz�e o� one '*.eteor-Cadillac Li-1ou,inc A;nbulance ai, a nrice <br /> oi ;4,703,50 iro::� �iie _:eteor i:otor Co~ipnn;* oi iiqua, C:�io. <br /> , -':?����i-?1C_":L J_;.':�1�'=::I;:I'�;• :;I'. ��„1111A.":: �L`All.^�� .�L'.�E,'I'1ritE,'riC�E:lt.� SIiAS �1'0SG�11t <br /> an� i-�u��cr� per ainin; to nia cie��art_.e;�t .;ere ciiscuo�ed, <br /> Jpon i::r. ^aalls reco:�enda�ion, t.2e 3oard aprroved �he installntion <br /> Oi <.1 .^.t".TC(3t'. 11;'ll� 0:1 ii0:i.':1',700� :)i1VC DC�`.:"1CC11 :;OC1�1C �2'1VC 317C� ��y1t C'.].0 <br /> Street and :,:r. ����:a11� aas directe3 to notif;; t:.e I;lect-ric Conpan;; to instnll <br /> sa:�e. <br /> I.:r, �ualls inior.:�ed tne },oard tiiat s�reet li�hts orciered in at the <br /> intersec�ion� oi ::aeJ and Vacsar 3treets and :;en�:ood !�nd ?re_:�ent Stroets <br /> iiad Ueen instnlled and •,rere nor� in �eirTice. <br /> .!^:1(:iT',.'$ -'iJir:�:�; i:T. Ci1�T'ZC� ��L'5:13� (',1�� ,:�Cw.]_C1^� 1�11.CC1 ='7].3 report lOT <br /> „ne �,ree.c enuln� :lu�ust 51, 1�4G. <br /> ^iicre bein� no iurther bi.�ine�s to co:ie bciore the �oard� �ae :iee�ins <br /> rr,�� adjourned at 12:00 :Ioon. <br /> :1�1��SJ1 : �� . <br /> � C�:ai '::zn <br /> - C e r�: <br /> ' Septe:.ber 3� I946 <br /> .i re�izlar neetin� oi the :�oar1 of i'ublic aaiet;; �;aa held on :.:onda�r, <br /> Sep�c�uer �, 1��6 at 10 :00 .�.;.i. i:r C�xr�in�,a •rrss aUsent, i�inute� of the <br /> last r.leetin� .,ere reud and a�r,roved, Sal:r-J in �he mnount of <br /> 1529;651,15 �:re-_•c n,proved and or::ered r�id. C1.�.irsa of tne fo1lo-;rin�; �un_-lier� <br /> in the a:�oL.nt oi ,;77G,56 rrere an^roved cvnd o_dercl nai�: <br />