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� <br /> ��� <br /> ,1u�ust 19, 19�6 <br /> C, re�ular :-ieetin� oi tiie roard oi' ?ublic :,aPet;� �-�aa hcld on �,onda;,* <br /> �u�u:t 19, 1946 at 11:00 a.r.i. 1111 ne�bers rrere pre,ent. i:inutes of the <br /> last :neetin� ctere read and approved. -oi' the follorring suppliers <br /> in the a�ount oP ,;,192, GO �re�e approved a.nd ordered paici: <br /> ?erc� �li'ord ;;;, 3, 60 Iiorning Pride i:ii�. Co. ;� 20.64 <br /> Indi�a �e11 ^elennone 1II,00 ��or. In3. Pub, ;er. Co. 1.00 <br /> T:�e i:cCaiiery Co. 3. �£3 O�Brien Varnisn Co. 6,32 <br /> I:iedical Spocinitie� Co, 1:11 Sear� RoebucL- �� Co, 1.25 <br /> A. G. iieier £. Co. 3,50 ',;illian Crist 1.55 <br /> *Tidrrest nire ^ uafety Co. 130.00 D. B, S�iith �: Co. 2,05 <br /> ' nIR� Ji�P.LT�`�"_i�I?T: Cnief DeVlee�cnorrer :-ras 1 re�ent and matters peri;^inin� <br /> to his epar�:lent rrere discussed, <br /> 4n application rra� receivedand order.ed filed for Alf:ed i?er�:ian I�irsits. <br /> :'OLIC� il�P.'1Rl�I,�;iI1^: Chief �verett cras pre�ent and ::latters pertainin� to <br /> iils depar :ien i;�ere discussed. <br /> Lhe Chiei presented his report Sor t:ie r..onth of Jul;�, 19�6. <br /> Tl-iis bein�; tne date .set for receivin� bids for one necr ?olice 11s'�Uulance, <br /> and no bids havin� been received by �he Eoard, tae Clerl; oi the �oard rras <br /> authorized to contrsct for the nurcna�e oi' sa.-1e. <br /> ihis being .the ciate aet for receivin� bids for the installation oP <br /> overnead doors i'or the police station gara�;e, one bid �:ras iiled b;� the <br /> Sollitt Construction Co�nnany of Soutn Bend. Said 'oia ;ra� keclared ir.i- <br /> proper and insufficient in fo:±: a-�d .aas rejected in ioi.:i. Thr Clerl; of <br /> �he �oard rras autnorized to contract £or t:ie installation oi tho over- <br /> hea3 doors and tne co~ipletion of the ��orl: at a price not to esceed that <br /> of tne rejected bid, , <br /> A letter t�n� received irrnn the Chiei oi Police ir.dicatin� tiint Ofi'icer <br /> '�ice had b�en suspended ior the violation of �ule i1o, 12 of tae 3ules and <br /> ' �e�;ulations of tize South .;end 'rolice �epart-lent. . <br /> Officer Rice hnving �,:aived for_:ial notice nnd preli::�inar;,� hearin� <br /> appeared before the Hoard at their re�ular ?::eetin�, _liter a. full discus�ien <br /> oi the evidence the �oard fot�sid Officer �ice ;uiltJ as char�ed and fined <br /> hirs one :;ontl:s na�� �nd the ti�ie lost rrnile ne r�as su�pended, ^1he fiae to be <br /> n^id into the Police Fension it:nu at the rate ai '�25,00 per r.lonth until <br /> paid, <br /> �:L�Cl�IC:� ,7�PA".'�i:�Ili: .ir. ;iillia-1 C?ualls, Superinten3ent, rta� ni:esent and <br /> 7.1%1i,LeY'S per�ainin� t0 17.°. 3CP<3P�::1C71,�. CTCIE C:13CU.S3C3. <br />, ^ua11s presented a report on li,�htin�, condition� at the intersection <br /> oi' Tiiirtieth and iiastin�s �treets� and reco::�-�ended the installation oi a <br /> 4000 l�en li�ht. Upon :.:r, c�uall� .rece:r.iendation .the �oard ordered tne <br /> light installed os:d directed i:r. �,ualls to ���p17 i'or sa.�:e. <br /> �:r. ^ualls inPorried the �oard that street li�hts ordered in at Calvert <br /> arid Catalpa Street � and I?ash :nd �ubail Street� naci been ins;,alled and c�ei e <br /> no:� in service, <br /> � netition nas receive3� ior the ins�allation of a street light <br /> at the interoection oP ilonald ;,treet a7d Irom:rood �rive, ihis r�ns r ei errr_d <br /> to i:ir. �ua11s for inve�ti��tion and report. <br /> ?'r, �ua11s -�resented a re;�ort on lir;ntin� conditions at Huron Street <br /> ::iere it is crossed by the i+er� �or:: Central and tne� Jerse�, Indiana ond <br /> Illinois -^,silrosds, ihe Board directed l�tter� to the above nentioned rail- <br /> roads directing tne::1 to install li�hts at thi� intersection� t:�hich ::1a� be <br /> �aid ior jointly b;� tne:n, aithin the nevt si.cty da3s. <br /> There being no further buviness to co�e before the �oard, the :�eeting nas <br /> adjour:led at 12 :15 ;,:;, <br /> i�n r''T��-. <br /> � Cna r:�an <br /> C er: <br />